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هل يمكن معرفة وظيقتك من تصميم ومساحة ونظافة مكتبك؟ Can your office design, occupied space, and neatness tell about your profession and position?

Question added by Deleted user
Date Posted: 2013/07/23
Rohit Sharma
by Rohit Sharma , Consultant , Bahrain Financing Company

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The workspace of an employee displays how organized & how carefully he takes care of every single detail that affects his job.
Looking good is a part of doing good business.

Idrees haroon yahya Siyam
by Idrees haroon yahya Siyam , محاسب , صندوق الاسكان والتعمير

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عمرو محمد رأفت محمود عجمى
by عمرو محمد رأفت محمود عجمى , إدارى , دار المصطفى للنشر والتوزيع

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المظهر والشكل العام يعطى إنطباع عن الوظيفة فالمدير مكتبه نظيف وبه الأدوات التى تدل على نشاطه وغيرها من الوظائف.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

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أعتقد أن المظهر العام لم يعد أمراً شكلياً...
الترتيب والأناقة والنظافة الشخصية والمظهر الخارجي...
الخ يعطي للمتعامل معك إنطباعاً إيجابياً عنك وعن طريقة عملك ولو كان هذا المتعامل معك لا يتحلى هو شخصياً بهذه الخاصيات.

ahmed rabea ahmed kahmes hamada
by ahmed rabea ahmed kahmes hamada , suber vishor , carrefour alexandria

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التصميم هوالذى من الممكن ان يدل على الوظيفة لكن المساحة لادخل لها ..اما النظافة تدل على امور شخصية وهي عن صاحب المكتب نظيف ام لا

مها محى الدين محمد
by مها محى الدين محمد , مدرسة اولى أ لغة عربية , مدرسة نصر الثانوية التجارية

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التصميم هوالذى من الممكن ان يدل على الوظيفة لكن المساحة لادخل لها ..اما النظافة تدل على امور شخصية

Ishfaq Rehman
by Ishfaq Rehman , Operations Manager (Management, Operation & Control of Admin & Technical Affairs) , M. H. Al-Muftah Est

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Various findings in office status (space, design, cleanliness) can show various aspects like 1.
 Neatness, cleanliness and appropriate arrangements of your office (your stationery, chairs/table) shows your good habbits how much you are punctual and managed in your work.
Your profession may be reflected by the thing around which are related to your job.
 For example, for an engineer - drawings (pasted), technical booklets etc.
 Your space as compared to other office employees may reflect your position in that envoironment 3.
 If your office / table is full of files/working papers, it may reflect that either you are not completing your tasks on daily basis or you are not managing your work well (unless there are special tasks going on like special audits etc.)

Subhranshu Ganguly
by Subhranshu Ganguly , Quality Analyst. , WIPRO

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The office should be well organized. The office room may not have expensive furniture or gadgets but should be welcoming to the visitor who is the prospective customer. There may be10 shops on the street selling grocery but people crowd at a particular shop. It is not always about discounts. A prospective customer would like a neat and clean office. Occupied space would depend on the financial strength of the owner and his needs. A car dealership would need more space compared to a courier outlet. A successful lawyer would have an expensive office in terms of real estate and furniture compared to a plumber who may communicate over the phone and may not have any office at all. Yes it is true that design , occupied space and neatness do tell about your profession and how successful you are at your profession .

احمد رمضان الديناري الدينارية
by احمد رمضان الديناري الدينارية , مساح , شاترنج للمقاولات

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