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What is strike? What are its various types? What are its major causes?

Question ajoutée par Mohd Asif Ansari , HR Administrator , Al Nasseej Al Arabi Factory Co. Ltd.
Date de publication: 2014/11/01
Ismi Puji Hastuti
par Ismi Puji Hastuti , English Teacher , SMK Widya Taruna

Strike is a condition when workers agree to refuse working organized by a group of employees as a protest of attempting to have concessions from the employer. 

The common causes of strike are to get improvements of workplace, money or wages, shorter working days, the unfair policy or conditions which might happen in company.

As I know type of strike are sick-out strike, slow-down and sit-down strike. Thanks for invitation.

Vinod Jetley
par Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

Strike action, also called labor strike, labour strike, on strike, greve (of French: grève), or simply strike, is a work stoppage caused by the mass refusal of employees to work. A strike usually takes place in response to employee grievances. Strikes became common during the Industrial Revolution, when mass labor became important in factories and mines. In most countries, strike actions were quickly made illegal, as factory owners had far more political power than workers. Most western countries partially legalized striking in the late19th or early20th centuries.


Strikes are sometimes used to pressure governments to change policies. Occasionally, strikes destabilize the rule of a particular political party or ruler; in such cases, strikes are often part of a broader social movement taking the form of a campaign of civil resistance. Notable examples are the1980 Gdańsk Shipyard or1981 Warning Strike, led by Lech Wałęsa. These strikes were significant in the long campaign of civil resistance for political change in Poland, and were an important mobilizing effort that contributed to the fall of the Iron Curtain and the end of communist party rule in eastern Europe.




Most strikes are undertaken by labor unions during collective bargaining. The object of collective bargaining is to obtain a contract (an agreement between the union and the company) which may include a no-strike clause which prevents strikes, or penalizes the union and/or the workers if they walk out while the contract is in force. The strike is typically reserved as a threat of last resort during negotiations between the company and the union, which may occur just before, or immediately after, the contract expires.


Sometimes a union will strike rather than sign an agreement with a no-strike clause. Such an action was documented in Harlan County, USA, a video about a United Mine Workers strike.


In some industrial unions, the no-strike clause is considered controversial.


Generally, strikes are rare: according to the News Media Guild,98% of union contracts in the United States are settled each year without a strike.[citation needed] Occasionally, workers decide to strike without the sanction of a labor union, either because the union refuses to endorse such a tactic, or because the workers concerned are not unionized. Such strikes are often described as unofficial. Strikes without formal union authorization are also known as wildcat strikes.


In many countries, wildcat strikes do not enjoy the same legal protections as recognized union strikes, and may result in penalties for the union members who participate or their union. The same often applies in the case of strikes conducted without an official ballot of the union membership, as is required in some countries such as the United Kingdom.


A strike may consist of workers refusing to attend work or picketing outside the workplace to prevent or dissuade people from working in their place or conducting business with their employer. Less frequently workers may occupy the workplace, but refuse either to do their jobs or to leave. This is known as a sit-down strike. A similar tactic is the work-in, where employees occupy the workplace but still continue work, often without pay, which to attempts to show they are still useful, or that worker self-management can be successful. This occurred for instance with factory occupations in the Bienno Rossi strikes-the "two red years" of Italy from.


Another unconventional tactic is work-to-rule (also known as an Italian strike, in Italian: Sciopero bianco), in which workers perform their tasks exactly as they are required to but no better. For example, workers might follow all safety regulations in such a way that it impedes their productivity or they might refuse to work overtime. Such strikes may in some cases be a form of "partial strike" or "slowdown".


During the development boom of the1970s in Australia, the Green ban was developed by certain unions described by some as more socially conscious. This is a form of strike action taken by a trade union or other organized labor group for environmentalist or conservationist purposes. This developed from the black ban, strike action taken against a particular job or employer in order to protect the economic interests of the strikers.


United States labor law also draws a distinction, in the case of private sector employers covered by the National Labor Relations Act, between "economic" and "unfair labor practice" strikes. An employer may not fire, but may permanently replace, workers who engage in a strike over economic issues. On the other hand, employers who commit unfair labor practices (ULPs) may not replace employees who strike over ULPs, and must fire any strikebreakers they have hired as replacements in order to reinstate the striking workers.


Strikes may be specific to a particular workplace, employer, or unit within a workplace, or they may encompass an entire industry, or every worker within a city or country. Strikes that involve all workers, or a number of large and important groups of workers, in a particular community or region are known as general strikes. Under some circumstances, strikes may take place in order to put pressure on the State or other authorities or may be a response to unsafe conditions in the workplace.


A sympathy strike is, in a way, a small scale version of a general strike in which one group of workers refuses to cross a picket line established by another as a means of supporting the striking workers. Sympathy strikes, once the norm in the construction industry in the United States, have been made much more difficult to conduct due to decisions of the National Labor Relations Board permitting employers to establish separate or "reserved" gates for particular trades, making it an unlawful secondary boycott for a union to establish a picket line at any gate other than the one reserved for the employer it is picketing. Sympathy strikes may be undertaken by a union as an organization or by individual union members choosing not to cross a picket line.


A jurisdictional strike in United States labor law refers to a concerted refusal to work undertaken by a union to assert its members’ right to particular job assignments and to protest the assignment of disputed work to members of another union or to unorganized workers.


A student strike has the students (sometimes supported by faculty) not attending schools. In some cases, the strike is intended to draw media attention to the institution so that the grievances that are causing the students to "strike" can be aired before the public; this usually damages the institution's (or government's) public image. In other cases, especially in government-supported institutions, the student strike can cause a budgetary imbalance and have actual economic repercussions for the institution.


A hunger strike is a deliberate refusal to eat. Hunger strikes are often used in prisons as a form of political protest. Like student strikes, a hunger strike aims to worsen the public image of the target.


A "sickout", or (especially by uniformed police officers) "blue flu", is a type of strike action in which the strikers call in sick. This is used in cases where laws prohibit certain employees from declaring a strike. Police, firefighters, air traffic controllers, and teachers in some U.S. states, are among the groups commonly barred from striking usually by state and federal laws meant to ensure the safety or security of the general public.


Newspaper writers may withhold their names from their stories as a way to protest actions of their employer.

Ibrahim Hussein Mayaleh
par Ibrahim Hussein Mayaleh , Sales & Business Consultant and Trainer , Self-employed

Good said by mr. Kooli

Saiful Islam Hiron
par Saiful Islam Hiron , Site HR Manager , Handicap International

Agreed with all colleagues answers.

par LABIB KOOLI , Quality Assurance Manager & Training Consultant , Tunisian Vocational Training Agency (ATFP)

A strike is a work stoppage by a concerted refusal of employees to perform work that their employer has assigned to them in oder to force the employer to grant certain demanded concessions , such as increased wages or improved working conditions.

When negociations have reached an impasse, a strike may be the only useful tool left for the employees.

Here some strike types:

* Slowdown strike; An intermittent work stoppage by employees who remain in the job.

* Sitdown strike; A strike in which employees stop working and refuse to leave the employer's premises.

* Walkout strike; An unannounced refusal to perform work it may be spontaneous or planned in advance and kept secret.

* Sympathie strike; A work stoppage designed to provide support to a related union engaged in an employement dispute.






I support the answer given by Mr. Vinod Jetley.

Utilisateur supprimé
par Utilisateur supprimé



Subhranshu Ganguly
par Subhranshu Ganguly , Quality Analyst. , WIPRO

A strike is not an acceptable thing. It sinks the reputation of the company and also of the country as an investement destination.

The parties should1st try for an outof court settlement but if that is not possible should abide by the decsion of the labour coart.

Workers participation in management can reduce the chances of a strike to a great extent.

Also admired indstrial houses like TATA in India provide much better salaries and fascilities to their emploees compared to the industry which reduces the chances of any dispute.

All types of strikes like go slow,pen down are bad for the industry. But the worst is wild cat strike STRIKE without any provokation.

Too many strikes vitiate the industrialenvironment. Large scale strikes led to the disappearance of the jute industry near Calcutta and the cotton textile industry near Bombay.

Raafat Sallam
par Raafat Sallam , Organizational Development and Training Consultant , Training Centers, Marketing Organizations.

Agree with Mr. Vinod Jetley.

Riaz Ghafoor
par Riaz Ghafoor , general manager hr administration , Decision HR Consultancy

  In brief Strikea is a dissatisfied attitute of employees. it moiivate employee to stop working showing their annoyance towards employers.

mohammed Abdulridha
par mohammed Abdulridha , pilot , 1991

hello hi he go to he tp ha do th r y you if wq quater a d did could sism dj dh ehy go to

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