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Muhammad Osama's image
Question added by Muhammad Osama Digital Marketing Nomadic Advertising
7 years ago
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Jamil Ansari's image
Question added by Jamil Ansari Windows Administrator - Lead IBM India Pvt. Ltd
7 years ago
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John Marko's image  
Answer added by  John Marko, database administrator, Central Bank of south Sudan
8 years ago

forward look up zone is used to convert the human meaningful name (domain name) which is in easy to understand format to computer meaningful name (IP address), however re ... See More

Answer added by  MD JUBAYER RIYEL, Network Administrator, TBN BD LTD
6 years ago

Check your services which you have run and which you have not.if you find any unknown service then remove it

Saud Rahman's image  
Answer added by  Saud Rahman, System Administrator, Pakistan Revenue Automation Ltd.
6 years ago

Windows Server issues donot occur daily . Make sure to check regular backups for servers daily. If backup fails check event viewer to see reason, try to fix issue.  

Yasir Babar's image  
Answer added by  Yasir Babar, IT Administrator, American School of Creative Science
6 years ago

There is no need to check for daily issues in windows system server administration. Use a server backup scheduled as per your requirements. always stay on TOP.   

Default profile image  
Answer added by  Deleted user
6 years ago

You need to check for disk sapce , CPU and Memroy utiliztaion and once a week for defragmenttaion of the drive for a server , for services like ADDS and other scope of th ... See More

sherif ali's image  
Answer added by  sherif ali, Technical Support, ARDIC for Real Estate Development and Investmen
6 years ago

DNS. (Domain Name System) The Internet's system for converting alphabetic names into numeric IP addresses Forward DNS lookup is using an Internet domain name to find ... See More