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هل سبق لك وتقدمت بمبادرة إبداعية؟ وكيف تعاملت معها الشركة؟ Did you introduce an innovative initiative lately? how did the company treat it?

Question ajoutée par Utilisateur supprimé
Date de publication: 2013/07/30
هشام عيسي
par هشام عيسي , Sales and marketing consultant , Free lance

في الشركات الصغيرة و المتوسطه رحبوا بها لكن في القطاع العام ....
تم وضعها في درج المكتب :) و في بعض الحالات او معظمها كان يقال عني اني مجنون :)

mahmoud salim
par mahmoud salim , maintenance manager

هناك ما تم قبوله و هناك ما تم رفضه.
سبب الموافقه يكون هو أن الظروف تسمح و التعديلات غير مكلفه أكثر من فوائدها و غير معقده و تتوافق مع موديلات السنوات القادمه .
و ما تم رفضه لعكس ما ذكرته.
كان ذلك فى إيطاليا.

حازم عبد الحميد محمد دياب
par حازم عبد الحميد محمد دياب , technical office manager , Kased Khair

تقدمت باكثر من مبادرة ابداعية بعضها قبل وبعضها لم يقبل قد يكون بسبب الميزانية او اسباب اخرى

Buthina Izzat
par Buthina Izzat , Admin & HR Specialist , freelance

creativity we all have, i made many creative suggestions and work, few was endorsed and many was folded off in special corners and forgotten, creativity is known as risk to many companies i faced, there is no focus on it even if it was a very good solution that can bring up the profitability.
the reason is the ego of the person in charge most the time!!!

Renae Richardson
par Renae Richardson , Education Coordinator/Director , Oxford Learning Center

Not recently.
At one particular company I worked for I questioned a process they were using to draw in customers.
In reviewing past records it did appear that the process in question had worked and was successful at one particular point in time.
However, the process seemed to draw fewer and fewer customers .
I surmised that we revamp how we do things and take another approach where we would increase our visibility and meet the customers on a different platform.
It was unique in that what I was suggesting hadn't been done before and to push it forward it needed full support of my supervisor.
My supervisor would have to sell the idea in order to secure the platform.
Let's say that the supervisor was the one who had started the original program.
The supervisor was there when in its infant stages it was a stellar method.
However, in its mature stages it just didn't work.
I told my supervisor we have to do this different, give this a chance.
"If you always do what you always done you will always get what you always got." My supervisor said no.
She said the original worked before it will work again.
She said I will personally go to ensure its success.
No matter how much I lobbied or the data I gave her she wouldn't let it go.
We did it her way.
Let's say the results were horrible.
She had grown out of touch with her customer base.
Although, she said she welcomed innovative ideas she wouldn't let go of her pet idea.
We were left with no growth.
Her response.
We just have to try harder next year.
Needless to say I left the company because I felt it was growing in the opposite direction.
I did not want to be on board when the ship finally sank.

عبد الحكيم أحمد سعيد الصباري
par عبد الحكيم أحمد سعيد الصباري , المدير التنفيذي , دار الخبراء لتطوير الأعمال

مبادراتي كلها عبارة عن معالجات لاختلالات عانت منها الجهات وجميعها الحمد لله تعاملت معها بإيجابية.

Rami Alshahawi
par Rami Alshahawi , مدير إدارة المشروعات , مجموعة شركات أكيدة

تقدمت من خلال وظيفتي السابقة بمبادرة لرئيس مجلس الإدارة بعد مضي شهر من استلامي للوظيفة وتم قبولها وتغيير الهيكل التنظيمي للشركة وفقها ، وتكليفي بإدارتها وتقديم كل الدعم اللازم لانجاحها.

mostafa ahmed
par mostafa ahmed , Owner , Orange for marketiing

لن اقدم مبادره في اي شركه الا بعد ان اتاكد اني في منصب يمكنني في حالة الموفقه على هذه المبادره من تنفيذها وذلك لاني لا احب ان اتعب في شئ ويقوم احد باخذها منى او تجاهلها

Nadia Ahmed Mohammed Saeed
par Nadia Ahmed Mohammed Saeed , T/L. Credi t& Risk , Canar Telecommunication Co. LTD.

I have do ,and I have appreciated and they appoint me the employee of the month

Mohamed Mostafa
par Mohamed Mostafa , مدير تنفيذي مصنع العبوات المعدنية ومصنع البلاستيك , المدينة مصراتة

yep i did it several times befor and i was the responsible of the plan and the executive

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