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When people speak about bottom line, they are referring to: a. gross profit b. profit margin c. net profit

Question added by Almutaz Bakry Sidahmed , Internal Audit Manager , Banan real estate
Date Posted: 2014/09/12
Jaycee Amado, CB, RCA, CAT, CPA
by Jaycee Amado, CB, RCA, CAT, CPA , Accountant , Golden gulf travel& tourism

answer profit

Rashad Moursi
by Rashad Moursi , Financial and Administrative Officer & international Business Transformer, Hotel Owner Reprs. , Investment and financial

NP. ( net profit )

Joseph Ambooken
by Joseph Ambooken , Chief Accountant , Abdulaziz M Al Omran Corp.

c. net profit ( Cash)

Mohammed Ismael
by Mohammed Ismael , Finance Manager , confidintional

the point you mentioned is net profit but it should be cash profit

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