As facebook is a personal online profile of an individual, i think it would be discriminatory if you base yourself on these facts to think whether a person it worth hiring or not. For example, Mr. X is a party person outside his professional life and upload these photos on facebook, i dont think you can consider these and not hire the him, where he might turn to be a very good hardworker in his job. Thats how i think.
Roy Comrie , Warehouse Supervisor , Infinite Concrete Limited
Facebook is a social networking site. As such people will post all sorts of data on it which are not necessarily true or even worth considering seriously. Hiring someone, on the other hand, is a very serious affair which ought to be approached with insight, and in a practical fashion. An employee can wreck a business. Glancing at someone's facebook profile, however, might sometimes provide useful insight into that individual's personality, especially where they will be expected to work closely with others, perform very sensitive tasks, or shoulder an unusual amount of responsibility.
Amal Mandhora , 'Temporary Assignment' , Hamad Medical Corporation
Being a Social Network Forum, Facebook could give you insight about an Person's social interactions, Personality and Social Inclination. However it doesn't reflect a person's skills and Professional Abilities.
So Facebook may not be able to tell you if a person is worth hiring, however will give you an insight to the person being able to fit into the work culture.