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Our daily task as Administration team is repetitive,with less motivation they will be a laxity,Experts share your thought on how to handle obsession.

Question added by Shukri Adan , HR & Administrative assistant , Kenya Airport Authority
Date Posted: 2015/01/17
Deleted user
by Deleted user

 I remember once, I crossed this garbage man on the street that was just having a blast, he was singing along, smiling to people, and doing a fantastic job. That’s how we should all approach what we do. Remember there is a reason why you are doing this job

Mukesh Varadhan
by Mukesh Varadhan , Administration Manager , M/s. Triton Health Care

I think the word 'obsession' used here is quite big b'cos, Obsession are involuntary seemingly uncontrollable thoughts, images that occur over and over again in mind. If the motivation level and laxity effect is due to this 'obsession' than one should try meditation and yoga (through well trained professionals) to control the mind. If still persist he/she should consult a doctor to get treatment. 

Shukri Adan
by Shukri Adan , HR & Administrative assistant , Kenya Airport Authority

Thank you Mukesh for your clarification,obsession, i used to mean any effect resulting from continual process of doing the same thing with less motivation and expecting different result.

Irina Chepel
by Irina Chepel , Personal trainer , Freelancer

Not all the time this job demotivating people

Kathy Mustafa
by Kathy Mustafa , Personal Assistant to CEO- Managing Sales and Marketing Departments , Saudi Kinda Real Estate

Administration work is not repetitive, there is always a need for support from administrators to all departments within an organization. For example I support the graphic designers team, the marketing team, sales team as well as CEO... I never the same job twice (except if its doing reports, but even then the numbers are different with different results each time) 

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

agree with all answer :)

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