اه طبعا للأماكن المميزه كمان
لاكن يحتاج سيره ذاتيه صادقه
وخبره وتسعى فى تقديم طلب
من الممكن تبحث عن الوظيفه فى الموقع بيت كوم
وتقدم طلب وهما حيختاروا والله اعلم الاكثر فى سنوات الخبره ويتصوا بيه
ومن الممكن ان الشركه بدون تقيم طلب تبحث عنك ايضا
هذا من واقع خبرتى وكلوا بأمر الله اعمل الى عليك وربنا يرزقك بما فيه افضل سعاده وافضل خير
First sure that we all looking for to happen to all of us even I didn't receive any calls or any request from any employer , However I am sure that we all at least find bayt is the best for a lot of reasons and I have been straight and honest from my first word by mention I didn't receive any thing till now from bayt site so I am not saying that to be admired from Bayt site , but really they a lot of reasons make bayt the best , FIRST these chat which helps all of us to know information we all didn't know Or even we have a little experience and it update us , SECOND everyone can search in any categories as you can see on the site , They had insert a lot of other Web site for finding Jobs as well, THIRD they provide us with information about accredit institute that any one can update his / her study , Finally I had just mention3 Basics reasons we all admit about them and are sure of these3 reasons support us and they all more reasons but I think the above3 reasons is the line we all work on it.
لا استطيع ان اقرر الان فانا في بداية تعاملي معه في اقل من شهر ، ولكن ماشاهدته من الاعضاء وعن طريق الانترنت انه هام جدا وله دور كبير ونشط ويستفيد منه الكثيرين ، وانا اريد الاستفادة منه ايضا