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Neha Gangadiya's image
Question added by Neha Gangadiya Branch Manager Europe Study Centre
9 years ago
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Mohammad Nazrul's image
Question added by Mohammad Nazrul Physician Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Hospital
10 years ago
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Question added by Deleted user
9 years ago
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مروان لحدادني's image  
Answer added by  مروان لحدادني, مسير فرع للملابس النسائية, Fadwa shop
1 year ago

دور المرشد الاكاديمي يتمحور في تهيئةالطلاب المستجدين والترحيب بهم في أول يوم دراسي وتعريفهم على لوائح وقوانين الجامعة والبيئة الجامعية. مساعدة الطلاب على اختيار التخصص ال ... See More

Ezzeddine Soualhia's image  
Answer added by  Ezzeddine Soualhia, محلل مركزي, جامعة قفصة
1 year ago

المرشد الأكاديمي للطالب الجامعي بالمؤسسات الجامعية له دور مركزي بالحياة الطلابية حيث يمكنه توفير خدمات التوجيه والإرشاد والمرافقة للطلبة وخاصة في ما يتعلّق بمتطلبات سوق ا ... See More

khalid alnababtah's image  
Answer added by  khalid alnababtah, Senior Lecturer/ Deputy Course Lead, Birmingham City University
1 year ago

Having experience with the personal tutor (PT) the academic assessor, I believe this role is very important to students especially when they feel that their voice is hear ... See More

amina ahmed's image  
Answer added by  amina ahmed, باحثة قانونية, وزارة التموين
1 year ago

له أهمية في تدريب الطالب ومعرفته بطريقة وأسلوب الأسئلة ونماذج الامتحانات وتأهيله لدخول الامتحان  ... See More

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Answer added by  Deleted user
9 years ago

A certificate will get you the interview, but without "proper knowledge" you are unlikely to get past the interview process. The conundrum here is getting to th ... See More

Mohammad Rizwanul Haque's image  
Answer added by  Mohammad Rizwanul Haque, Administration Manager, Oren Hydrocarbons ME FZCo.
10 years ago

Of course it is more important to get a proper knowledge than the certificate. But the certificate is also necessary and @ No.2

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Answer added by  Deleted user
9 years ago

This is my first post here. I am an active researcher in this area. Of course it is very important that the candidate acquire the knowledge. Candidate cannot be or should ... See More