Innovation is important not only for increasing top line and bottom line of a business, but also to create a healthy and conducive work environment. In this age of globalization and cut throat competition, companies have realized that the talent is the only sustainable competitive advantage that they can have. This has made it imperative that the employees are retained and nurtured. Companies are resorting to innovative ideas in the office to create a work culture for the employees, which is inspiring and motivating. This is the best way to nurture and retain employees. The best innovative ideas are the ones, which do not require huge spending and still produce favorable results in terms of employee motivation and creating a healthy work culture. A simplest contest can be to choose an employee who has the neatest and most organized desk. This way you can encourage cleanliness and also motivate employee through a simple reward system. The employee who presents the most innovative and effective idea can be rewarded. This will encourage a culture of creativity and innovation in the office. It will also make the employees feel that their opinion is valued and rewarded by the company. This is the best way to motivate the creative talent of the employees and hence, retain it.