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'Fayol vs Taylor'. How do you see it?

Fayol has been regarded by many as the father of the modern operational management theory, and his ideas have become a fundamental part of modern management concepts. Fayol is often compared to Frederick Winslow Taylor who developed Scientific Management. Taylor's Scientific Management deals with the efficient organization of production in the context of a competitive enterprise that is concerned with controlling its production costs.

Question added by Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India
Date Posted: 2014/08/23

I think this require a clear and comprehnsive coverage:

Henry Fayol () The pioneer to develop the Modern theory of Management by contributing his “Principles of Management”

 Fayol's principles are listed below:

1.          Division of Work

2.          Authority .

3.          Discipline 

4.           Unity of Command

5.           Unity of Direction

6.           Subordination of Individual Interests to the General Interest 

7.            Remuneration 

8.           Centralization 

9.           Scalar Chain 

10.         Order 

11.          Equity 

12.         Stability of Tenure of Personne

13.         Initiative 

14.         Esprit de Corps 


Fayol's Six Functions of Management

1.        Forecasting.

2.        Planning.

3.        Organizing.

4.        Commanding.

5.        Coordinating.

6.        Controlling.

Henry Fayol : Classified the Business and Objectives(Technbical/Functional/Financial/Security-wise/Activity-wise/Managerial wise)—Clearly Defined the Functions of Management—Formulated the Principles of Management.


Henry Fayol  by  clearly defining these principles which strongly put a base for the Modern School of thought  on which lines the Scientific Management Theory of Management  and are considered as the Structures to the Modern Theory and F W Taylor is the prominent developer of Fayol’s defined basic principles and Functions,

Keeping in view of the findings of Fayol..........


 F W TAYLOR ()  developed his Scientific Management Theory :

1.    Fw Taylor believes that there is a science for doing each job

2.      Recommended the replacement of Scientific Methods Instead of Rule of Thumb

3.      He believes there is one best way of doing a given job under any circumstances

4.      He defined Management as the art of Knowing Exactly what you want men to do and see that they do it in the Best  and Cheapest way.

The main elements of his findings are: Work Study—Use of Standard Tools and Equipments—Scientific selection and Placement of the Work Force—Training the workers properly—Introduction of Functional Foremanship—Introduction of Costing System—Mental revolution of the workforce.

In short F W Taylor declared one Innovative way and to do the things Scientifically, what Fayol was in his mind Taylor put this into practice with Innovative and Scientific Thoughts.




Ahmad Hawa


The difference between Frederick Taylor and Henry Fayol, that Taylor's interest was towards the workshop and factory, the development of the industry and the machine and the high costs were the reason for all this attention, in his book (Principles of Scientific Management1911) explained that the importance of working to achieve efficiencies between the worker and the machine through the study of movement and time, it has Taylor suggested that the work is divided into small portions and the search for the best he can do, and then re-integrate these parts again effectively, and this process is called "time and motion study." The criticism of the Taylor theory has been neglected human side , and ignored the human emotions and relationships , and focused on Machine and human as a productivity elements , and the wage increase is the main engine to raise the level of performance.

 important Taylor's principles are as follows:


1. bring scientific methods instead of the primitive methods which are based on judgment and guessing.


2. selection of professionals and trained scientifically correct.


3. cooperation with management staff to implement the actions required instead of conflict.


4. equitable division of labor between the management and workers; Administration, where she holds the planning and organization of work.


5. separate planning work on the work force so that everyone that doing his duty efficiently.


6. identify the important elements of the task and focus on them


while Fayol discussed the management concept through the concept of a comprehensive ,In1916, Henri Fayol presented his book entitled Industrial Management and Public talked to many topics, including the characteristics and qualities of managers, and the principles of14 from division of work until Cooperation(team work) , and all company or institution must be applied to the activities of technical (production) and commercial activities (buying and selling) and activities financial (capital and use it efficiently) and accounting activities, and finally administrative activities (planning, organizing, directing, coordination, supervision).


So We find that Fayol discussed the administration in terms of the elements, principles, and functions, and the characteristics of managers, so it was a concept in general and not specifically on the level of a workshop or factory.


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