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Do HR Leaders need a degree?

Question added by Mohd Asif Ansari , HR Administrator , Al Nasseej Al Arabi Factory Co. Ltd.
Date Posted: 2014/09/02
Deleted user
by Deleted user

a Some HR mistakes, for choice Employees, That is back for he is not Expert in All Jobs, That Not bad in him, There is limit for Employees HR

Saiful Islam Hiron
by Saiful Islam Hiron , Site HR Manager , Handicap International

MBA on Human Resource Management or post graduate diploma on HRM.

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

MBA if he didn't have more experience

if he expert don't required but in the day he must get it


Mohammad Rizwanul Haque
by Mohammad Rizwanul Haque , Administration Manager , Oren Hydrocarbons ME FZCo.


Yes ! of course,

HR Leader must have knowledge and efficiency which comes through education and Degree.

Divyesh Patel
by Divyesh Patel , Assistant Professional Officer- Treasury , City Of Cape Town


A degreed HR leader will generally prove more effective and more sought after than a person without a degree.

Ismi Puji Hastuti
by Ismi Puji Hastuti , English Teacher , SMK Widya Taruna

Leader talent comes first, experiences is required for being a leader, any degree can be a HR leader. HR degree can be taken anytime to support occupation expertise of HR. It's my personal opinion indeed. Thank you

Aysha Rasool Mirza
by Aysha Rasool Mirza , Business Development Executive , Raaziq Logistics

I think learning is a continuous and constant process. A degree only shows a tag or satisfaction for a certification so that the process become shorter and easier. 

hossam azzam
by hossam azzam , Fast food restaurant,s manager. , alexandria-egypt

Thanks for the invitation

Well.................Yes, for sure

HR leaders must have the wide competence, academic

experience , sure the good knowledge , broad

access & the eligible study, which is obtained through the  degree.

Vinod Jetley
by Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

Human Resources leaders need degrees. If you are considering a career in Human Resources, or trying to advance your current career, a Bachelors degree, and even a Masters degree, will assist you to achieve your goals and dreams.

Degrees have become more important in most fields, but nowhere has the shift occurred quite as dramatically as in HR. As organizational expectations of the potential contributions of an HR pro have increased, the need for the HR leader to possess both experience and a degree has increased, too. In fact, a degree is becoming essential.

Alaa Ibrahiem
by Alaa Ibrahiem , SHE Engineer , Many companies and projects as on Cv.

What it does mean ?  IF you found a company won more than K.D. in Kuwait - and not hiring from local workers in Kuwait . 


HR is a quality concept. The Quality of his influence depends of Quality of  his Knowledge and Experience backed by good academic support.

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