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Does writing make you feel better?

Question added by Samar Saleh , Community Manager ,
Date Posted: 2014/12/04
Maryam Alzaabi
by Maryam Alzaabi , HR manager , Gulf Oasis Manpower company

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yes, it does, it makes me express my feelings of love, anger, tiredness and exhaustion on paper and then i feel much better and i become a better person and think more clearly.

Nila Eslit
by Nila Eslit , Content Writer for Fitness web , George Allen

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Writing gives me self-satisfaction and fulfillment.

Zahid Hussein
by Zahid Hussein , President , Sustainable Resource Foundation (SuRF)

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They say man would always paly a second fiddle to woman because of the latter's ability to "create life." A woman goes through such unbearable pains during delivery.......but once she has her arms around the baby - her creation - , she forgets those unbearable delivery pains.Likewise,, creative writing also has a cathartic effect on a aman or a woman. Writing, certainly, makes you feel better. 

Usman Naeem Khokhar
by Usman Naeem Khokhar , Growth Hacker (Itchy Fingerz) , NetSol Technologies

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Absolutely, writing is the best form of expression although many of the younger generation accustomed to Youtube might disagree.


The ability to write is the best skill you can teach someone but it only improves with practice.


Even, broadcast journalism students are first thought to improve their writing skills before they are trained on studio equipment.

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