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Which Style of the Nine Types of Leader do you Prefer?


  1. The Perfectionist.
  2. The People Pleaser.
  3. The Achiever.
  4. The Individualist.
  5. The Detached Observer.
  6. The Loyal Skeptic.
  7. The Enthusiast.
  8. The Boss.
  9. The Peacemaker.

Question ajoutée par Alex Al Yazouri , General Manager , Al Mushref Cooperative Society
Date de publication: 2015/03/14
Alex Al Yazouri
par Alex Al Yazouri , General Manager , Al Mushref Cooperative Society

My choice is

7.  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Enthusiast.

Sara Naeem
par Sara Naeem , Trainee Finance officer , Wah Brass Mill

My choice is 1,3,6,7, and9


-------------------------------The Enthusiast-----------------------------

Vinod Jetley
par Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

The Conqueror Leader

The conquerer revels in adversity and challenge.The conquerer leader is technically excellent and seldom backs out of a confrontation if offered.This leader dominates. Power is their weapon of choice. Achieving results others think impossible brings great joy. This leader works to shorten every task – going for broke every time. Often an exhibitionist and like to brag about their prowess.

Challenging projects whet the appetite – bringing pulses of energy and making the endorphins flow.

As a leader, this character revels in adversity and challengeis technically excellent and seldom backs out of a confrontation if offered. The more impossible others consider the position, the more they defy the odds. They want results, and they want them now! Excuses will bring wrath, and success will bring a new challenge. Seldom satisfied with the result, it can always be better.

As a leader, the ‘Conqueror’ revels in adversity and challenge. The more impossible others consider the position, the more the conqueror defies the odds. They want results, and they want them now. Excuses will bring wrath, and success will bring a new challenge. Seldom satisfied with the result, it can always be better.

Famous leaders here include: Margaret Thatcher, Carly Fiorina, Lee Ka Shing, John Chambers, Michael Dell, David Johnson.

Many Controller Leaders aspire to this style. Tending to remain in a particular job or industry, they are often specialists in their field.

These leaders like to crush the competition, whether it’s external or internal… all are fair game.

How does this leader develop?

There’s little further technical skill this individual needs, so long as they remain in their chosen specialist field or industry.

What they often lack in interpersonal skills , they make up for inachievement orientation.

These leaders do, however, change jobs and industries. Their record of achievement, the results they get make them highly prized.

The Controller Leader

Controller Leaders are technically competent, they have the aptitude to do leadership. On the downside, Controller Leaders often care little about another person’s values. With some technical development in the DOING of leadership, you become a more competent leader without the good people skills.

The most noticeable characteristic of this leader is that they shout. If someone does not understand what they need to do, this leader will usually raise their voice, repeating exactly the same words… just more loudly.

Easily frustrated by other people, they rarely care much for what’s important for the other person – their values (even their own!) They show little empathy for poor performers. Yet these leaders often form the backbone of the company.

This leader is actually more manager than ‘leader’. Often process oriented, this person finds the rule book and sometimes throws it. These leaders can be very very effective. The armed forces are filled with Controller Leaders. They can shout louder to get things done. And , when struggling to communicate, the most effective action is to raise the voice. Forceful gesticulations and arm movements enable the coarse leader to vent some frustrations.

The ‘Controller Leader’ is good at what they do, in their area of expertise. They like to control information, power or skills. Often insecure, they can be aggressive and quick to blame their own mistakes on others.

These technically almost competent leaders abound. You’ve met at least one in the past month. The more extreme politicians tend have this characteristic. Trading floors overflow with them. In business, pre-dominantly male, high testosterone, almost brilliant.

Achievement or results oriented, though not so high as conquerors.

Developing Controller Leaders

If you are a this type of leader it is likely that you regularly feel frustrated and, well, you may not have known this before, but believe me, everyone else thinks you are a little “rough around the edges”.

No, I agree it’s not a nice label. But then, can I be honest with you here. The fear you instil in others isn’t too kind either.

You have come a long way. You probably get great results. And you may even be extremely well paid. So what’s wrong with staying here?

Nothing at all, if you enjoy this. Not for you anyway. Others might take issue with me here and suggest that you should be the first in line for re-training. But this is not so. All businesses find that they need a few of these competent yet seemingly uncaring leaders. These are often the people who get things done. Only the conqueror is more highly prized in such situations.

The Compliant Leader

The Compliant Leader is where we all start! Or at least should start!. Primarily this is a follower role, rather than leader. Everyone is a Compliant Leader at first and there is no shame in being here. In fact some leaders stay here their entire lives and still manage to succeed. We all start at the bottom left corner! Low technical leadership aptitude, and low leadership advantage.

The ‘Compliant Leader’ is usually focussed on a niche or specific technical area with little need to lead or manage others. Such focus on ‘doing a job’ is vital in teams. Complaint leaders are often the people who ‘get the job done’

I hear often about “natural born leaders” – usually from the same people who believe that leadership cannot be developed (and when I dig deeper, I find that these same people are not ‘natural born leaders’ and cannot be bothered to put in the effort to actually develop their leadership thus, leadership is ‘natural’ becomes the excuse.)

Let me put my stake in the ground here.

No-one is a born leader!

You are born as a baby. You are not born as the CEO of megacorp inc!

Do some individuals seem to show their leadership character and competencies more easily than others? Sure they do. Just as some people have better hand-eye coordination and find sports easier to excel at. Some are great musicians. Now if you can find one person who is a ‘born leader’ who had never ever developed themselves, practiced and is a truly good leader I will eat3 golf balls for my lunch.

Now, got that off my chest. We all start as “Compliant” leaders. A few leaders remain so. They possess little of the technical aptitude of doing leadership, and little of the mindset or attributes of being a leader. If you are young, this is perfectly acceptable. If you are new to a formal leadership role, this is acceptable. But, if you are the leader of a country, it is not really acceptable.

Fame as a Compliant leader is not on the cards. Millions of people fall into this leadership character because they get on and do their own job, and simply do not lead others. Every team needs people like this and these individuals form the backbone of every economy.

However, if you are here and want to lead others, you have a choice:

  1. Give up
  2. Learn how to do leadership

And the most common form of leadership development, is learning how to DO it.

So, the Complaint Leader buys a few leadership books…7 Habits, Dummies Guide to leadership. The favourite during the90’s of course was to go get an MBA.

Developing the Complaint Leader

Most beginner leaders are this way because they have never been given training in leadership, have no mentors, or are simply young and thus still a beginner at this leadership stuff.

That being said, many schools and even kindergartens are realizing the importance of developing leadership skills and character at a very young age.

Most often, the chosen development route is to first learn how to do leadership. That is, learn the technical skills or competence of leaders. And the primary skill that a leader has is Engaging Communications.

The optimal route however, is to first develop your leadership character and that always starts developing the Habits and Attitudes of Leadership. Start with Dr. Tim Elmore’s “Habitudes”.

Connector Leaders

Connector Leaders are unable to DO leadership and management technically as well as others. Connector leaders are those highly adept in the softer skills of influencing fellow humans and either resort to manipulative methods to maintain their leadership or give of themselves to others continuously. Many clients of mine get concerned about this. To manipulate someone is usually considered a negative characteristic, and for many who feel that they have been manipulated by someone associate the term negatively. So let me clarify by turning to our trusty again…

ma·nip·u·late [muh-nip-yuh-leyt]–verb (used with object), -lat·ed, -lat·ing.

  1. to manage or influence skillfully, esp. in an unfair manner: to manipulate people’s feelings.
  2. to handle, manage, or use, esp. with skill, in some process of treatment or performance: to manipulate a large tractor.
  3. to adapt or change (accounts, figures, etc.) to suit one’s purpose or advantage.

Manipulation is a prized skill. Sure some individuals use their highly developed influencing skills for personal gain over others. And let me be honest here, the vast majority of Connector Leaders that we have met and worked with do, at least when we first meet them, belong to this darker side of the skill use.

The other side of Connector Leaders are those who are ‘Go-Givers’. Such individuals are the kings and queens of the networking circuit. Always looking for a way to refer someone else and connect them with appropriate opportunities. The caveat for some leaders here is that their generosity is not always reciprocated and if the desire to help others is less than completely genuine, they can end up very bitter and resentful.

As a business leader, the ‘Connector’ seeks to expand their circle of influence, some for leverage, others as ‘go-givers’. Underlying motive is key to understanding Connectors. The ‘Connector Leader’ may use the skills of others, claiming recognition for others efforts and yet makes them feel good about it. Other Connectors add value to others, often at the expense of themselves.

Manipulative Connector leaders abound throughout the world. These are often the leaders who ‘play politics’ very well. They know who is key to their future and will easily use their skills to ‘shmooze’ and persuade. If left on their own, they would flounder, yet they seem to do more than survive, even thrive in many organizations. If the Conqueror is the home of the despots then this is the home of nepotism.

Leaders I include here: Several politicians fit this category and a large proportion of people in high level leadership positions that you know. Often the ‘Chairman’s son/nephew or son-in-law.’

Erm… my assessment puts me here and I don’t like it!

Hold on a moment!

Being a fox is not all bad. There are some great and important leadership skills. Skills that others often lack and thus you have the upper hand. Influencing skills in particular are usually strongest.

With this alone, such leaders have a fabulous opportunity. All you really need to consider is your own Values!

The Conjuror Leader

The Conjuror Leader triumphs over adversity again and again. The conjuror seems intent on making their own lives difficult and forever deliberately putting themselves and their teams into new challenges. These leaders find excitement in difficult problems, thoroughly enjoy being tested in the “school of hard knocks”, or an impossible negotiation with the union rep. They excel in the bunkers of the business world, and become easily bored with routine projects. They gather their wits before a troublesome task and have marvellous imagination which they are very capable of transferring directly into their work. About half of the these characters like to show-off, whilst the other, quieter half, like to gain great results.

Conjuror Leaders are the true360 Leaders. They face daily the tensions of balancing the demands of bosses, staff, clients and suppliers. This is truly leading from the middle of the pack. It’s a tough place to be.

The mantra of the successful Conjuror Leader is to “keep on keeping on”. Lead upwards, across and down. Prioritize sufficiently well and above all, manage self effectively.

Leaders here include: Herb Kelleher, Hank Greenberg, Michael Eisner

Like their namesake, these leaders juggle many things at a time. Kings and Queens of multi-tasking, if they learn how to empower their team and enable them through developing the right skills for them then all that sometimes remains, is to become more long term goal focused and have a more strategic perspective.

Developing the Conjuror Leader

The first and foremost thing for the leader in the middle is a reminder that Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.

The challenges Conjuror Leaders face on a daily basis and most often, the lack of power and authority means that they have to influence upwards, across and down the organization. Raising your level of Influence with others by adding value to them and honing the skills of persuasiveness are the key to success.

The Crafstman leader

The Craftsman leader is the clear headed technical leader. Deeply aware of their own qualities, characteristics and skills. They excel in their area. These leaders, rehearse and practice even during a project – working on particular aspects of their management and leadership that needs attention.

This leader excels when tinkering with the minutia details of how to run a particular project. These leaders prefer a low stress day, first time solutions, and polish for the final quality will suit them just fine. Quiet and concentrate more on achieving great results than prideful trumpeting of achievements, these are solid leaders and maintain a consistent high performance.

The Craftsman leader likes a smooth-running business where they can constantly and continuously improve aspects of their business in incremental steps. They invite you to examine their work, highlighting the intricate detail and fine product.

The ‘Craftsman Leader’ likes a smooth-running business where they can constantly and continuously improve aspects of their business in incremental steps. They approach their area of expertise with panache and very high quality. ‘Craftsman’ can be viewed as frustrating to others (especially Conquerors) when they want perfection rather than ‘good enough’

Gordone Bethune, Andy Grove, Sandy Weill are some examples I believe are here.

Developing craftsmen

Organiazations and CEO’s often shy away from developing the craftsmen in their team. They know that they need the quality and steady high performance they bring. In fact, some are held back from progressing only because there’s just one step to go to being a chess-player leader and may even be perceived as a threat to those above and on the Boardroom.

Most of these leaders are an inspiration to their teams – enjoying and praising high quality work and performance, they encourage those without to develop the technical skills and their “soft skills”.

Often, these leaders act as mentors to others – with great experience and with the balance of the high achievement focus of the conqueror, and the strategic politicking of the chess player.

So what does the Craftsman leader need to develop?

Well, the chances are that if you are here, you already know. But just in case…

It is possible that this leader needs a more strategic perspective. More often it is the skills of influencing and motivating.


Yes, it’s true.

Frequently the Craftsman leader has very high Motivation level and Influence Level. That is, they are personally highly motivated and this exudes to those around, who pick up on their motivation. They are inspiring!

They also very frequently have a high level of influence with others. They most often have developed others who then follow because they have been personally developed by this leader… which in turn earns respect and loyalty.

The down side, for some of these leaders, is that because of these high levels of qualities, they do not deliberately practice the skills of motivating and influencing.

When some people simply “don’t get it”, the few that are uninspired or just not interested in learning from this person… they lack the mind ‘politick’ to bother.

This is often a great shame for the organization who would truly benefit if they stepped up that next level.

Those that reach the position… well just look at their organizations. Talk to their people. You’ll want to work there too.

The Cavalier Leader

The Cavalier leader is the ‘show-off’ of the leadership world. The Cavalier leader may not be so egotistically, but because it motivates them. The consummate performer – the true exhibitionist in the office, these leaders like to shape their activities as much as possible and work everything towards the target. How the result, and they, look is important. This is the leader who says “watch this” as they carve a deal in seconds that took others years to fail. Others do this occasionally, with luck, but these leaders thrive on it. They like to wow the crowd and colleagues and are the fame-makers of the business world.

Often referred to as Mavericks, they will stun the audience with acts of derring-do and controversial behaviours. These leaders enjoy the limelight and are more frequently in the press.

Cavalier leaders include: Richard Branson, Ken Lay, Bill Gates, Martha Stewart.

The Cavalier leader is the ‘show-off’ of the leadership world – not necessarily egotistically, but because it motivates them. Often, they will stun the audience with acts of derring-do and controversial behaviours. These leaders enjoy the limelight and are more frequently in the press. They are the Mavericks in business.

Most often, these leaders evolve due to difficulties in learning the technical competences necessary to develop from clumsy to coarse leadership. The prankster at school who entertained rather than produce results.

Charismatic leadership in action? I am regularly asked how to develop “charismatic Leadership”, and frequently this leader is labelled as “Charismatic”. They exude charm, a ‘presence’. But just what is this “charisma”?

Let us turn to the trusty for answers:

cha·ris·ma [kuh-riz-muh]

  1. Theology . a divinely conferred gift or power.
  2. a spiritual power or personal quality that gives an individual influence or authority over large numbers of people.3.the special virtue of an office, function, position, etc., that confers or is thought to confer on the person holding it an unusual ability for leadership, worthiness of veneration, or the like.

What do I do to get this “charisma”? Well, sorry folks, but it isn’t something you do, it is a gift… free, gratis, given. i.e. not in exchange for something else.

So how do I get given it? The clue is in the definition… divinely, spiritual… I suggest that you ask for it.

I don’t believe in all that stuff, so how can I get it?

Conductor Leaders

The conductor is often the unsung hero of the office and social life. Conductors organise, cajole and hustle and, as their namesake, bring harmony into the team through structured, cooperation and collaboration. More concerned for everyone’s enjoyment than just their own, they thrive on working with others. Taking part is more important than winning; they can glory in other’s success. Many of the world’s top leaders fit this style. Disciplined and organised, these leaders like to keep accurate performance records and seldom show-off.

Most leaders would like to be considered as conductors, concentrating their efforts on bringing the symphony together in perfect harmony towards a particular goal. These leaders empower others and seldom take centre-stage in public view (like an orchestral conductor, they have their back to the audience and their guidance focused on their team.)

Leaders: Charles Heimbold, Carol Bartz, Elizabeth Dole, Ralph Larsen, Bill Marriot

Most leaders would like to be considered as conductors, concentrating their efforts on bringing the symphony together in perfect harmony towards a particular goal. These leaders empower others and seldom take centre-stage in public view (like an orchestral conductor, they have their back to the audience and their guidance focused on their team.)

Often, these leaders draw on others competence because they don’t have it themselves! Is that such a bad thing? My mother used to tell me that “it takes a real man to know when to ask for help”.

Actually, one of the best snippets of advice she could ever have given me. Whenever I struggled with doing something, I would feel some pride in asking for the help of those more capable than I.

It helped me to firstly become a good team player and later, a decent leader.

In my early career, I trained as a Chef (yes and I still cook and yes I am pretty good, and yes, you bring the wine and I’ll cook for you). Where was I? Oh yes, the kitchens. Perhaps I should mention that I am not good at pastry. My croissants are solid masses of dough and butter that can (and have) cracked floor tiles!

Does that mean I cannot run a kitchen? No, it means that if I want to serve guests with delectable deserts and breads, that I need to work with someone who’s hands are cooler and has the knack of getting the ingredients properly balanced.

Later I trained in Hotel Management. Some departments suited my skills better than others. Accounting is a no-no for me. I can do it, I just get incredibly bored and thus rush and thus make mistakes. However, give me the chance to chat with someone… I’m your man!

As a leader, I learned how to draw from the strengths of others. Knowing who had the technical competence to do particular tasks and who had the right behavioural competencies to best serve customers.

However, keeping everyone in play effectively and without workaholic effort does mean that, as in an orchestra, we need good, solid section leaders. Otherwise this character can quickly slip back to being a conjuror.

The Chess Player Leader

The Chess Player is the strategist of the leadership world. The Chess Player leader plots their way through a plan from point a to point b to point c. Positional planning is their forte and they are content to deliver steadily and continuously all day, with an occasional massive triumph. They know that consistent, planned performance will win most of the time against all other styles. This highly strategic leader gets the most from their leadership when they are thinking clearly, and using their minds throughout the day.

Nothing flashy about their behaviour for the most part, these leaders are good in all aspects of the business and tend to manage everything efficiently and well.

These are the scorers in the game of business – they may appear to showing-off but that is due to their considerable skill and focus.

All leaders would like to consider themselves to be such leaders, understanding the ‘art of war’ and the plethora of books on strategic management. But that’s just it, the vast majority of strategists are managers, not leaders (except by title).

These leaders understand the environment, the context, the shifting positions of the competition and play a solid game along known successful routes, not too greedy and with contingencies for rough times. They understand foremost, who they are and what drives them, secondly they know their people and leverage their strengths and deploy all their resources to best effect.


Hazem kamal Ashmawy
par Hazem kamal Ashmawy , Head of IT Operations , BanqueMisr

All of these types is needed in the deferent situations   

par AHMED IMRUL KAYES , Senior Consultant , HR Bangladesh Ltd.

I prefer Achiever & Peacemaker

Kathy Mustafa
par Kathy Mustafa , Personal Assistant to CEO- Managing Sales and Marketing Departments , Saudi Kinda Real Estate

3,7,9 is good enough for me. Those particular styles say you are willing to cooperate, lead, and achieve goals without sounding or being selfish. 

For me is the Enthusiast when he has a good TEAM it always depends on The TEAM.

sami almatari
par sami almatari , Constuction manager , The Modern Engineering Office

I think we must be flexible with our leader because some times we do not chose them they chose us but if you ask me which leader I must to be for success the work I think to chose  3,7,8, and9 but that depend of our behaviour and our personal experience

par LABIB KOOLI , Director of the Sectoral Center for Training in Hotel Technologies at Southern Hammamet , Tunisian Vocational Training Agency (ATFP)

By far I would prefer the achiever to be like i'll show most of the other leader styles.

Abdul-Hameed Deeb Al-Sawadi
par Abdul-Hameed Deeb Al-Sawadi , IT Manager , Masaneed Commercial Group (MCG)

I would like to select the enthusiasts.

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