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Muhammad Mujtaba Shafique's image
Question added by Muhammad Mujtaba Shafique RJ Dream Fm106
8 years ago
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Yasir Khilji's image  
Answer added by  Yasir Khilji, assistant physician, Sindh institute of urology & transplantation
6 years ago

first a little correction is needed , its foley's catheter not folly's cheater. sterlization is an art which enables us to re use equipments without producing s ... See More

Alaa Najem Najem's image  
Answer added by  Alaa Najem Najem, service engineer, GE medical equipment distributer in Iraq/Kurdistan region
7 years ago

use plasma sterilization method, it is the possibility, under appropriate conditions, of achieving such a process at relatively low temperatures (≤50 °C), preserving the ... See More

john abai's image  
Answer added by  john abai, general helper with Ambrose Ali University Co-operative Ekpom
6 years ago

gamma ray or plasma sterilization method

Zakaria Asriani's image  
Answer added by  Zakaria Asriani, housekiping supervisor, the biltmor hotel tbilisi
6 years ago

In my opinion, sterilization is a mandatory safety month and maintenance of cleanliness and hygiene

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Answer added by  Sultan Alghamdi
8 years ago

It is a returned check that does not have the funds available to be deemed good.