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BABY BOOMERS: Born in1946 to1964 MILLENNIALS: Born in1982 to2000
Millennial Generation: Born after1980 and age28 & younger
Baby Boomer Generation : Born betwwen1965 to1980 and age45 to63
Many differences for example,
77% milennials use smartphones as compared to34% of baby boomers. There goes your mobile advertising difference.
Millennials are more multitasking as compared to baby boomers. There goes your difference between digital remarketing strategies.
Baby Boomers are more likely to repsond on friend's page or post as compared to Millennials who are more likely to update their status or profile. Difference between SMM tactics.
Baby boomers more likely to be influenced by their family and friends review or recommendation when making a purchase as compared to millenials and on the contrary more Millenails can be influnced by review and recommendations from strangers when making a purchase as compared to Baby Boomers
Millennials are more brand loyal.
Attention span