1)shared printer is suitable for small environment
Net work printer used for large network.2)shared printer connected with system and system need to be power on every time network printer not need to be shutdown and printer did not connect to the system it will connected to switch.3)network printer have more security.4)network printer have ip address.
shard printer working only same plat form.
Network printer has network interface card and it is directly connected to LAN via Ethernet cable, it has its own ip address and accessible throughout the subnet. Where as shared printer directly connected to PC using LPT or printer port and then PC share it on the subnet.
Mohamad Baghdadi , sale manager , Imrex International Trading Company
when you have10 computers and you want the10 computers to print you have to share your printer over the network all everyone can print and this printer will be connected via USB cable to any pc in your network
when you have2 or10 computer and all are connected to a hub or a network switch and you have a network printer you just need to connect the printer cable in the hub or the network switch and when you want to use the printer on the computers u need to setup the printer using the printer IP address on every pc
in easy way when you share a printer1 computer will be responsible for this printer if the computer go down printer also will go down
network printer she don't need a computer to work over the network you only need to plug the cable in the hub or switch
saeed Al-najjar , IT Supervisor , Saudi Arabian company For Food and Resturant
Shared Printer is depending in one working computer all the time , and this keeps the printer not available if the dependable computer is not on and that couse the workflow have some deficulties.
Network printer is more flexable option in the big and small network also cos it is depending on network switch thats is all the time on and it is rarely get defect, and all the network users can use it on the same time .
I hope my information helps to explain this topic.
shared printer; a device is a pc got shared resources , power off the pc no printer for lan
network printer ; a network device got its ip connected to lan to serv as printer for all users not depend on a single user
thing the main difference between net work printer and shared printer is 1)shared printer is sutiable for small envoirmentNet work printer used for large network2)shared printer conneted system not shutdownprinterdid not connet to the system it will connected to swich3)network printer have more security4)network printer have ip addressshard printer working only same plat form
Network printer is used for large organizations where you need to visualize and manage the printing activities, independently. The dependance on the PC sharing the printer is eliminated in case of a network printer.
jaber AlQadasi , Network Administrator , SFD (social fund for development )
The shared printer connected to PC and share to some users and when shudown this PC that connected to printer all users can't print anything.
But the printer net all users printing and use the sours any time