Dear Mrs Tutunji
According my study Water quality determined by physical -chemical & Bacteriologic specification if it conforms to WHO standard or pharmacopeias :
CharactersA clear , colorless and tasteless liquid .
PH (0.2 ml of saturated KCl per100 ml of water sample )5.0 –7.0
Oxidisable SubstanceAs per specification
ChlorideAs per specification
SulphateAs per specification
ECN.M.T5µS /cm
T.D.SN.M.T15mg / L
Hardness As per specification
اختبارثاني أوكسيد الكلوريد(clo2)
اختبارالامونيوم (NH4
Tpc = less Than30 ufc /gr
coliform = absence
Streptococcus D=absence
Thank you very much
If you want to ensure water quality without test, then transparency, turbidity and smell (odour) are major determining factors. Presence of any one of these does not ensure quality water. But to be100% sure, water quality can be, in reality, ensured by chemical and biological tests only as explained by Wassim Assadi.
Water quality as to safety as far as drinking quality or potability can only be determined by physico-chemical test & Bacterioloigical test if it conforms to WHO standard for Drinking Water and not by frogs or any organoleptic test
Jida Jaanini , Production Manager , Arab Group For Chemical Products
signs for a good water doesn't depend on the appearance ,odour and taste only.
lab testing for water will deternine if it is good or not such as testing for bacteria,nitrate ,ph,hardness.
in streams a good sign that water is good and not toxic if u find frogs around .
hello we can use two way to know the water quality one is in palce and we don't need laboratoire analysis it is the organoleptic analyse (taste apparence odor....) and there is also the anlysis of physico-chimie and microbiology like anothere way
thank you