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What does data governance implies for? And how can it improve quality control at work?

The concept, its objectives, who drives this process and how?

Question ajoutée par Lubna Al-Sharif , Medical Laboratory Technician , Nablus Specailized Hospital
Date de publication: 2013/06/21
Lubna Al-Sharif
par Lubna Al-Sharif , Medical Laboratory Technician , Nablus Specailized Hospital

Dear all, -- I would like to greet your impressive answer you enriched me and everyone who seeks for answer in this filed, and I hope you will accept my modest participation by this answer: = Data governance refers to high-level, corporate, or enterprise policies and strategies that define the purpose for collecting data, the ownership of data, and the intended use of data, in order get overall management of Data availability, usability, integrity, and security.
= A sound data governance program includes a governing body or council, a defined set of procedures, and a plan to execute those procedures.
Accountability and responsibility flow from data governance and the data governance plan is the framework for overall organizational approach to data governance.
= To implement a data governance program, we have to implant: -
1- Assessment in defining the owners or custodians of the data assets in the enterprise -
2- A policy must be developed that specifies who is accountable for various portions or aspects of the data, including its accuracy, accessibility, consistency, completeness, and updating.
3- Processes must be defined concerning how the data is to be stored, archived, backed up, and protected from mishaps, theft, or attack.
4- A set of standards and procedures must be developed that defines how the data is to be used by authorized personnel.
5- A set of controls and audit procedures must be put into place that ensures ongoing compliance with government regulations.
= Data (information) Governance is based on ensuring data Quality; data collection process that satisfies a given purpose and reaches a degree of excellence.
Processes and technologies are involved to insure the conformance of data values to business requirements and acceptance.
In addition, information governance provides parameters based on organizational and compliance policies, processes, decision rights, and responsibilities.
= In practice of data quality, data governance is a concern of professionals involved with a wide range of information systems, ranging from data warehousing and business intelligence to customer relationship management and supply chain management.
= In fact, data problems caused by possible deviation from its right dimensions (i.e.
becoming out of accuracy, correctness, currency, relevance and completeness), are such a concern that companies are beginning to set up a data governance team whose sole role in the corporation is to be responsible for data quality.
= In some organizations, this data governance function has been established as part of a larger Regulatory Compliance function - recognition of the importance of Data/Information Quality to organizations.
= Data Governance role in maintaining data quality requires going through the data periodically and scrubbing it.
Typically this involves updating it, standardizing it, and de-duplicating records to create a single view of the data, even if it is stored in multiple disparate systems.
= When an effective data entry and collection environment exists, staff will spend less time and money correcting errors and more time on other tasks, such as the instructional program.
= Data governance works on facilitating the culture of data quality, in order to easily meet the policy and regulatory demands of the various agencies that require information.
When you have confidence in the data provided, you are more likely to survive an audit, and you will have: --- Clear standards and guidelines for data quality --- Staff with the needed skills and information to enter data correctly.
--- Workable calendars and timelines to make sure the data are available when needed; and technology support in place to support these efforts.
BEST REGARDS, Lubna Al-Sharif

Arshad Dorez
par Arshad Dorez , Senior processing Specialist , Citi / First Data

This tool can be use as an internal audit for the company which can tell you weakness and strength of the company and also provide the guide line to improve the process and gain the quality standards.
Accuracy of the data and the target segment as a goal should reflects as the line of action first and the follow the rules to achieve positive results.
Good question

Amrut Desai
par Amrut Desai , former Managing Director & Country Manager India & SriLanka , Hohenstein India Pvt Ltd-fully owned by Hohenstein Institute GmbH Germany

Here is an attempt to provide an answer to this important question.
bear with me for any incnsistencies Data governance is in fact a quality control discipline for assessing, managing, using, improving, monitoring, maintaining, and protecting organizational information.
It is a system of decision rights and accountabilities for information-related processes, executed according to agreed-upon models which describe who can take what actions with what information, and when, under what circumstances, using what methods.
The discipline embodies a convergence of data quality, data management, data policies, business process management, and risk management surrounding the handling of data in an organization.
Through data governance, organizations are looking to exercise positive control over the processes and methods used by their data stewards and data custodians to handle data.
Data governance encompasses the people, processes, and information technology required to create a consistent and proper handling of an organization's data across the business enterprise.
Goals may be defined at all levels of the enterprise and doing so may aid in acceptance of processes by those who will use them.
Some goals include: • Increasing consistency and confidence in decision making • Decreasing the risk of regulatory fines • Improving data security • Maximizing the income generation potential of data • Designating accountability for information quality • Enable better planning by supervisory staff • Minimizing or eliminating re-work • Optimize staff effectiveness • Establish process performance baselines to enable improvement efforts • Acknowledge and hold all gain These goals are realized by the implementation of Data governance programs, or initiatives using Change Management techniques.
PEOPLE: The role of people in data governance is of paramount importance.
Inculcating data sensitivity throughout the organization is essential.
Storage , modification and distribution of data across the organization, maintaining the data integrity assume greatest significance in today’s people ready organizations.
PROCESS: In an organization , the data governance process starts with Creation, Documentation and Implementation of data governance policies.
Procedures as envisaged in the policy/s facilitate data consistency, data standardisation and data reusability in the organization.
When establishing the norms data quality should be defined and monitored thoroughly to cover parameters like completeness, conformity and consistency while maintaining data integrity.
TECHNOLOGY Technology is a great enabler for improving data quality and maintaining data governance in accordance with people and process.
Leveraging technology in the right places results in data governance transparent and seamless.
This is achieved by providing the right work flow for maintaining data quality and integrity through out the business life cycle.
Data governance is analogous with maintaining and managing storage and security of sensitive data.
Excellent data governance enables users and managers to focus on running the business while being entirely confident that reports and numbers are accurate and reflect the true position of a quality assurance quality control exercise or that of the organization.
Data Governance and its role in laboratory Quality Control A laboratory is a challenging working environment.
Protecting people, assets and the environment from explosives and avoiding cross-contamination in a laboratory are vital and also subject to strict regulatory requirements.
In addition, ensuring data storage without gaps or losses is absolutely necessary to be compliant and stay competitive while at the same time make sure your employees feel safe and comfortable.
Application of regulatory compliance such as Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) and Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures (ER/ES) LIMS – with the need to manage larger volumes of data, while complying with stricter regulations and achieving higher quality and efficiency levels, it requires Laboratory Information Management Systems.
Such a system as part of Organizations overall data governance policy, facilitates to decrease sample turnaround and improve accuracy of the results by automating the laboratory processes and integrating the equipment with our Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) solution.
Through the use of techniques such as barcoding, errors are decreased while productivity and quality increase.
LIMS also provides management and business level reporting to monitor the activities throughout the lab.
in-built QA/QC system allows users to achieve immediate data validation as information is captured.
Only valid field values and labels are accepted, ensuring consistent logging standards are applied across multiple staff or sites.
Finally, the data governance aspect on document control plays a crucial role as well.
The term document control refers to a group of information- management practices related to documents.
There is no uniformly accepted definition of what constitutes document control in test laboratory.
Experience reveals that, the term is applied to a variety of different document types and a variety of control practices.
Commonly, laboratory managers, as envisaged in the data governance policy, apply the term document control to laboratory policies and procedures, but the term is sometimes also applied to laboratory forms, work aids, and to laboratory records that include SOPs or quality data.
Document control practices generally include provisions to ensure that documents are available to staff who need them, are current, have been properly authorized by the laboratory director or by someone the director appoints, and are properly archived when taken out of service.
Document control is an important component of quality management and promotes consistency through standardization.
Yet, in spite of the emphasis on document management by accrediting and standard-setting organizations this important aspect is not strictly adhered to by many laboratories as many organizations, data governance is a back-burner It's difficult to quantify the value of data in dollar terms, but data is one of the most important assets of any business.
Without data standards and quality, businesses don't function well.
They can't serve their customers adequately, and dissatisfied customers tend to speak with their wallets.
Therefore, in any data governance effort, appreciation for the true value of business data is critical, along with C-suite financial support for the time, effort and expense to effectively manage that data.

Frank Avitia
par Frank Avitia , Managing Director , AIS Investment Services

Data governance describes an evolutionary process for a company, altering the company’s way of thinking and setting up the processes to handle information so that it may be utilized by the entire organization.
Data governance ensures that data can be trusted and that people can be made accountable for any adverse event that happens because of low data quality.
It is about putting people in charge of fixing and preventing issues with data so that the enterprise can become more efficient.

Kunle Adelaja
par Kunle Adelaja , Vice President , Constant Capital Markets & Securities Limited

Data governance is a strategic discipline and framework that deals with managing, organizing, and safeguarding an organization's data assets. It involves defining and implementing policies, procedures, and controls to ensure data is accurate, consistent, secure, and accessible to the right people at the right time. The primary objectives of data governance are:

1. Data Quality and Integrity: Ensuring data accuracy, consistency, completeness, and reliability, which leads to improved decision-making and better business outcomes.

2. Data Security and Privacy: Protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access, ensuring compliance with regulations and industry standards.

3. Data Access and Usage: Defining clear guidelines for data access, usage, and sharing to avoid data misuse and maintain data confidentiality.

4. Data Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: Meeting legal and regulatory obligations related to data handling, retention, and reporting.

5. Data Lifecycle Management: Managing data throughout its lifecycle, from creation to archival or disposal, to prevent data proliferation and unnecessary storage costs.

6. Data Transparency and Accountability: Ensuring data-related activities are transparent, and clear roles and responsibilities are defined to enhance accountability.

7. Data Integration and Interoperability: Facilitating seamless data integration across systems and departments to avoid data silos and promote data sharing.

8. Data Culture: Fostering a data-driven culture where data is valued as a critical asset and used to drive business decisions.

The process of driving data governance typically involves multiple stakeholders within an organization. The following parties play essential roles in the data governance process:

1. Executive Sponsorship: Data governance initiatives require support from top-level executives who provide the necessary resources, set the strategic direction, and champion the importance of data governance across the organization.

2. Data Stewards: Data stewards are responsible for managing and maintaining data assets. They ensure data quality, enforce data policies, and act as subject matter experts on specific data domains.

3. Data Owners: Data owners are accountable for the data within specific business areas. They have the authority to make decisions about data usage, access, and security.

4. Data Governance Council/Committee: This cross-functional group oversees data governance efforts, defines policies, resolves data-related issues, and sets priorities for data management initiatives.

5. Data Users: These are the individuals or departments that rely on data for their day-to-day operations. They need to adhere to data governance policies and use data responsibly.

To improve quality control at work, data governance plays a significant role in the following ways:

1. Data Quality Standards: Data governance establishes and enforces data quality standards, ensuring that data used for decision-making is accurate and reliable.

2. Data Validation and Auditing: Through data governance practices, organizations can implement regular data validation and auditing processes to identify and rectify data quality issues.

3. Data Ownership and Accountability: Data governance assigns data ownership to specific individuals or departments, fostering accountability for data quality and integrity.

4. Data Documentation: Proper data governance involves documenting data definitions, business rules, and data lineage, enhancing transparency and facilitating data quality control.

5. Data Access Controls: By defining access controls, data governance ensures that only authorized personnel have access to critical data, reducing the risk of data manipulation or misuse.

6. Data Process Monitoring: Data governance allows organizations to monitor data processes, ensuring data is collected, stored, and transformed in a controlled and consistent manner.

7. Data Training and Awareness: Data governance initiatives often include data training and awareness programs, empowering employees to use data effectively and responsibly.

By implementing effective data governance practices, organizations can improve data quality control, leading to more reliable insights and informed decision-making, which ultimately enhances overall business performance.

سامر امين محمد طه أمين
par سامر امين محمد طه أمين , رقيب شرطة مهني , الإدارة العامة للحوسبة والاتصالات

Quality control in the workplace depend on the experience and qualifications of the person who leads the astronomical tuning this process to be successful it is essential that a person is fully aware of the practitioner work and how to master the work, as well as data management.
I hope that I was able to answer the question and thank you

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