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Social Media marketing vs Digital Media marketing. Which one is best?

Question added by Hany Sewilam Abdel Hamid , Director of Sales and Marketing , Creative Sense
Date Posted: 2014/09/18
Zeshan Jaffari
by Zeshan Jaffari , Social Business Scpecialist , Komfo

Social Media Marketing is a subset of Digital Marketing and the best strategy is to use them in a well thought mixed way. Social Media is more alive and hybrid form of Digital Marketing, one example of strategizing the use of both could be


  1. First run a pilot campaign on Social Media to get feedback and mature it with the feedback from people
  2. Secondly run the updated and revised campaign on other Digital Channels

Thats just one out of a thousand ways to run your marketing campaigns using both Social Media and General Digital Marketing, it all in the end depends on the purpose and goals of the marketing campaigns you are planning to run :)


Best Regards,

Zeshan A Jaffari

padmakumar pathiyil
by padmakumar pathiyil , Marketing Consultant , Management Consultancy

In today's world there is no doubt that Social media Marketing is the Best option.

Sameera Jahir Chowdhury
by Sameera Jahir Chowdhury , Project Associate , BDRAL- Subsidiary of Dun & Bradstreet South Asia Middle East Ltd.(Dubai, UAE)

Social Media Marketing is a subset (part) of the Digital Media Marketing. When we talk about "Social Media" it refers to all the social engaging sites we use today from Facebook, twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and many more. At present this type of marketing tool is more effective in terms of reaching your target audience.But still it can't be called as "best" still people watch televisions, read newspapers, books etc. But yes. Social Media Marketing is much more prompt, effective and efficient than traditional marketing media. Digital Media Marketing and Social Media are same and it involves same strategies of planning and execution.I would appreciate if someone corrects me if I'm on the wrong track.Thanks..

Mohab AlNabawy
by Mohab AlNabawy , Digital Marketing Executive , United Communication Group

my philosophy is you will eventually do them both so they matter equally but what is the magic formula? this should be the question cause in marketing you have to use all the available tools or resources to reach or accomplish your objectives no social media campaign would work without the push of digital and vice versa 

Deleted user
by Deleted user

Digital marketing include platforms such as websites, email, apps and social networks, Social media marketing is part of Digital marketing and it is the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites, usually center on efforts to create content that attracts attention and encourages readers to share it across their social networks to increase awareness of brand name , product and service and increase communication with your audience.

Usman Naeem Khokhar
by Usman Naeem Khokhar , Growth Hacker (Itchy Fingerz) , NetSol Technologies

Social media is not going to be big independently in2015-16.


It is a smaller part of the overall digital media strategy.


In fact, when it comes to big brands in FMCG and media conglomerates even digital media is not enough. Digital media is one arm fo the overall Transmedia strategy.

Zeeshan Ali Gillani
by Zeeshan Ali Gillani , Currently employed as a Media Manager/Camera Man , Tourism Department Azad Jammu & Kashmir

The Word Digital has it all. Every thing from Social media websites to Electronic Media comes under the description of Digital Media so my answer is Digital Media

Khan Sohal khan
by Khan Sohal khan , Associate , State Street Syntel Services Pvt Ltd.

Social Media Marketing

Deleted user
by Deleted user

I believe Digital Marketing covers all aspects of Online mediums. Social Media is a part of it.


Ahmed Moussa
by Ahmed Moussa , Member of the Board of Advisors , Sanford Royce

Of course the Digital Marketing because you play on a lot of aspects including the social media itself.

Romel Cosingan
by Romel Cosingan , Call Center Executive , Aster DM Healthcare

Hi, i work as a marketing assistant in a cable company that also renders internet connection..As what my experience is...

As for me...the difference between social media marketing and digital marketing...Some of us refers to use cable for television and some uses internet..In terms of whats the best, id rather stay close to be in the same spot as CABLENET..We minimize to use it on the market and differentiate whats the best until the peek of what its capable to hold with..In our country..Yes Cable is the best option because our localize connection int the internet is not broad or wide (which means, its not fast as in the other side of a country)such as U.S based or in Europe..

Cable has stand for more than a years.Yes its true that internet has been a sensation of almost75 percent but only for younger generation... There's been a lot of changes but in terms of market..It depends on HOW you market the product and making it the CORE of income and expense of the company..


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