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internal check: A division of duties that does not permit one individual to carry out all stages of a transaction. An internal check is intended to prevent fraud and minimize errors.
internal control: Systematicmeasures (such as reviews, checks and balances, methods and procedures) instituted by an organization to (1) conduct its business in an orderly and efficient manner, (2) safeguard its assets and resources, (3) deter and detect errors, fraud, and theft, (4) ensure accuracy and completeness of its accountingdata, (5) produce reliable and timely financial and managementinformation, and (6) ensure adherence to its policies and plans.
verification of assets: Process conducted by auditors to confirm that a company's assets actually exist.
I did not understand the question
A very good explanation provided by Mr. Khalid Mohy Eldin. I support the answer.
Well Done by mr. khalid