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  • Eissa Ahmed Hamood Mohammed Ali Almoradi
  • Hussein Ibrahim
    • Hussein Ibrahim

      Trade Development Executive

      Gulf Taleed Commercial Services Company-Seconded Philip Morris International

      United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi

  • zameer soomro
    • zameer soomro


      Trade Development Authority of Pakistan

      Pakistan - Karachi

  • Michael Okereke
  • Lina Shbaitah
    • Lina Shbaitah

      Business Consultant


      Palestine - Ramallah and Al Bireh

  • Shivani Pandey
  • Asma Redjil
  • Ala'a  Al-Nosaier
    • Ala'a Al-Nosaier

      Assistant Vice President & Head of Trade Finance Operations

      First Abu Dhabi Bank

      Saudi Arabia - Riyadh

  • Babaalla Zakarya