As an effective manager, one must understand the talents and abilities of employees who might have challenging personalities and create a productive environment where they are able to use their top skills to meet organizational goals, instead of fitting into an ideal image of a model employee.
Dana Salameh , Director of Learning , Energi Lab LLC
I believe a successful manager should have something called "people skills" as a natural aspect of personality, and to sum up that would include; Open-mindedness, Listening skills, Empathy, Tolerance, Self-awareness, Patience, Stress management, Leadership skills, Negotiation skills, and Courtesy.
Before I start counting the important personality traits of a manager, I would emphasize on the word "Manager"... which is a family member of "Manage" :)... Above all a Manager must be a very managed person. This "Managed" include punctuality, regularity, Ability to divide work on available time and available time to most important tasks. From his appearance to his table everything should be managed and controlled.
After the above mentioned important need there are some more attributes a manager should have:1. Positive in Approach
He/She should have a very positive approach towards the issues and needs. Looking at the brighter sides gives hope, courage and power to do something productive even if it seems impossible sometime.2. Be Real
You don’t have to be something super or above than all. Become a simple human being as you actually are. Nothing is bad if people at work will know about your life and you.3. Openness
This can be considered as the key personality requirement. Being open and reasonable to others’ viewpoint is an important factor while working in a team. A rigid approach not only hinders innovation and engagement, but may also be ground for lack of trust between members.4. Ability of Goal Setting
Without having this ability a manager cannot achieve anything. He/She should be a target oriented person, who has the ability of setting goal according to need, available resources and different elements of a SWOT analysis.5. Confidence
What's in a life without confidence. Confidence can take you to the heights of every social or professional position. Confidence increase the power, open new ways, make a person able to take risks and go with intuitive decisions.
There are some more elements which can be considered as the accelerator for a Manager's professional life, among them you can keep The Power of Self Motivation, Ability to acknowledge the positive things and could be able to lead by examples, so on so forth.