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What reasons that made Henry Ford and Tomas Addison to succeed and create a fortune by establishing a huge companies?

Question added by Deleted user
Date Posted: 2014/11/09
Elke Woofter
by Elke Woofter , Project Assistant , American Technical Associates

 both been inventors ... and they found a market for there inventions ..

Raafat Sallam
by Raafat Sallam , Organizational Development and Training Consultant , Training Centers, Marketing Organizations.

1- Patience

2- Passion

3- Willingness

4- Clearness of objective

فؤاد أحمد حسين
by فؤاد أحمد حسين , مدير , حكومي

Thank you my dear friend for invitation <<< I think the reasons that made them succeed is that they know  both of them what did he want and they insist to do it    

Mohamed Batran
by Mohamed Batran , General Manager , Al Blagha Group (ABG)

seeing big picture

Self confidence, hard workers, positive aptitude, patience, and risk acceptance.   

Muhammad Habib
by Muhammad Habib , Team Lead SOC Operations , Premier BPO LLC

Research, Hard work, Up-to-date with world technology and innovative mind made it possible.

Asmaa Mahmoud
by Asmaa Mahmoud , Fire Fighting Engineer , Alkhadiya Combined Company for general contracting for buildings

Their willingness to succeed and not fear of failure

Donno Maharanto
by Donno Maharanto , Method & Industrial Engineer, Surface Treatment Engineer , PT Citra Tubindo Tbk, member of Vallourec Oil & Gas

I think because they had intention -and they strived- to bring good to many people.  Ford wanted "an affordable means of transportation for the people" as they only had expensive horse carriages.  Edison wanted to bring useful items like light bulb to the people, so that mankind can benefit.

They had BIG vision and gave much sacrifice.  So I suppose they got returns with the same magnitude.


Deleted user
by Deleted user

Simply living in America. They had social, economical, political stability. So what else do they need?

hossam azzam
by hossam azzam , Fast food restaurant,s manager. , alexandria-egypt

Thanks for the invitation

Agreed with both answers given by

Mr.:Fouad Ahmed & Mr.:Mohamed Batran as well too

hatem labib
by hatem labib , Quality control manager , MISER consultant

they did which they like

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