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If working a human resources supervisor, what is the most efficient method to encourage the employees to be more loyal to institution?

Question ajoutée par Shirin Hamdan , Senior Human Resources Assistant , UNHCR
Date de publication: 2015/03/27
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1. Cash is King! Nothing motivates more than the all mighty dollar.  


2. Score Your Goals with Theirs

You need to always be matching their goals with the company goals. Once they diverge, the employee will either leave or not work as hard toward the company goals. Always ensure through excellent communication that you are meeting the employee goals WITH the company goals!  


3. Make 'Em Work Smarter Employees are motivated more when they are achieving goals. What better way to meet more goals than by increasing your productivity by working smarter? That's how you get people going. Show them they are making a real difference.  


4. Positive Reinforcement The way I motivate employees is by telling them they are doing a great job and by giving individual employees a surprise bonus when an employee goes above and beyond to do a great job. I also individually and as a group tell them that I feel very lucky to be working with them and they are an amazing group of people and a great team. One of the easiest ways to motivate employees is also the least expensive. Simply praise them for doing great work.  


5. Lend them our glasses! In our business, team spirit is critical, because every member of our team plays a starring role in our growth. Allowing our team members to see our vision of our company, from the owners' perspectives, has been invaluable in motivating everyone. As our staff understands our hopes, dreams, and struggles, they embrace their own importance in achieving our overall vision. Sharing our vision with those who work hardest to help us achieve it is key!  


6. Set the Example To motivate the folks who work for me, I make certain to set the best example. I set high standards for my own work and keep my motivation level very high. Also, I try to emphasize whenever possible that we are all part of the Mommy MD Guides team. Who doesn't like to be part of something great?  


7. Frequent Communications The key to motivating employees (for the long term) is to regularly communicate with them, and let them know how the business is progressing. The way to do this is through a daily huddle - a10 minute, standing meeting where there is a rapid share of the company's successes and challenges from the prior day. Quick recognition for significant employee accomplishments or celebrations (like birthdays and anniversaries) - we are all human after all, and like to be appreciated.  


8. Appreciation Beats out Money In the current work environment most employees get equal pay even if the work is not equal in quality. More money may make me happy for a moment but appreciation sticks to me for a long time. Years ago my boss gave me back a report with a sticky note on it that simply said "Good job, Mary". I still have it and when I get discouraged and stressed on the job, I take it out to remind me that I am appreciated. Now when someone does a good job for me I not only tell them, I put it in writing. 9. Cut Them in on the Deal People are motivated by a lot of factors, but self-interest is among the most powerful. Thus, cut them in on the deal-- share the rewards of the company's success. This can take many forms-- profit sharing, equity, and clear and transparent milestone-driven bonuses. Making employees feel like an owner vs. a cog in the wheel is what drives people to go the extra mile.  


10. Treat People with Respect I don't think that you can motivate people. You can however, create the conditions in which self motivated people will thrive and deliver excellent work. This isn't difficult. Treat people with respect and dignity. Tell them what you need them to do, then get out of their way and let them do it. They will justify your faith in them with their ingenuity, hard work and results.  


11. Hire Only Pre-motivated People There are the people you motivate. And then there are the people who are already motivated- congenital drivers. Hire the latter. How do you know who they are? It's tricky, but not impossible. You begin with a brutally candid spec in the job description. You follow this up in the interview process with open ended questions that reveal the candidate's motivation index. Find out what drives them. Get their take on motivation. They will self-qualify.  


12. Accountability If employees are empowered to make decisions on their own (within reason and with respect to their skill set/position within the company), this tends to be a pretty strong self-motivational tool. I'm not a "rah-rah" guy and I tend to not take that management style very seriously. This isn't a high school football game people! If people know that they are accountable for their own decisions, this tends to be a great motivator. They are either a hero or a goat and everyone will know it. 13. Treat Them as Entrepreneurs! No carrots, no sticks!! Only passion!! Hire motivated people to begin with, hire those who are passionate about what you're doing and what your business stands by, and you'll need to worry the least about motivating them...  


14. You're the Boss! Whenever possible I allow and even urge my staff to be the boss. ONCE they get a fairly good idea of how we do things and are on the same page with policies and customer service (my biggest priority,) I urge the staff to make decisions on their own. If their decision is good, I commend them and often reward an exceptionally good decision with a free tank of gas, a gift card for a meal, etc. If the action is a little questionable I discuss the possible alternatives that may have been taken.  


15. Motivation Can be Simple I keep things simple; I treat employees as I would want to be treated myself. I keep this in mind when something goes awry or when the opposite occurs.  


16. Learn About Addiction If you have under achieving workers you must learn about addiction and the causes of this behavior. You will be amazed. You can start to understand how laziness or a disorganized approach to work could be tied to underlying causes and conditions. You are then more able to say just the right thing to motivate employees to reach new levels of cooperation.  


17. Making a Difference Motivates Motivate employees by tapping into their pride. Get them involved in planning on what needs to be done. Employees support what they help build. Just doing tasks will mean very little to them. But if they are connected to the big picture and understand its importance, their work now has purpose. Including them in appropriate decision-making provides a high level of ownership. Seeing how their work impacts the overall success of the company fuels their internal motivation to do their best.  


18. Treat Employees Like Customers To motivate your employees, realize that they are another form of customer for your business. Just as you want your customers to buy your products, you want your employees to buy into your instructions and performance expectations. Just like your customers, your employees are motivated by need satisfaction and will respond to your demonstration of respect, appreciation, compliments and interest in them. It's not just money that motivates. We all work harder when we are appreciated.  


19. Passion is the Great Motivator If you want your employees to stay inspired and motivated, then they can't be just your employees, but rather your partners. No one wants to be just a worker. Everyone wants to feel a sense of creative ownership. Structure your company so that everyone feels they have a means to express their point of view. And make decisions in concert with your staff. If people are valued and respected they will feel a sense of pride and ownership of the company. Motivation will never be an issue!  


20. Take a Break, Catch a Movie! I have found that people love the opportunity to "goof off" on company time, especially when the company is footing the bill. When my staff had accomplished a large goal or had persistently stayed with a project that was filled with a lot of finite details, they could choose from a variety of payoffs. Among other things, I offered them a late start day, treated them to a long lunch, or gave them the $$ for movie tickets to go with an afternoon off. They always came back feeling appreciated.  


21. What's Their Personality? As an Expert Personality Profiler with over20 years of experience training company owners, I can tell you that different personalities are motivated by different things. What works for one will not work for others. You must understand the personality of your employee to know what is important to them! Some want public "attaboys", while others just want to know you appreciate their work or that they have job security. There are online assessments available on my website. Please check them out!  


22. Get it, Got it, GOOD! To motivate others, you have to be motivated FIRST. I download Zig Ziglar and Jim Rohn podcasts and listen to them in my "automobile university." Then I show up and BAM, I am already there. I take the time to listen to what my team needs, and to deliver110% of that.  


23. Move the Office Outdoors A great way to keep employees motivated and out of a slump is to have a day or one day a week where you go outdoors, to a coffee shop, park or something just to get away from the office but still get work done. Now you can go just about anywhere and hold a meeting or do work. Everyone needs a break from the office and sometimes the best ideas flow when you take a break to breathe and enjoy the scenery. Employees not only benefit from this but so do you as the owner...  


24. Lead by Example Seriously., a printing company I started17 years ago continues today with the exact same high-level principles and enthusiasm that I launched it with. I performed outrageous customer service to the highest degree - motivating my team (and ultimately my successors) by having a fantastic work ethic and unbridled passion. My actions - day-in, day-out for many years - became the template for the 'way' we did business.  


25. Compliment Your Team A good leader knows how to interact with people on a “professional” as well as a “personal” level. Every employee welcomes recognition and praise for their hard work; it also boosts their morale and encourages them to continue to do a good job. To be an effective leader, you should acknowledge the accomplishments of your team both individually and as a group. Statistics show that workers who feel appreciated are more productive and less likely to leave their jobs.  


26. Leading From the back Leading from the back is the way to motivate. Of Course, you can give rewards but that doesn't last and is exhausting if you are always trying to be the "Rah Rah" section. When you Lead from the back, your employee stays motivated because the passion is coming from their own source. They feel ownership on the task as if the idea comes from them as well as you. It's facilitating the outcome. Recognition is also a plus.  


27. Do You Know Who I Am? The best motivation for anyone - including employees - is to hear or see our name as often and in as many places as possible. Our name is the most potent sound we can hear and see. If you want to motivate someone put their name up in lights and/or sing it from the rooftops!  


28. Treat Them like Partners The biggest motivator for most employees is to be treated like partners in your business. Have regular meetings, listen to their opinion and more importantly share information with them. Nothing is more powerful than sharing information with employees and involving them in the decision making process. If you can, set aside a certain amount of earnings in the profit sharing pool. It may only be10% of your earnings shared among all your employees. Even this can mean a lot to them.  


29. Allow Them to Do Their Job Sometimes the best method for motivating employees is the most simple. Allow them to do what they were hired to do. Often as leaders we take too much ownership away from our staff out of fear they cannot do the job as well as we can. Not only does this de-motivate staff, it creates more work for you! Empower them. Ask for their input. Give them expectations about the results that need to be met and get out of their way. Follow up for questions and to keep accountability in check.  


30. There is Hope! The best way to motivate employees is to give them reasons to believe their company is vital to the interests of its customers, partners, shareholders, and employees. Everyone wants to be involved in something that matters -- including where they work. Demonstrate how your company matters, and you will create employees who take pride in your company. I once created a video that showed how our company's software was a part of everyday life. It was created in2002. It's still being used today!  


31. Fire Up To motivate employees Recognize! Recognize! Recognize! Reward! Reward! Reward! Always recognize accomplishment and/or efforts in public. Do it often and with sincerity. Recognize individual performers and groups. Make it a big deal. Know your employees and what lights their fire not what lights your fire. Apply the spark, recognition.  


32. Let Folks Do What They Do Best If employers can empower their employees to do what they love to do and what they do best, they will not only be more productive, but also much happier. There is something specific that each of us is here to do. Enacting our unique purpose in the world is a greater source of fulfillment than the possession of any object. In our company, we call this "Owning Your Unique Expression."  


33. Compliment/Support Your People I have found that typically if you make it a habit to compliment the work/attitude of those around you that better morale is created which manifests in better production all around. Being consistent in your standards helps and 'getting dirty' by sometimes working alongside your People helps too. Don't be afraid to remove 'bad attitude ' personality types---poor attitude is like a spreads like cancer.  


34. Be Detailed and Specific The best and longest lasting way to motivate employees is to acknowledge them for a job well done, being as specific and detailed as you can, so they truly know what they are doing well which will support and encourage them to continue doing so.  


35. On a Mission! Make them feel that they are part of something bigger than themselves or even the company! Here are three ways to do that:1. Post your company's mission statement in prominent places around the office.2. Convey the idea that what they're doing is important to the rest of the team or even to the rest of society.3. Believe that idea yourself and lead by example!  


36. Great Way to Motivate The single best way I've ever found to motivate employees or anyone else is this: Build your people up. Make them feel important. If your people think you have a high opinion of them, it's amazing what they will do to maintain that opinion. And the more they respect you, the harder they will work to hang on to your regard.  


37. Value People Motivating employees is relatively simple: engage them in the process of their own--and ultimately, your--success. Ask for their ideas for improvement and implement as many suggestions as possible. Treat them as a vital component of your business success. When employees are actively engaged, they will dig deep to make their very best contribution based on their capacity to do so. It's human nature to give your best when you feel validated, respected and honored for your unique contribution.  


38. Motivate By Asking Questions Create a motivating experience for your employees by discovering what they enjoy and then align their work with what you discover. Ask questions like:1. What are you doing at work when the hours seem to fly by?2. When you aren't under pressure, what do you choose to do first?3. If money weren't an issue, what work would you choose?4. What advice or assistance do people seek from you? Don't try to figure people out. They will tell you what work they love if you ask them.  


39. Catch All Employees Red Handed According to the New York Times best seller, How Full Is Your Bucket?,65 percent of Americans report receiving no recognition for good work in the past year. Yet, a recent survey of American workers stated that the #1 performance motivator was a simple pat on the back by anyone. Super achievers understand the power of catching someone doing something right. In short, top producers become evangelists for celebration within their organizations.  


40. Loyal, Dedicated Employees Regularly give your employees sincere, specific praise & "pats on the back." Give them unexpected small gifts, extra breaks, lunch with the boss, & your undivided attention. Be sensitive to what's going on in their life, helpful, & let them know they matter. Make sure to brag about them to others when they can overhear. Critique them when you have to for unsatisfactory work in a positive, not demeaning manner. Do these things & you'll have loyal, dedicated employees! 41. Stop DEMOTIVATING employees If you STOP DEMOTIVATING THEM, it gives employees room and incentive to use their natural internal motivation. Read Dilbert. The pointy-haired boss has, over the cartoon's history, demonstrated the obvious stupidities we managers are guilty of.  


42. To Each, His (or Her) Own Create a list of available, typical employee motivators (i.e., pay increase, bonus, event tickets, merchandise, comp time, gifts, titles, promotions, special assignments, etc.) and distribute it to each employee. Instruct them to prioritize the list with #1 being what would motivate them the most and ask them to return the prioritized list to you privately. Keep it in their personnel file to refer to when recognizing top-notch performance.  


43. Motivating Through Blocks From a psychological perspective, motivation is powered by need, and often "blocked" by issues. Ask two questions to gain insight:1) What about your job/position bores you?; and,2) What are you truly afraid of in the company - in your position? Boredom is the antithesis & opportunity of motivation. Setting up a plan to move employees into action that removes boredom is motivation. Learning about fears is to learn about self-esteem and insecurity issues that block motivation to confidently move.  


44. Respect Their Sovereignty Bottom line? Respect employees' sovereignty at work. Not doing so can be detrimental. Call your managers leaders instead of managers. The name manager has meaning that is offensive to employees. It suggests ‘the boss’—someone who dominates. However, it’s not enough to change the title. Engender self-leadership to create accountability and eliminate the need for micro-managing. Also, release employees that don’t fit—employees wanting to coast along and not fulfill their potential.  


45. Fuel Efficient Staff Create a Radical Learning environment, one that is fuel efficient (it provides its own energy), social (when one learns, everyone learns), sticky (lessons are remembered), and guilt free (knowing it all takes a back seat to learning what is needed for the job). It only requires managerial commitment to motivating staff not a big budget.  


46. Who Really Motivates? News Flash: workers motivate themselves! My job as boss is to communicate my goal, and once workers accept it, take care of these three things: remove anything that distracts workers' focus from the goal provide all resources so they can meet the goal reward their success with meaningful rewards (rewards workers value.) The workers do the motivating. All I have to do is lead. Once I learned this truth, getting jobs done with employees, volunteers, or associates became fun!  


47. Recognize Potential Nancy knew right away that I was capable of so much more than receptionist in spite of having to be shown how to turn on the computer my first day. Because she not only saw my potential but never put a "job description" box around me, I was quickly promoted to marketing secretary. That's where after being told by the COO not to spend any more time making a tedious overtime process more efficient, Gerald backed me as I took that four person process to a one person, day and a half process.  


48. You've Got to "Make it Real!" The best strategy for motivating employees is to “Make it Real.” This means that your managers are trained to make all of their employee communications believable. When employees trust your motives and accept your message as genuine, they’ll want to bring higher morale to work. If they feel as though you’re just “throwing ‘em a bone” and your recognition is more for your benefit than theirs, employees will emotionally disengage and morale will plummet.  


49. Instant Gratification Reward people as soon as possible when they go above and beyond, whether the act is large or small. Match the reward to the contribution. For example, coming in half an hour early to set up for a meeting might be matched with a gift certificate for freshly baked cookies at a local bakery--and a thank you. Closing a big deal earns a bonus in the next paycheck--and a thank you. Always a thank you!  


50. Using Peers to Motivate Employees like to be recognized for their talents, respected for their expertise and appreciated for their contributions. Being recognized by their peers can be a useful way to accomplish these needs. Establish a place on your intranet for your associates to recognize each other for going above and beyond. These postings can go to the employees' manager to be put into the employees' file. Also use them in employee newsletters to highlight great work. It's easy and cost effective. 51. Motivation by Recognition There's nothing cosmic about motivating employees. Most people want to be part of a winning team, so help them understand why what they do is important and why their personal contribution is critical to the team's success. There are many different motivational techniques. Some work, some don't. Success seems to be primarily dependent on the individual to be motivated. This technique works more often than any other I've seen.  


52. Best Way to Motivate Employees I have found that the most effective way to motivate and keep employees loyal is to keep them abreast of everything that is happening in the company - good or bad. Right along with this is to always say "thank you" when they have completed a project or informed you about something.  


53. Help Them Be Proud! Dignify employees. A woman who puts clips on pens now says with pride: “I am responsible for the image of our company. If the clip isn’t buffed so it shines and if it isn’t perfectly aligned on the pen, then our customer will have a rumpled lapel pocket- and that is not the image we want for our company.” When asked to temporarily package pens, she will still do her very best. Why? Because she doesn’t want her perfectly buffed and aligned clips and pens to be jostled in transit.  


54. High Definition Leadership Tip The best practice for motivating our employees is the transparency discovery: Create an environment for intentional, intimate dialogue with your employees. Share a real life experience that rocked your world and invite others to share also. This dialogue provides relief for one of the greatest human needs - to be heard. You will be amazed at what you discover. They will be amazed that you took the time to listen. PS - It's easy to motivate people who you take time to understand.  

55. Carry-ins Carry You Through

As a keynote speaker, I am asked many times how we keep employees motivated. At our call center, we work on motivation issues every day. Of all the things you could do, a carry-in lunch is definitely the best. Carry-in lunches motivate your people and get them working together on a fun project. We try to have one as often as possible. You would be amazed to see how many excellent chefs you have. People have so much fun preparing their favorite recipes and eating together.  


56. Give 'Em Vision! Help your people know where you are taking the company (your vision), and that you need them to help make it happen (their unique role). When someone does something helpful, reward them with praise & also a bonus. Don't be afraid to give those bonuses for performance - SHOW your thanks for helping realize your vision. Make sure to create a SYSTEM of "performance-based compensation" that makes it clear to your people how they will be rewarded when they are a part of growing to your vision.  


57. Want a Fully Motivated Team? A leader who wants to create an environment where the employees are motivated should create a focal point. A focal point is simply a meaningful theme that everyone can relate to and makes them feel their job is important to the success of the company. It must be designed in a way that everyone can contribute to it and the focal point must be easy to understand and measure. An example is Ford's “Quality is Job One”. Easy to understand, everyone can contribute and easy to measure.  


58. Best Creative Tip to Motivate My favorite way is to celebrate them regularly. Find what they are doing right and celebrate with surprise pizza lunches, coffee and brownies, or a day in their honor: on that day their photo is placed everywhere in special frames and they are recognized with a "great job" ceremony and receive a $100 gift certificate along with a framed million dollar bill saying "your work is worth millions to our company". This results in employees working hard to be celebrated and earn the rewards.  


59. Motivation is a4 Letter Word. Coffee mugs, ropes courses, money, motivational speakers- their impact is either minimal or temporary, and sometimes both. Employees want to be engaged and own their success and destiny. To truly motivate your employees, engage them in transformational conversations that make a difference in their work, success and satisfaction. Don’t be afraid to engage your employees in conversations of significance that impact their lives, their work, and the contribution they bring to your company.  


60. Hand-written Notes are Magical One of the standards at my advertising agency was that all employees were required to write one hand-written note, monthly, to a fellow employee telling that person something positive about their contribution to the team or to a client. The more specific the details, the better. What I discovered was that most employees taped those notes on their office walls and left them there for continued motivation. Hand-written notes work like magic to improve motivation and morale.  


61. Show, Tell and Inspire! One of the best motivators I've found is SHOWING a team of employees about what their effort creates and how their customers use and benefit from it. Identifying with customers, and knowing how they use and benefit from the product or service your team creates can inspire a whole new level of commitment, enthusiasm and excellence. Can't show your employees what they create? Ask a customer to come in and tell them. Customers LOVE this opportunity -- they KNOW it will benefit them! Try it and see.  


62. Seals, Sardines & Cupcakes Keeping employees motivated day-in and day-out isn’t the result of one-time events like parties, cookouts or passing out cupcakes on Tuesdays. Employees aren’t trained seals who will patty-cake to get their sardine – build an environment where they motivate themselves. Let them know you have their back. Let them make decisions. Seek out and listen to their feedback. Say thank you and mean it. Say I’m sorry and mean it. And then pass out cupcakes on Tuesday.  


63. Knock Their Socks Off Campaign Have each employee put a tag line on their email signature block that says: How's my service? Please contact my manager to let her know at . When a manager receives a compliment, that employee is given a pair of slippers to wear that day as well as each subsequent time they receive a compliment. The benefits: comfy feet and recognition not just from their manager, but from the client and their peers when they see them wearing slippers!  


64. Money as Best Motivator Frederick Herzberg did the seminal study on motivation in the1950s. Nothing has changed since then. Based on his findings in this study and my forty years of experience in the world of work as an executive, consultant, and teacher, I believe that money spread over an extended period via a progressive wage or salary program coupled with a well defined promotion system and bonus plan for exceptional performance is the most effective way to continually motivate employees.  


65. Inspiring by Empowering Recognizing the worth of employees and acknowledging that worth by placing faith and trust in them is critical for motivation. Employees should have control over their work and be evaluated and recognized on how well they handle it. Frustration occurs when employees don’t receive proper recognition and are not given enough control over their job duties. With a sense of ownership and proper recognition in place, employees will be more motivated to deliver excellence day-after-day.  


66. Motivation is in the Selection Too many times busy executives neglect the employee selection function. The Human Resources function is often treated as the step-child of executive leadership. My counsel is for small business owners to spend less to zero time thinking up the latest trick to motivate employees and spend a huge amount of time thinking about how to build a team of highly self-motivated employees. As motivation is wholly from within, choosing the right team of self-motivated employees is the only way to go.  


67. Enhancing Pride & Joy In Work A major barrier to experiencing joy in work is the annual review. One needs to remove barriers that rob workers of their pride of workmanship. In one company, you can work on a product until you are satisfied; in the other company, you work on the same product, but are required to make a given amount each day, regardless of circumstance. In which environment would you experience greater pride in your work and feel you had a common purpose with the management/shareholders of the company?  


68. It's All in the Research! Research tells us that employees are primarily motivated by four things:1) Having a manager who shows care, interest and concern for them2) Knowing what is expected of them3) Having a role that fits their abilities4) Receiving positive feedback and recognition regularly for work well done. I’d call this ‘effective people management’ and many people call it common sense. It does make sense, but it sure ain’t common!  


69. Wow Them To motivate and bring out the best in your employees is to 'wow' them making them feel special and significant, that their contribution is important. Managers should learn to give them the three 'A's: - Attention, making them feel important - Admiration, when they have contributed something valuable to the team - Affection, a hug or pat on the shoulder to show how special they are!! Excellence is achieved by giving more than people expect to receive!  


70. Motivated Employees I love to make each team part of the decision making process. They want to be listened to, they want to be a part of the success of the enterprise. It's all of us achieving a common goal. As a leader I do have goals to achieve. I need a team to support these goals. That's why they must be part of the process.  


71. Joy Rules! Fun, experienced from the top down, is one of the most powerful but underutilized motivators! I have spent the past30 years and countless hours helping corporations hone leadership skills in most well-known industries and joy in the workplace is catchy. Joyful leaders create joyful environments that attract happy people. Happy teams are productive teams. Joy permeates the culture, creating a corporate high. It is an unquantifiable attribute with a quantifiable result: a healthy bottom line. 72. Celebrating Success Rewards- our employees get cSubs $$ & a Pizza Party for their successes including client compliments, client referrals, each year of service, community service, a new employee, going beyond, increased efficiencies, reducing costs, etc. Accumulate5,000 cSub $$ worth of successes & exchange for a vacation for6 people anywhere in the U.S.A.8,000 cSubs $$$ is a vacation plus airfare for2. Acknowledging, rewarding and celebrating our success in this way has been key to our growth.  

73. Good Ideas? We’ve Got Them.

What motivates staff to submit ideas? I set a format for staff to submit good ideas. Each employee averages20 ideas a year, and60 percent are used. Small motivational awards, up to50$ can be made and suggestions implemented immediately. First motivate your people, then give them a structure for creating ideas. Finally reward them for their good ideas. 74. Create Blissful Work Stop trying to fit square pegs in round holes – it’s miserable for everyone! Discover how individual staff members like to contribute... through processes and procedures, creativity, innovation, kindness, saving costs, creating new possibilities etc. Allow them to contribute in ways that work best for their specific talents and abilities... and remember to show gratitude for their contributions.  


75. Motivation Through Engagement Inspired performance/employee engagement helps staff work with purpose- more than simply showing up. Share Talents-leave a legacy/retain corporate knowledge. Give Back/Pay it Forward-volunteer as a team.  


76. No Negatives Allowed Here!! Employees engaged in a personal development program perform better and team work is initiated; constantly promoting a positive attitude in the work place keeps motivation high and performance high, no negatives allowed here.  


77. Employee Motivation Stress Tip Workplace stress costs USA businesses $300 Billion per year according to the American Institute of Stress. Stress programs which incorporate meditation contribute to increased absorption in work tasks, lower absenteeism, better decision making and better communication. Employees can be encouraged to take1 or2 minutes out of each hour for stretching, mindfulness based activities, prayer and anything which is grounding, balancing and centering. Little actions go a long way. 78. Reduce Topmost Employee Stress Tip: Remember, the most stressful thing for most employees at work is the inability to do their jobs. So, as a manager, calendar personal stress each employee incurs (family illness, death, divorce, etc.) Then, if/when the employee performs less than optimally, bring the personal stress into the discussion in a caring way. Show you want to work it out the best that the job allows. Let the employee take the lead. Try to accommodate, especially by lightening workload temporarily.  


79. Sustained Employee Motivation High performing organizations tend to possess this counter-intuitive quality: TRANSPARENCY. This is too often seen as a weakness. It's actually a sign of great strength. The leaders are open and vulnerable, admit mistakes, and ask for feedback. Quickly and naturally, their subordinates act the same way. Important learning occurs, strong relationships are created, employee engagement reaches unprecedented levels, and sales and earnings achieve breakthrough results. 80. Powerful Formula for Business How engaged is your team going into2010? Do you have what you need in place to grow your productivity this year? Involvement = Engagement Engagement = Commitment Commitment = Loyalty Loyalty = Increased Productivity  

81. Service Passwords

Without a sense of being appreciated, people lose their desire, effectiveness, and energy to serve customers. Service work is very demanding, and the worker needs proper training, support, and motivation. He or she needs an occasional pat on the back for a job well done. People need to be appreciated as much as they need to earn a decent living. Without a sense of being appreciated, people lose their desire, effectiveness, and energy to serve customers.  

82. Unique, immediate recognition

Take them fly-fishing! That’s one of the things Matt Colligan, Champion Windows-Colorado Springs has done to reward employees. He tries to recognize accomplishments immediately, sometimes giving out certificates on the spot. Teams are recognized with special activities for hitting goals, such as taking the entire team fly-fishing with a guide. Happy families contribute to employee success, so when the company reached a goal Matt treated his staff and spouses to the restaurant of their choice.

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