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Niccolo Machiavelli`s approach of ''the end justify the means'' has positively affected managerial effectiveness. did you agree?

Question added by Shukri Adan , HR & Administrative assistant , Kenya Airport Authority
Date Posted: 2015/02/14
Kathy Mustafa
by Kathy Mustafa , Personal Assistant to CEO- Managing Sales and Marketing Departments , Saudi Kinda Real Estate

I do not like this phrase because it was what war mongers said in hopes to dismantle the middle east and create this war we live in now. 

Deleted user
by Deleted user

Sometimes a means to achieve highly inappropriate and immoral, must not be used because in the end humans and human without adhere to ethics in work or outside work comes out of his humanity to the monsters of jungle


We have to follow a commonly accepted principles for the business that does not harm the development of the trade and society in our race to achieve the goals.

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

agree with all expert answers

Divyesh Patel
by Divyesh Patel , Assistant Professional Officer- Treasury , City Of Cape Town

Your base of power determines what form of influence tactics you would be able to use in order to grab the attention of others. Someone with coercive power might gravitate towards assertiveness, someone with referent power might gravitate toward integration, and someone with expert power might try rationality.

Vinod Jetley
by Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

Machiavellianism in Organizations

Machiavellianism , often abbreviated Mach, is a personality trait that is characterized with the use of manipulation to achieve power.

Psychologists have developed a series of instruments called Mach scales to measure a person's Machiavellian orientation. The continuum spans from being highly manipulative to being highly submissive.

High Machs are those who would be considered highly manipulative, not easily persuaded, but persuade others more than low Machs, successful in reaching their goals and tend to win more. People with a high Mach personality tend to be calm, unattached, calculated and look for ways to exploit loose structures or vulnerability in people. High Machs flourish in face-to-face settings where there are limited rules and structure and when emotions hold little value in goal achievement. Therefore, high Machs are best matched in professions that reward their 'do whatever it takes' attitude such as sales or jobs that offer commission for results.

Low Machs are on the opposite side of the Mach spectrum and are characterized as being highly submissive. Those individuals with a low Mach orientation are willing to accept direction imposed on them and thrive in highly structured situations. Low Machs are less motivated by things such as power, status, money and competition than high Machs are. Winning is not everything for low Machs; they operate with a much higher set of ethical standards than their high Mach counterpart.

Machiavellianism can be both positive and negative in organizations depending on how it is used. When Machiavellianism is used to increase managerial effectiveness by providing necessary direction to subordinates to accomplish organizational goals, it is considered a positive attribute. However, when Machiavellianism is used for personal gain at the expense of subordinate or organizational success, it would be considered highly negative.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

It might have positively affected effectiveness, but there are also other questions to ask such as how it has affected interpersonal relations, cooperation, collaboration, what kind of effects did it leave to all future projects etc.

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