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What are the knowledge areas of Project Quality Management?

Question ajoutée par Alex Al Yazouri , General Manager , Al Mushref Cooperative Society
Date de publication: 2015/03/15
Alex Al Yazouri
par Alex Al Yazouri , General Manager , Al Mushref Cooperative Society

This knowledge areas covers two main areas, creating the products to an acceptable quality level, and the quality of the project management process itself.

This uses three processes:

Plan Quality Perform

Quality Assurance

Perform Quality Control


Planned Quality, Assured Quality, Performed Quality, Quality Deviation (if any)

Based on PBMOK, There are three processes belong to Project Quality Management:

1- Plan Quality Perform

2- Quality Assurance

3- Perform Quality Control

Vinod Jetley
par Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

  • 3. “If you dont havetime to do it rightyou must havetime to do it over.” - Unknown
  • 4. Quality Versus GradeQuality of a product is a measure of how closelyit matches its intended purpose.Grade is a measure of the value people put on aproduct.Quality is probably easier to understand, thanGrade. Next few slides should help.
  • 5. Which of these two television would you like -LCD TV or the good old CRT television of the80s?
  • 6. If you opted for LCD TV, youprobably chose it over the CRT TVbecause of its superior grade.And that makes the CRT TV to be oflow grade. Right?
  • 7. Now, you are given a choice between this LCDTV and an ultra slim LED3D TV. What would youchoose?
  • 8. The same LCD TV now feels lowgrade when compared to thebrand new LED3D TV!Grade is a measure of the valuepeople place on the product.
  • 9. Precision Versus AccuracyAccuracy refers to how far you are fromthe true value.Precision refers to how close do you get tothe same value if you repeated the exerciseseveral times.
  • 10. Let us say youare firing atbulls eye,5shots per turn.
  • 11. Precise but not Accurate
  • 12. Accurate but not Precise
  • 13. Again,Accuracy refers to how far you are from thetrue value.Precision refers to how close do you get to thesame value if you repeated the exercise severaltimes.
  • 14. Plan Quality process
  • 15. Prevention Is Better Than Cure!Plan Quality process is about gathering all theinformation about requirements, schedule andcost and deciding how you want to measurequality of the product and keep defects away!
  • 16. Cost-benefit analysis is about comparing thecost of performing each quality activity and thebenefits it provides, and deciding which ones toinclude in the plan.Benchmarking quite simply means looking intoother similar projects from the past, looking atthe results of their quality plans, and using bestpractices, processes and metrics from them intoyour own project.
  • 17. Control charts are used to verify whether abusiness process is in a state of control (orstable).
  • 18. Design of experiments (DOE) is a statisticalmethod used to figure out the number and typesof tests and impact of their output on cost ofquality.Each of the several identified tests are performedmany number of times and the results arestatistically analyzed to identify which of themhelp measure quality of deliverables mostaccurately.
  • 19. Flowcharts are used toplot processes so thatthe step at which aprocess fails isidentified easily.
  • 20. Statistical sampling is a sampling techniquewhere a representational sample is picked fromthe population and thoroughly tested for certaincharacteristics using designed tests. If thecharacteristics meet specified standards thenentire population is certified to be good, elseentire population is rejected.
  • 21. Perform Quality Assurance process
  • 22. Quality Audits are the process reviews done byyour company’s quality assurance team.Quality audits -• identify policies, activities and processes missed in the project• share best practices from other projects in the organization• offer help in implementing quality control activities, processes and guidelines• log the lessons learnt during audit into organizational process assets
  • 23. s Perform Quality Control process
  • 24. Few concepts tounderstand, first.
  • 25. Prevention Versus InspectionPrevention is about taking proactive action toensure defects are not introduced in theproduct.Inspection is about examining deliverables withintent to find any defects, or deviations fromdocumented requirements, so that customergets the deliverables that implement givenrequirements.
  • 26. Attribute sampling Versus Variables samplingAttribute sampling is the case of samplingwhere population is accepted if characteristicsmet specifications exactly; if they didn’t thepopulation got rejected.Variables sampling is the case where the degreeto which characteristics matched specificationsis measured. The population is accepted only ifthey matched to a certain degree of conformity.
  • 27. Tolerances Versus Control limitsTolerance indicates a range of deviation withinwhich the results are accepted.Control limits are the thresholds of deviationbeyond which the process is termed as out ofcontrol.
  • 28. Cause and effect diagramsThis is a root cause diagram, where a root of acause of problem can be traced by continuouslytrying to answer why along each of the lines ofsymptoms.
  • 29. Pareto chartPareto charts contain bars representingfrequency of occurrences of a variable, arrangedin descending order and a line representingcumulative values of these bars.
  • 30. Pareto chart
  • 31. Run chartRun chart is a graph that displays observed datain a time sequence. Run chart shows trends in aprocess over time or variation over time.
  • 32. Scatter diagramScatter diagram is a type of mathematical diagramusing Cartesian coordinates to display relationbetween two variables.An example of Scatter diagram is plot of two sets ofvariables, one representing height of an athlete(independent variable, on X-axis) and anotherrepresenting weight (dependent variable, on Y-axis)- to find whether height has any correlation withweight of an athlete.
  • 33. This shows a positive correlation betweenthese variables. It appears that as height of anathlete increase she tends to weigh more.
  • 34. “Quality is fitness forintended use” - Quality Guru Joseph Juran

Utilisateur supprimé
par Utilisateur supprimé


Project quality plan is to deliver products that focus on delivering high quality of project as expected by customers. Project Quality Plan is set of activities planned at the beginning of the project that helps achieve Quality in the Project being executed. The quality management plan establishes a process to ensure that all project goals, objectives, and deliverable are met in compliance with acceptable and formally approved quality standards. The aim of the Project Quality Plan is to follow the plan (that is activities defined) in order to deliver products that meet customers business objectives and also customer's quality expectations.

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