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What is the meaning of "Forensic Audit" ? How does it differ from routine audit ?

Question added by Deleted user
Date Posted: 2014/09/19
Sara Khan
by Sara Khan , financial and admin assistant , Ministry Of Defence

Forensic audit is conducted to test a person or organization involves in any fraud or misrepresentation. it is conducted to collect information about fraud or collecting evidence..the main difference between them are techniques, method,responsibility and reviews.


Waqayan Al Waqayan
by Waqayan Al Waqayan , Secretary of Sharia Supervisory Board (SSB) , Ahli United Bank (AUB)

Forensic Audit  is An examination and evaluation of a firm's or individual's financial information for use as evidence in court.

The main difference that forensic audit done for two main issues "categories":

1- Investigative services involve identifying asset-theft fraud and identifying the perpetrator.

2- litigation services involve gathering evidence and giving testimony leading to the conviction of the perpetrator in a court of law.

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