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Do you believe, JavaScript still is the world's most misunderstood programming language?

If not then how do you really been using the good parts and care about the awesomeness of the most popular dynamic language on the planet.

Question added by Mohammad Arif , Principal Engineer UI , NatWest Group
Date Posted: 2013/06/22
Mohammad Arif
by Mohammad Arif , Principal Engineer UI , NatWest Group

JavaScript was always about 'bad parts' and people never looked at 'good parts' until after2004 when google came up with GMAIL using standards-compliant 'Cross Browser' AJAX.
Developer always got to see bad parts since it's inception in1994, thanks to Brendan Eich who did develop in '20 days', did I say20 days yes.
JS was always much more capable then what we use to write it, it had everything from Imperative and structured (C-like syntax), Dynamic (dynamic typing, object based, run-time evaluation), Functional, Prototype-based etc.
In2006/2005, jQuery/prototype have came into the picture and things had started changing, it was no more toy language, entire paradigm has been changed since then and now we now we can do with JavaScript.
'Firefox Mobile OS' is the clear example which has written entirely in JavaScript and still there is not to come in the next version of JS which - Native Modules - Classes - Maps - Proxies .......
It's a long list of features, you can find the same at Stay tuned folks, you would hear a lot in coming years about and Harmony.

Okeowo Remi
by Okeowo Remi , Software Engineer , Interswitch Group

Its because most people come from a Static language like C++,C# and Java but in JavaScript things are very different, especially without the concept of a class, and the fact that the "this" in JavaScript is another confusing part as it tends to change depending on the scope of where it's been used, I find JavaScript fun its very flexible.

Audai Barghoothi
by Audai Barghoothi , مترجم , فاين لصناعة الورق الصحّي

Really I love it ...
maybe J.S Hard to Learn Fast compare to the other but it give amazing result faster it is very flexible language ...
and yes I think yes the most dynamic language I ever know

Deleted user
by Deleted user

I find it a lil bit hard2.
but when I started working with JQuery and knew some of it's basics, am rethinking to learn a lil bit more about JS.
It''s a lil bit hard2 read and understand, compared to C# and other OOP languages

Muhammed Nadeem Nadeemalam
by Muhammed Nadeem Nadeemalam , employee , the next idea

java Script is one of the most popular programming languages and it is easy to learn and understanding.

irfan shaikh
by irfan shaikh , Consultant : Senior Web Designer/Front end Developer , Client : ● Impact Proximity, Dubai ● Cube Solution, Dubai ● WAC, Sharjha ● KIOEC, Kuwait ● IRIS Ltd.

It is obvious thought with javascript as its not pure OOP, loosely type, no specific environment, not centralize but think about the awesomeness of JS it is opensource, ton of resources out there in form of plugin, library, utilities, along with Ajax, jsnode etc.
when all this combine you can do the wonder.

Prathmesh Agarwadekar
by Prathmesh Agarwadekar , web designer , EL Shaddai Charitable Trust

Java Script is one of the best languages and easy to learn and understand. Its the parent of languages like Jquery and Angular JS. But the only issue with JS is that it is blocked by many browsers. However those browsers always provide the option to unblock the javascript contents according to the convinence of the users. 

Taha Hanif
by Taha Hanif , Software Developer , Design Your Site

Java Script  is one of the world's most popular programming languages.

It’s an imperative language drawing on object-oriented concepts (in this way it’s like like C++, Perl, Java, PHP, Ruby). Many developers assumes JavaScript is a functional language…” is not correct.

In my opinion, “non object oriented”, “not capable of using object oriented programming techniques” or “procedural”.

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