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How to use ADSL splitter at home if you have 4 telephone wires at 4 rooms , what is splitter contain of ?

Can I use4 splitter one for the data and3 for telephone , or thats wronge , is there another Ideas ?

Question added by Deleted user
Date Posted: 2014/06/27
Mazher Ahmed
by Mazher Ahmed , IT Head , Group Five Pipe Saudi

Can you tell, whether you have only one telephone connection and the distribute the same line on other rooms. In this case, you can use the ADSL splitter at the main point. Splitter have2 outputs and one input, one output is for DSL modem ( for Data ) and other is for Telephone. Put the Splitter first, then put the ADSL router in the Data end. Now you can distribute telephone lines in all other rooms from the Telephone end from the splitter.



amir nasr
by amir nasr , Technical Office Assistant , Orascom Hotels & Development Co

put the main feeding line in the input for the splitter then u have2 outs1 called modem use that for ADSL router & the other called phone u can use that for all phone lines in4 rooms. but becarful if u put the splitter input from any other line not the main then u will face problems in using phone & internet cut  

Jestin Mannil Abraham
by Jestin Mannil Abraham , IT Administrator , ELAN Incorporated FZE

put the main feeding line in the input for the splitter then u have 2 outputs, 1 for the modem use that for ADSL router & the other called phone u can use that for all phone lines in 4 rooms. 

Ahmed Salah
by Ahmed Salah , Technical Support , القومية نت

all of 4 wires are connected together in one wire to connect to splitter from phone outlet  .

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