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What are common front end frameworks you usually use?

Am sure these days many of us depend on ready front end frameworks to implement his/her work very fast, can you share with me some of frameworks that you usually use?

Question added by Fadi Alkhateeb , Senior Front End Developer , NexTwo
Date Posted: 2013/07/01
Mohammad Ateieh
by Mohammad Ateieh , Software Engineering Manager ,

I usually use the bootstrap framework it have so many features to use hope you found it useful

Osama Abu Rayyan
by Osama Abu Rayyan , Web Developer / Front-End Web Developer , BloomThemez

Bootstrap is very good front end framework, but I don't use it, I use960 grid system only (

هيثم الشاعر
by هيثم الشاعر , Senior Digital Designer , Aleef for pet products · Full-time

I usually use the visual studio2008 and wordpress framework

Ameen Sarsour
by Ameen Sarsour , Senior Software Engineer , OpenSooq السوق المفتوح

Hi Fadi

This is my suggest

Bootstrap is a good if you want nice, communite, easy and fast framework

GWT if you are familiar with java.

EXTjs for powerfull and rich wepapp you can build something like desktop screen, windows and more. but it's not easy.


Ibraheem Al Saady
by Ibraheem Al Saady , Software Engineer , Exceed IT Services

I've used Boostrap before and I loved it, until I started using AngularJS and Angular Material last year and it was just awesome, it's a complete framework, so powerful, you can do a lot with it. I would highly recommend it.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

I have ever used99lime HTML KickStart is an ultra–lean set of HTML5, CSS, and jQuery (javascript) files, layouts, and elements designed to give you a headstart and save you10's of hours on your next web project.
its very good for starters you can get it from here

Md Ibrahim khalil ABEDIN
by Md Ibrahim khalil ABEDIN , Data Entry Operator , Golden Harvest info tech Ltd

I commonly use Bootstrap framework.

Faraz Khan
by Faraz Khan , ecommerce manager , Saudi Ceramics Company

I'm sticking to the OLD SCHOOL CHAMPION " Dreamweaver CS5.5".

ahmed fawzy
by ahmed fawzy , Managing Director , Connect4Bots

What I am finding the best for me on frontend development are:

- jQuery (it is library not a framework).

- Bootstrap.

- Angular2.0

Muhammad Zaid
by Muhammad Zaid , Senior Front End Developer , Royaltri Inc.

Bootstrap2 framework is the best for front end development, as it will provide built in UI component and you can easily add it into your site and it is so developer friendly that it will not disturb your site at all, second it's gird system is very awesome, help you make responsive sites quikly and easily.


It's documentation is also very nicely written, give you each and very solution. 


I must highly recommend this framework.

Selvaraj K
by Selvaraj K , Senior Software Engineer , ShopX (10i Ecommerce)

React JS, Venilla Javascript

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