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How did humans develop a vocabulary to express language according to Noam Chomsky?

Question ajoutée par Amal Brahmi , Primary teacher , Ajyal Alghad
Date de publication: 2015/03/31
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According to Noam Chomsky's theory on second language acquisition, all people are born with an innate device that allow's us to learning language, which he calls, The Language Acquisition Device."  

عبد الرحمن ابراهيم محمد العمايره
par عبد الرحمن ابراهيم محمد العمايره , معلم , وزارة التربية والتعليم

Language is the clearest characteristics of the human race has distinctive. Indicate the unique nature, and put it in the heights living creatures. They said that the language mirror the mind, and a tool of thought, and a pot of knowledge, which is the backbone of human societies.


Do not look at this lecture on the history of the language, when it appeared, and what is the first Arhasatha? Nor how grown and evolved over the types and ages? Slim and Almstzad to book Dr. Michael Kurbalas MCCorballis () translated into Arabic and entitled "in the genesis of language." It follows that the linguistic evolution of the hand signal to the mouth pronunciation.


We also do not get into the field of human excellence, whether it is in or something else? Slim and wishing it to the captivating book, entitled "Are we without peer?" By Dr. James Trevl J. Trefil, who argue that the human brain is the greatest characteristic of the human race from other creatures. This compares with a brain the brains of other animals, and with the computer, to reach the vast complex and somewhat degree difference. Rather, the computer no matter how progress will not reach the level of the human brain, with its full capacity of thinking and creativity. ()


However, language is a complex physiological phenomenon psychological, and social activity. Transcends Basmohm with her family. And degenerate Banahtathm. It is not only Terbitat between words. The language linking concepts in mind, and work through the use of rules, governing natural forms of human speech, at different levels and for Hjath. () Has baffled language but educated human mind since ancient times. Many Muslims understand the verse: "And He taught Adam all the names," (The Cow31) that the gift of divine knowledge of the language of Adam, and moved to his descendants. The Twentieth Century in-depth studies of various aspects of the language. The researchers found that the "Queen of human language seems programmed inevitably in the structure of our brains, that is, they adapt my body before our species from the environment in which our ancestors found themselves" (). Professor Trevl argue in defense of this position several observations, including:


(1) children begins in the whole world language acquisition at the same age.


(2) children acquire language in a very specific sequence.


(3) children acquire language very quickly. With six years of age speak sentences sound Edia.


The idea that human language consists of two levels: the deep of rules programmed genetic inevitability. The surface of the spoken or written language. Professor Noam Chomsky "Naom Chomsky" assumes that all human languages ​​share a deep group of the same grammatical rules. And the laws of human language is not related sounds or words, but the way you build your languages. () "And our ability to build sentences and understanding depends on the banner skill to look at the use of the rules. It is perhaps worthwhile to pay heed that we use these rules without obituary." () And loves linguists to distinguish between grammar, meaning. Sentence grammatically correct what may be, but without meaning. Chomsky, such as the famous phrase "green ideas sleep without angry color."


Colorless green ideas sleep furiously


That the scientific integrity requires that mention that Chomsky and his theory of the common languages ​​in the world has finally received a painful blow. Independent Independent newspaper published (06/05/2006) what he found linguistic professor Daniel Everett D. Everett, from the British University of Manchester, in the language of a people known in the jungles of the Amazon. Vlgthm combination of wheezing and tinnitus, which is not the concept of number. There are no expressions in their language or discrimination of colors. But this language is written. And her memory is far from Jilin. It also does not understand the language of sense of time or abstract concepts, or in the past tense. ()


Anyway, let the language of this primitive tribe and the like, and care about the living human languages, to find that the language of any significant effects in all areas of educational, cultural, economic, political, and military, and technological, and moral, and humane.


Confrontation between languages ​​and information technology


Tomorrow blew IT problematic language, after the confrontation between the two showed the urgent need for a comprehensive review of the system of language, the language of preparing to meet this exciting machine defiant. On the computer front, it was to get rid of the traditional Mmarith, von Neumann machine, with the central character of a strict order to qualify for a crucial meeting with the language. This led to the establishment of specialized research centers in the language related to information technology, in many advanced countries worldwide.


This comprehensive review of the language of ancient philosophical questions raised again. Is language a random phenomenon arbitrary? Or under its obvious manifestations is no coherent system governed by the rules and principles? Is language a series of written symbols, or a network of inter-relationships, or the structure of parallel successive levels? Do you study the behavior of the apparent or perceived trying to elucidate the mechanisms of unconscious knowledge that pronunciation and understanding of control? What are the basic linguistic unity? Is it the word or sentence or context? Is the entrance to the study of the internal structure of buildings Trakebha, and understand patterns, or signify their meanings, and exceeded Astaradtha? Do you study the language spoken or written? Is concern ourselves language as it is in everyday life, or as it should be?


These and other manifestations multiple complex. Is the language, then, are to undergo controls exact science exact? Do the math and biology ability in dealing with this huge number of complex phenomena? Is machine can mimic Queen deaf language flexibility and Tradfadtha, and a shipment of emotions behind expressions?


Thus, appeared aware of Computational Linguistics Computational Linguistics, Language and Engineering Language Engineering Language Entering the field of exact sciences is a prerequisite in order to follow in the social sciences, literature and criticism, and the science of information retrieval Information Revival. ()


The characteristics of the Arabic language system from the perspective of my information


Arabic language is considered the most complex languages ​​in her family (island - High previously), and the richest voice and pure and a glossary. And Dr. Nabil Ali cares the most important characteristics of the Arabic language following system:


A linguistic mediation


Chosing the Arabic language to language common, and hate abnormal Shared, and combines many of the features common language with other languages. And strike some examples:


- Arabic alphabet is not purely Finumah Kalaspainh and Finnish, which does not correspond to each letter Finuma (voice) one. Nor is it the language of syllabic Kaliapanih clips, where the alphabet symbols clips from silent consonant and Saút. Valabagdih Alfonimih are mostly in Arabic, and where Moktaaat like: No, no, E, A, A, E ..


- Cases expressed in Arabic (three) cases parsing, and not, as in Russian (six cases), such as English or complete failure.


- The order of words in sentences Arab combine nominal and actual sentences.


- Arab match between the act and the actor. While English does not match, but in the case of the present act with a single actor absentee He goes. In the Georgian match between the act and the actor and object.


- The use of hyphenated. Up the Arabic language knowledge do not reach the indefinite article, while up English (Germanic) knowledge and indefinite. Chinese and fall phenomenon quite relevant.


- Arab center in the number of acts. Wherein (fifteen) Augmented formula, while a few are in English, and up to (thirty) formula in Spanish.


This mediate language imposes unnecessary attention to linguistic studies, comparative and contrastive contrastive, in order to reach a comprehensive Arab-depth understanding of our language. Many of the characteristics that some researchers have claimed that they preserve of the Arab, recent studies have shown to the topography of languages, and its presence in other languages. This calls for what can be called the Bank of information to support the modern linguistic research. And mediate the Arabic language also means that we can take advantage of the many research available from other natural language systems.


(B) Unit morphological property


Featuring Arabic morphological Balatarad semi-regular, in addition to a plurality morphological's like combining formulas (Katebon, clerks, book). Which increases the susceptibility of language processing computer. This treatment natural entrance to address the overall system of the Arabic language. ATM processor morphological processor and here is a key ingredient in the mechanization of the Arab lexicon, and develop a mechanism for automatic parsing systems, automatic configuration.


(C) flexibility grammatical


In our language with relative freedom in the order of the words in the sentence, Kaltkadim delays, deletions and substitutions grammar. This flexibility is a source of difficulty and challenge in the formulation of rules as for the purposes of automated processing, because they were originally designed to suit the reality of the English language that are rigorous in the order of words in sentences. Needs some English to nearly one thousand (1000) sports base, while the number of likes of these rules is Arabic for about Almhkol to more than twelve (12) A base, also found Dr. Nabil Ali. ()


D voice regularity


Sound rules for Arab characterized Bataradha. And a sound system and syllables Nbrha simplicity. It begins with the letter is silent, and does not include more than silent. To this very important property in the generation of Arab speech Speech synthesis, and indistinguishable Speech recognition. And becomes embroidery patterns Naber generator automatically easy to seem like a natural-born sound and not Rbuttiya robotic. With this easy to distinguish spoken words automatically, and then to identify the structure of spoken words.


E. Context sensitive Contextual Sensitivity


It means fraternity linguistic elements with their surroundings, or given them from the elements. In writing, the form of the character depends on its position in the word. At the level of convergence as we find, for example, between character and described, and act and actor ... etc. This means that the automated processing of Arab increasingly difficult and complex.


(F) the multiplicity of ways of writing, and the absence of modulation elements


Arabic writing can be three ways: full profile writing, writing in part Mhkolh, free from forming and writing. Our language has emerged without formation; Commonly overlooked until he became the lack thereof is usually anchored in writing and reading. This has a negative impact my knowledge, abound as possible readings (and hence meanings) for each word. (Eg, word finds, you waw original, or sympathy tool? In addition to other readings), and the Arab citizen again wearing (might not unique), Kalbus lexical the meaning of the "eye" and confusion compositional in a semi-wholesale "poet of the Nile Great," Is Great recipe for Neil or poet? This leads to wearing a composite multi-level complex types of multi-level ambiguity. Therefore, the absence of forming a complex problem for automated processor Arabic text. It can try retrieving the word "science" (single science) of stored computerized texts, to give us recall all its nominal and the actual source. This requires providing a means programming mechanism for the formation of the text automatically. D have been able to. Nabil Ali over five years () to develop an automated system for the parsing of Arabic texts. ()


(G) the richness of the lexicon and its dependence on the root


Connection with the organization of any language dictionary with words written by the nature of the operations. Therefore, it is natural that the Arab lexicon is being organized on the basis of the root, which is the origin of the word, and not on alphabetical order. Tree is Arabic words (like so many leaves few roots and other root languages). It is the foundation (P p l) version of Mazidat acts produces fifteen (15), each of which produces formulas steady and non-steady sources and the names of the acts and the effect of space and time, and formulas preference and exaggeration and crowds. This means that the Arab lexicon is not just a list of vocabulary, but the complex structure of relations between the roots and derivatives formats individuals and multitudes, synonyms and the like.


(H) the strong cohesion between the elements of the Arabic language system


This cohesion is shown in the following:


(1) strong overlap between Mnzawmte exchange and lexicon.


(2) the organic relationship between grammar.


(3) strong overlap between Mnzawmte exchange (morphological) and voice (Alfonimi), as illustrated in the commutative and Alaalal when determining the structure of the word.


(4) the close connection between buildings formulas morphological and their meanings. For example, became agitated benefit plasticity, and the interaction of benefit sharing. In other words, there is no separation between the building and meaning.


This cohesion is useful in the informational perspective, but it increases the difficulty of automated systems. It makes it hard to separate processors for automated mechanism for the treatment of nearly all disbursement Magamha. This requires computers with very great potential for Arabic language processing automatically. Cohesion is useful for understanding automated systems in the absence of modulation. ()


The relationship between information technology and the Arabic language


Because of the English foundation for information technology trends, the confrontation between them and the Arabic language, unequal. The manifestation of this trend is found in:


(1) more languages ​​English programming design.


(2) the use of blades originally designed for the exchange of data with the English alphabet.


(3) the design of information storage and retrieval systems methods is on the basis that English is the goal.


(4) the bulk of ready-made software library is in English.


(5) Most of the books and reference and research relationship with written English.


This, in addition to the acute crisis of our language as they appear in the palaces of the endoscopy, and lack of Arabic dictionaries, and lack of language teaching methods, and bilateral classical and vernacular. It is a real impediment to the Arabic language processing automatically efforts. () I have seen the world (especially western) over the second half of the twentieth century a real revolution in the field of linguistics, led to the emergence of a number of linguistic models, put some linguists, and put some Hacobion. He mentioned d. Nabil Ali twelve model.


The current status of the Arabization of Informatics


Computerization of the Arabic language has made significant achievements in the last two decades, the efforts of several institutions, such as rock and Microsoft. However, many remained, waiting for the check. These achievements show what has been achieved for the character and word and sentence.


At the level of the character, has been the development of operating systems OS bilingual (P / E), starting from the rock msx system. As important achievements have been achieved at the level of gear units such as hardware input and output I / O, including keyboards, printers, displays, and programs words WP format, and read the texts automatically using scanners characters OCR.


At the level of the floor morphological handler to the process, is able to analyze the word to the elements and the disposal of derivative suffixes and precedents. Which facilitated the discovery of spelling errors. She has also developed research systems in the Arabic texts on the basis of morphological, was built lexical databases (s b m LDB) with conjugate to a processor deals with Arabic text on the wholesale level.


At the wholesale level, an automated system for the parsing of Arabic sentence developed, making it easier to develop an automated system to automatically form a sentence. This enabled the development of Arabic texts to convert against which the operative program Text to Speech (TTS).


However, you can point to some aspects of shortcomings in this field, including:


A try to accommodate Arabic within the scope of technologies originally designed for the English language, and this is a mistake in form and substance.


(B) most of the localization efforts are outside the borders of the Arab world. Or from foreign institutions.


(C) the absence of basic research in the field of linguistics or it below the required limit.


Information technology as a tool of the Arabic language


Since the emergence of the computer in the late forties of the last century, and it relates to stop in and getting his Islamic in both directions. The fact that the language in the embodiment of what the human mind from the activity, and the direction of the computer to simulate human functions and mental abilities to impose this ongoing meeting, with scientific and technical manner unmatched interaction. This led to the Trinity: "Allgh- Alhacob- application." Language has been created to address the mechanism to enter the fields of sports and logical and statistical analysis. Computer and ready to meet him with the language super fast, and the magnitude of memory, small size, and methods of artificial intelligence, and high-end programming languages. The application has split the way to the fields of education and humanities and expert systems.


Can be limited to the fields of information technology as a tool of the Arabic language in the following:


A tool for language census


This includes a number of areas, including:


(1) quantitative evaluation of some of the properties of the language, such as the rate of use of letters and words banking and formulas in various texts.


(2) quantitative characterization of some linguistic relations, or relations of texts, such as the relations between the debutante type, and the type of experience, or the length of the sentence, or pleased her education.


(3) the interpretation of some linguistic phenomena, such as heart phenomenon in children (Jbz replace attract) ..


(B) in Arabic script processing


Can be applied in computing mechanism started reading print texts or hand-held systems. The show texts and print, has gone a long way ahead.


(C) tool Arab Exchange


I mean that the mechanism of the Arab exchange processors, able to carry out analysis and synthesis of the vocabulary. The section analytical dismantle the floor to the first elements of the derivative and the morphological and inflectional, and demonstrate the precedents and suffixes. The structural part is the opposite.


D tool towards the Arab


Here is as automated system to wholesale dismantling of the primary elements of the names and actions of the characters, and determines the grammatical function of each element (actor, effect, ...) He has d. Nabil Ali developed a grammar of the Arabic language analysis system, and is Mhkolh Mhkolh. Expresses sentence, and then posed automatically. ()








E - automatic tool in understanding the linguistic context


The ultimate goal to address the humanitarian languages ​​automatically is to reach the automated system provides an understanding of the linguistic context spoken in his image. This is not easy, what is required first to address the dilemma of "meaning in the language" on the lexical and logical and contextual level.


(F) a tool for the analysis of literary production methods and identify authors


Was the use of statistical methods and analysis linguists in the literary production analysis to achieve the following:


(1) the achievement of heritage, to make sure that (for example) of the uniqueness of Homer wrote the Iliad.


(2) quantitative assessment of the characteristics of the book methods.


(3) the objective determination of the impact of the former on the subsequent of writers and poets.


(4) automatically indexing texts. (Concordance to the words of the Koran).


(G) a tool for the automation of the Arab lexicon


Arab lexicon currently suffering from severe chronic crisis. Manifestations of the reluctance of speaking in Arabic about the use of language dictionaries, with severe limitations in terms. Among the reasons for this:


(1) rigidity to look at mechanisms (means) form words word formation in Arabic. Derivation and tyranny on the other mechanisms Kturkab and sculpture.


(2) neglect relations between vocabulary and factions such as tandem and contrast and subscription verbal relations.


(3) omission of the historical dimension in the search lexical Arab. There are no comprehensive studies of the evolution of the meanings of words.


(4) a sharp separation between the synagogues and language of their congregations, especially in lexical update the actual use of operations in different areas. The line of Jordan Academy of Arabic stride leader in his work in the "glossary of life."


(5) atrophy significant element (meaning) in lexical studies.


(6) the chaos of the language defining the terms of the lexicon, and not adhering to specific patterns.


(7) overlooked the ongoing efforts of computational linguistics in the analysis of the structure of the lexicon, and the use of information technology in the automation of dictionaries, and support the efforts of terminological work.


And we'll talk about dictionaries and industry later in this lecture.


And the necessity of mechanization, automation in the Arab lexicon imperatively demanded by the structure of the lexicon, and sang his vocabulary, and the complexity of relationships. The mean of and behind it as follows:


(1) To provide a better service to the user using sophisticated methods of information retrieval and sorting vocabulary, and extract their lists according to specific criteria.


(2) restricting Almhkolh termed Idiomatic expressions such as "burst into tears, food security ..."


(3) trapping phenomenon of semantic Semantic shift offset by changes in the Arab vocabulary Ktholha description of the name ...


(4) the standardization of the language of the semantic definition.


(5) the possibility of integration in the broader lexicon motorized automated systems such as automated expression systems and automatic understanding of the texts, and then automatic translation.


It is benevolent efforts in this field, what he had done d. Nabil Ali in the base of ammunition Arabic text processing, Srvia then analyzed, using the conjugate to a processor, and these contain ammunition on more than12 million words. () Has told us Dr. Mamoun Hattab they stored more than50 million words.


(H) tool to support terminological work


Almost work terms preoccupation of the synagogues of Arabic language, however, mention a number of challenges faced by the work of terminology.


(1) the scarcity of authoring and translation in Arabic, especially in the fields of science, which does not give an opportunity to consolidate the term, and increase Astsaghth, and its prevalence and unification.


(2) strong opposition to the Arabization of science, and on several levels.


(3) scientific phenomenon of the explosion, which increases the demand in terms increase rates fail to meet modern mechanisms.


(4) negligence balance of Arab heritage, which represents the balance of a strategic stock of terms.








































































































































































































































































































Language is the clearest characteristics of the human race has distinctive. Indicate the unique nature, and put it in the heights living creatures. They said that the language mirror the mind, and a tool of thought, and a pot of knowledge, which is the backbone of human societies.


Do not look at this lecture on the history of the language, when it appeared, and what is the first Arhasatha? Nor how grown and evolved over the types and ages? Slim and Almstzad to book Dr. Michael Kurbalas MCCorballis () translated into Arabic and entitled "in the genesis of language." It follows that the linguistic evolution of the hand signal to the mouth pronunciation.


We also do not get into the field of human excellence, whether it is in or something else? Slim and wishing it to the captivating book, entitled "Are we without peer?" By Dr. James Trevl J. Trefil, who argue that the human brain is the greatest characteristic of the human race from other creatures. This compares with a brain the brains of other animals, and with the computer, to reach the vast complex and somewhat degree difference. Rather, the computer no matter how progress will not reach the level of the human brain, with its full capacity of thinking and creativity. ()


However, language is a complex physiological phenomenon psychological, and social activity. Transcends Basmohm with her family. And degenerate Banahtathm. It is not only Terbitat between words. The language linking concepts in mind, and work through the use of rules, governing natural forms of human speech, at different levels and for Hjath. () Has baffled language but educated human mind since ancient times. Many Muslims understand the verse: "And He taught Adam all the names," (The Cow31) that the gift of divine knowledge of the language of Adam, and moved to his descendants. The Twentieth Century in-depth studies of various aspects of the language. The researchers found that the "Queen of human language seems programmed inevitably in the structure of our brains, that is, they adapt my body before our species from the environment in which our ancestors found themselves" (). Professor Trevl argue in defense of this position several observations, including:


(1) children begins in the whole world language acquisition at the same age.


(2) children acquire language in a very specific sequence.


(3) children acquire language very quickly. With six years of age speak sentences sound Edia.


The idea that human language consists of two levels: the deep of rules programmed genetic inevitability. The surface of the spoken or written language. Professor Noam Chomsky "Naom Chomsky" assumes that all human languages ​​share a deep group of the same grammatical rules. And the laws of human language is not related sounds or words, but the way you build your languages. () "And our ability to build sentences and understanding depends on the banner skill to look at the use of the rules. It is perhaps worthwhile to pay heed that we use these rules without obituary." () And loves linguists to distinguish between grammar, meaning. Sentence grammatically correct what may be, but without meaning. Chomsky, such as the famous phrase "green ideas sleep without angry color."


Colorless green ideas sleep furiously


That the scientific integrity requires that mention that Chomsky and his theory of the common languages ​​in the world has finally received a painful blow. Independent Independent newspaper published (06/05/2006) what he found linguistic professor Daniel Everett D. Everett, from the British University of Manchester, in the language of a people known in the jungles of the Amazon. Vlgthm combination of wheezing and tinnitus, which is not the concept of number. There are no expressions in their language or discrimination of colors. But this language is written. And her memory is far from Jilin. It also does not understand the language of sense of time or abstract concepts, or in the past tense. ()


Anyway, let the language of this primitive tribe and the like, and care about the living human languages, to find that the language of any significant effects in all areas of educational, cultural, economic, political, and military, and technological, and moral, and humane.


Confrontation between languages ​​and information technology


Tomorrow blew IT problematic language, after the confrontation between the two showed the urgent need for a comprehensive review of the system of language, the language of preparing to meet this exciting machine defiant. On the computer front, it was to get rid of the traditional Mmarith, von Neumann machine, with the central character of a strict order to qualify for a crucial meeting with the language. This led to the establishment of specialized research centers in the language related to information technology, in many advanced countries worldwide.


This comprehensive review of the language of ancient philosophical questions raised again. Is language a random phenomenon arbitrary? Or under its obvious manifestations is no coherent system governed by the rules and principles? Is language a series of written symbols, or a network of inter-relationships, or the structure of parallel successive levels? Do you study the behavior of the apparent or perceived trying to elucidate the mechanisms of unconscious knowledge that pronunciation and understanding of control? What are the basic linguistic unity? Is it the word or sentence or context? Is the entrance to the study of the internal structure of buildings Trakebha, and understand patterns, or signify their meanings, and exceeded Astaradtha? Do you study the language spoken or written? Is concern ourselves language as it is in everyday life, or as it should be?


These and other manifestations multiple complex. Is the language, then, are to undergo controls exact science exact? Do the math and biology ability in dealing with this huge number of complex phenomena? Is machine can mimic Queen deaf language flexibility and Tradfadtha, and a shipment of emotions behind expressions?


Thus, appeared aware of Computational Linguistics Computational Linguistics, Language and Engineering Language Engineering Language Entering the field of exact sciences is a prerequisite in order to follow in the social sciences, literature and criticism, and the science of information retrieval Information Revival. ()


The characteristics of the Arabic language system from the perspective of my information


Arabic language is considered the most complex languages ​​in her family (island - High previously), and the richest voice and pure and a glossary. And Dr. Nabil Ali cares the most important characteristics of the Arabic language following system:


A linguistic mediation


Chosing the Arabic language to language common, and hate abnormal Shared, and combines many of the features common language with other languages. And strike some examples:


- Arabic alphabet is not purely Finumah Kalaspainh and Finnish, which does not correspond to each letter Finuma (voice) one. Nor is it the language of syllabic Kaliapanih clips, where the alphabet symbols clips from silent consonant and Saút. Valabagdih Alfonimih are mostly in Arabic, and where Moktaaat like: No, no, E, A, A, E ..


- Cases expressed in Arabic (three) cases parsing, and not, as in Russian (six cases), such as English or complete failure.


- The order of words in sentences Arab combine nominal and actual sentences.


- Arab match between the act and the actor. While English does not match, but in the case of the present act with a single actor absentee He goes. In the Georgian match between the act and the actor and object.


- The use of hyphenated. Up the Arabic language knowledge do not reach the indefinite article, while up English (Germanic) knowledge and indefinite. Chinese and fall phenomenon quite relevant.


- Arab center in the number of acts. Wherein (fifteen) Augmented formula, while a few are in English, and up to (thirty) formula in Spanish.


This mediate language imposes unnecessary attention to linguistic studies, comparative and contrastive contrastive, in order to reach a comprehensive Arab-depth understanding of our language. Many of the characteristics that some researchers have claimed that they preserve of the Arab, recent studies have shown to the topography of languages, and its presence in other languages. This calls for what can be called the Bank of information to support the modern linguistic research. And mediate the Arabic language also means that we can take advantage of the many research available from other natural language systems.


(B) Unit morphological property


Featuring Arabic morphological Balatarad semi-regular, in addition to a plurality morphological's like combining formulas (Katebon, clerks, book). Which increases the susceptibility of language processing computer. This treatment natural entrance to address the overall system of the Arabic language. ATM processor morphological processor and here is a key ingredient in the mechanization of the Arab lexicon, and develop a mechanism for automatic parsing systems, automatic configuration.


(C) flexibility grammatical


In our language with relative freedom in the order of the words in the sentence, Kaltkadim delays, deletions and substitutions grammar. This flexibility is a source of difficulty and challenge in the formulation of rules as for the purposes of automated processing, because they were originally designed to suit the reality of the English language that are rigorous in the order of words in sentences. Needs some English to nearly one thousand (1000) sports base, while the number of likes of these rules is Arabic for about Almhkol to more than twelve (12) A base, also found Dr. Nabil Ali. ()


D voice regularity


Sound rules for Arab characterized Bataradha. And a sound system and syllables Nbrha simplicity. It begins with the letter is silent, and does not include more than silent. To this very important property in the generation of Arab speech Speech synthesis, and indistinguishable Speech recognition. And becomes embroidery patterns Naber generator automatically easy to seem like a natural-born sound and not Rbuttiya robotic. With this easy to distinguish spoken words automatically, and then to identify the structure of spoken words.


E. Context sensitive Contextual Sensitivity


It means fraternity linguistic elements with their surroundings, or given them from the elements. In writing, the form of the character depends on its position in the word. At the level of convergence as we find, for example, between character and described, and act and actor ... etc. This means that the automated processing of Arab increasingly difficult and complex.


(F) the multiplicity of ways of writing, and the absence of modulation elements


Arabic writing can be three ways: full profile writing, writing in part Mhkolh, free from forming and writing. Our language has emerged without formation; Commonly overlooked until he became the lack thereof is usually anchored in writing and reading. This has a negative impact my knowledge, abound as possible readings (and hence meanings) for each word. (Eg, word finds, you waw original, or sympathy tool? In addition to other readings), and the Arab citizen again wearing (might not unique), Kalbus lexical the meaning of the "eye" and confusion compositional in a semi-wholesale "poet of the Nile Great," Is Great recipe for Neil or poet? This leads to wearing a composite multi-level complex types of multi-level ambiguity. Therefore, the absence of forming a complex problem for automated processor Arabic text. It can try retrieving the word "science" (single science) of stored computerized texts, to give us recall all its nominal and the actual source. This requires providing a means programming mechanism for the formation of the text automatically. D have been able to. Nabil Ali over five years () to develop an automated system for the parsing of Arabic texts. ()


(G) the richness of the lexicon and its dependence on the root


Connection with the organization of any language dictionary with words written by the nature of the operations. Therefore, it is natural that the Arab lexicon is being organized on the basis of the root, which is the origin of the word, and not on alphabetical order. Tree is Arabic words (like so many leaves few roots and other root languages). It is the foundation (P p l) version of Mazidat acts produces fifteen (15), each of which produces formulas steady and non-steady sources and the names of the acts and the effect of space and time, and formulas preference and exaggeration and crowds. This means that the Arab lexicon is not just a list of vocabulary, but the complex structure of relations between the roots and derivatives formats individuals and multitudes, synonyms and the like.


(H) the strong cohesion between the elements of the Arabic language system


This cohesion is shown in the following:


(1) strong overlap between Mnzawmte exchange and lexicon.


(2) the organic relationship between grammar.


(3) strong overlap between Mnzawmte exchange (morphological) and voice (Alfonimi), as illustrated in the commutative and Alaalal when determining the structure of the word.


(4) the close connection between buildings formulas morphological and their meanings. For example, became agitated benefit plasticity, and the interaction of benefit sharing. In other words, there is no separation between the building and meaning.


This cohesion is useful in the informational perspective, but it increases the difficulty of automated systems. It makes it hard to separate processors for automated mechanism for the treatment of nearly all disbursement Magamha. This requires computers with very great potential for Arabic language processing automatically. Cohesion is useful for understanding automated systems in the absence of modulation. ()


The relationship between information technology and the Arabic language


Because of the English foundation for information technology trends, the confrontation between them and the Arabic language, unequal. The manifestation of this trend is found in:


(1) more languages ​​English programming design.


(2) the use of blades originally designed for the exchange of data with the English alphabet.


(3) the design of information storage and retrieval systems methods is on the basis that English is the goal.


(4) the bulk of ready-made software library is in English.


(5) Most of the books and reference and research relationship with written English.


This, in addition to the acute crisis of our language as they appear in the palaces of the endoscopy, and lack of Arabic dictionaries, and lack of language teaching methods, and bilateral classical and vernacular. It is a real impediment to the Arabic language processing automatically efforts. () I have seen the world (especially western) over the second half of the twentieth century a real revolution in the field of linguistics, led to the emergence of a number of linguistic models, put some linguists, and put some Hacobion. He mentioned d. Nabil Ali twelve model.


The current status of the Arabization of Informatics


Computerization of the Arabic language has made significant achievements in the last two decades, the efforts of several institutions, such as rock and Microsoft. However, many remained, waiting for the check. These achievements show what has been achieved for the character and word and sentence.


At the level of the character, has been the development of operating systems OS bilingual (P / E), starting from the rock msx system. As important achievements have been achieved at the level of gear units such as hardware input and output I / O, including keyboards, printers, displays, and programs words WP format, and read the texts automatically using scanners characters OCR.


At the level of the floor morphological handler to the process, is able to analyze the word to the elements and the disposal of derivative suffixes and precedents. Which facilitated the discovery of spelling errors. She has also developed research systems in the Arabic texts on the basis of morphological, was built lexical databases (s b m LDB) with conjugate to a processor deals with Arabic text on the wholesale level.


At the wholesale level, an automated system for the parsing of Arabic sentence developed, making it easier to develop an automated system to automatically form a sentence. This enabled the development of Arabic texts to convert against which the operative program Text to Speech (TTS).


However, you can point to some aspects of shortcomings in this field, including:


A try to accommodate Arabic within the scope of technologies originally designed for the English language, and this is a mistake in form and substance.


(B) most of the localization efforts are outside the borders of the Arab world. Or from foreign institutions.


(C) the absence of basic research in the field of linguistics or it below the required limit.


Information technology as a tool of the Arabic language


Since the emergence of the computer in the late forties of the last century, and it relates to stop in and getting his Islamic in both directions. The fact that the language in the embodiment of what the human mind from the activity, and the direction of the computer to simulate human functions and mental abilities to impose this ongoing meeting, with scientific and technical manner unmatched interaction. This led to the Trinity: "Allgh- Alhacob- application." Language has been created to address the mechanism to enter the fields of sports and logical and statistical analysis. Computer and ready to meet him with the language super fast, and the magnitude of memory, small size, and methods of artificial intelligence, and high-end programming languages. The application has split the way to the fields of education and humanities and expert systems.


Can be limited to the fields of information technology as a tool of the Arabic language in the following:


A tool for language census


This includes a number of areas, including:


(1) quantitative evaluation of some of the properties of the language, such as the rate of use of letters and words banking and formulas in various texts.


(2) quantitative characterization of some linguistic relations, or relations of texts, such as the relations between the debutante type, and the type of experience, or the length of the sentence, or pleased her education.


(3) the interpretation of some linguistic phenomena, such as heart phenomenon in children (Jbz replace attract) ..


(B) in Arabic script processing


Can be applied in computing mechanism started reading print texts or hand-held systems. The show texts and print, has gone a long way ahead.


(C) tool Arab Exchange


I mean that the mechanism of the Arab exchange processors, able to carry out analysis and synthesis of the vocabulary. The section analytical dismantle the floor to the first elements of the derivative and the morphological and inflectional, and demonstrate the precedents and suffixes. The structural part is the opposite.


D tool towards the Arab


Here is as automated system to wholesale dismantling of the primary elements of the names and actions of the characters, and determines the grammatical function of each element (actor, effect, ...) He has d. Nabil Ali developed a grammar of the Arabic language analysis system, and is Mhkolh Mhkolh. Expresses sentence, and then posed automatically. ()








E - automatic tool in understanding the linguistic context


The ultimate goal to address the humanitarian languages ​​automatically is to reach the automated system provides an understanding of the linguistic context spoken in his image. This is not easy, what is required first to address the dilemma of "meaning in the language" on the lexical and logical and contextual level.


(F) a tool for the analysis of literary production methods and identify authors


Was the use of statistical methods and analysis linguists in the literary production analysis to achieve the following:


(1) the achievement of heritage, to make sure that (for example) of the uniqueness of Homer wrote the Iliad.


(2) quantitative assessment of the characteristics of the book methods.


(3) the objective determination of the impact of the former on the subsequent of writers and poets.


(4) automatically indexing texts. (Concordance to the words of the Koran).


(G) a tool for the automation of the Arab lexicon


Arab lexicon currently suffering from severe chronic crisis. Manifestations of the reluctance of speaking in Arabic about the use of language dictionaries, with severe limitations in terms. Among the reasons for this:


(1) rigidity to look at mechanisms (means) form words word formation in Arabic. Derivation and tyranny on the other mechanisms Kturkab and sculpture.


(2) neglect relations between vocabulary and factions such as tandem and contrast and subscription verbal relations.


(3) omission of the historical dimension in the search lexical Arab. There are no comprehensive studies of the evolution of the meanings of words.


(4) a sharp separation between the synagogues and language of their congregations, especially in lexical update the actual use of operations in different areas. The line of Jordan Academy of Arabic stride leader in his work in the "glossary of life."


(5) atrophy significant element (meaning) in lexical studies.


(6) the chaos of the language defining the terms of the lexicon, and not adhering to specific patterns.


(7) overlooked the ongoing efforts of computational linguistics in the analysis of the structure of the lexicon, and the use of information technology in the automation of dictionaries, and support the efforts of terminological work.


And we'll talk about dictionaries and industry later in this lecture.


And the necessity of mechanization, automation in the Arab lexicon imperatively demanded by the structure of the lexicon, and sang his vocabulary, and the complexity of relationships. The mean of and behind it as follows:


(1) To provide a better service to the user using sophisticated methods of information retrieval and sorting vocabulary, and extract their lists according to specific criteria.


(2) restricting Almhkolh termed Idiomatic expressions such as "burst into tears, food security ..."


(3) trapping phenomenon of semantic Semantic shift offset by changes in the Arab vocabulary Ktholha description of the name ...


(4) the standardization of the language of the semantic definition.


(5) the possibility of integration in the broader lexicon motorized automated systems such as automated expression systems and automatic understanding of the texts, and then automatic translation.


It is benevolent efforts in this field, what he had done d. Nabil Ali in the base of ammunition Arabic text processing, Srvia then analyzed, using the conjugate to a processor, and these contain ammunition on more than12 million words. () Has told us Dr. Mamoun Hattab they stored more than50 million words.


(H) tool to support terminological work


Almost work terms preoccupation of the synagogues of Arabic language, however, mention a number of challenges faced by the work of terminology.


(1) the scarcity of authoring and translation in Arabic, especially in the fields of science, which does not give an opportunity to consolidate the term, and increase Astsaghth, and its prevalence and unification.


(2) strong opposition to the Arabization of science, and on several levels.


(3) scientific phenomenon of the explosion, which increases the demand in terms increase rates fail to meet modern mechanisms.


(4) negligence balance of Arab heritage, which represents the balance of a strategic stock of terms.



















































































































































































































































































































































































































































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