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What's the difference between one-pass compiler and multi-pass compiler?

Question added by Deleted user
Date Posted: 2014/08/07

one-pass compiler and multi-pass compiler

Emad Mohammed said abdalla
by Emad Mohammed said abdalla , ERP & IT Software, operation general manager . , AL DOHA Company

  1. A one-pass compiler is a compiler that passes through the source code of each compilation unit only once. A multi-pass compiler is a type of compiler that processes the source code or abstract syntax tree of a program several times.
  2. A one-pass compilers is faster than multi-pass compilers
  3. A one-pass compiler has limited scope of passes but multi-pass compiler has wide scope of passes.
  4. Multi-pass compilers are sometimes called wide compilers where as one-pass compiler are sometimes called narrow compiler.
  5. Many programming languages cannot be represented with a single pass compilers, for example Pascal can be implemented with a single pass compiler where as languages like Java require a multi-pass compiler.

Junaid Saleem
by Junaid Saleem , System Analyst , Knight Group

simply one pass compiler is atransaltor which we using in GW-Basic and old language

and multipass compliler is compiler