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Dear Wasiq,
I believe that a new employee should always go back to the job description and get very familiar with it. In addition, a full research should be done on the organisation a new employee is working for. For example, one should read about the histrory of the organisation, who they are and what they do.
Kind regards
Bilal Skaf
When we recruit a new employee, in the interview and discussion stage itself we can ask him to describe about the job he applied for and what he can contribute. A recruiter and hiring manager should ensure that the candidate have good understanding of the job role, responsibilities and what is expected out of him.
In the next stage when the employee joins the firm, during the orientation and probation period the employee should be given enough time to understand the new organization, its culture, and the job role particularly. This would motivate the employee to dedicate himself to understand the job role and responsibilities.
Help to cope up of the organizational value.