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You have a boss harassing you in the office, either a male or female boss. What steps will you take to stop the harassment and also protect your job?

Question added by bukayo ekunwe , Business Development Manager , Aktion Energy, Nigeria Subsidiary
Date Posted: 2013/07/19
imran siddiqi
by imran siddiqi , Area Sales , Al Danube group

Let the harrasment become entertainment by involving other team member in that..

Jayson Aglubat
by Jayson Aglubat , Graphic Designer/Information Technology , Local Government

When it's over.. well it takes to defend my self as long as I am right, slap the the company rules on his or her face because rules always and must always be a piecrust...walk away becasue that's the only bravest thing to do on my self.... and in the philippines we have a Department of Labor and Employment  to file a case, a complain against the abussive boss or employer...:-)

Deleted user
by Deleted user

Harassment and bullying in the workplace are very sensitive issues and need to be dealt with very carefully, with caution and advice and support from the right people who can be trust.
In addition, the fewer people who are told about the harassment in the initial stages the better.
It is useful to:1.
Keep a record of the episodes of harassment.
It is also a way of getting the harassment episode out of the head and onto paper or whatever device is chosen to record the information.
The diary keeping also helps with the next point.2.
Is there a pattern to the harassment.
Is the harassment continual on a daily basis or before important events, business meetings or target dates or vacations?3.
Could there be a personality clash? Is the boss being just plain rude or does the boss have poor management and people skills.
Many managers confuse managing with dictating to others in the authoritarian manner which can be quite detrimental to others.4.
Is it possible to have a meeting with the boss (be prepared) to discuss concerns.
This can be difficult but it could be an option that in the end could help the boss see clearly what you are doing, what he is doing and what you each expect from each other.
Keep verbal and body language polite and professional at all times in the meeting, especially when listening to information which is unfair and untrue - be patient.
Be clear about the issues, have a few points to discuss, not too many as that will give the effect that too much is going wrong.
Stick to the main points and keep sticking to them.
Be clear about the result one would wish to have from the meeting.
You may not get everything but maybe one or two which will be a starting point.
Always highlight that you want to work to the benefit of the team/company and that the working relationship is important and each needs to respect each other.
Be prepared for resistance and even anger on the matter.
Remain calm and composed.
Do not give ammunition to the boss by getting angry yourself or behaving in an unprofessional matter.
Rise above the emotions and keep focussed on your objectives.5.
If a meeting not an option, maybe HR/Personnel could be an option.
I say maybe as I would approach HR with caution.
Remember that HR work for the company and put management interests first.
Yes they have there uses but be careful.
Part of HR's role is hiring and firing.
There is this impression that HR are there for the employee, get wise to this.
HR is there for the company.
Read the policies and work within what could positively help you and check with colleagues who have an idea of the personalities/beliefs of HR personnel before taking that step to meet with HR.6.
Is it possible to meet with the boss's manager (if there is one)? This carries clout and could show the boss that the behaviour really is not acceptable.
However, this is not always possible and it could create more problems depending on the relationship the boss has with his/her boss.
Sometimes though hire management can have a word in the ear of the boss and that is all it takes to prompt the boss to stop or at the very least realize the behaviour is causing offence and is not acceptable.7.
Has the boss harassed other employees? It could be that the boss has done this before and no has complained or been brave enough to try and do something about it.8.
If the job is liked, maybe look at moving to another dept or job within the company.
If don't like job, maybe look at options outside the company, but aim to get sorted with another role before you leave.9.
Harassment can affect not only working life but health, personal and social life.
We spend a lot of hours at work, so it is important to aim to get issues addressed.10.
Are there any supportive networks within the company, e.g.
Anti-bullying or anti-harassment unit where you can contact and speak to someone in confidence.
This lowers the risk of retaliation by the boss or even other co-workers for being brave enough to do something about an unacceptable situation.11.
Remember, a lot of bullying and harassment happens because the bully or harasser sees something in you that they wish they had.
Maybe you are popular, good at your job, the list could go.
The point is if a bully or harasser are faced (I won't use the word 'confronted' as that always sounds negative) they most of the time step back and will decide to either leave you alone and head for their next target.
Especially if you have all the angles covered at work, remember that the boss has the problem not you.
This why I emphasized with caution the steps to take with HR.
Why let another person's insecurities lose you your job.
Fight back, with professionalism, grace and patience.
It will be a daily challenge but it can be done.

Ibrahim Mahamed Ibrahim AbdAll IBRAHIM
by Ibrahim Mahamed Ibrahim AbdAll IBRAHIM , sales man , ابن سينا

1 / see why2 / collection solutions best suited3 / choose the solution best suited by the conciliator4 / start racing on that solution in the labor twice

Deleted user
by Deleted user

If you are working in a professional environment then, there you have many options to avoid harassment as your company policies doesn't allow others to harass on the basis of gender, race, religion, etc as most of the companies have equal opprtunity employer scheme.
And if you have been harassed in such situation then its always better to bring the issue to HR of the company and then on the basis of compliance issues, your boss will get the punishment and you can be secure as HR has always have a policy to hide your name as you reported about your manager and work on your complain and then based on their findings they take action.
So, always, please check the Compliance policies and report.

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