سوء إختيار الموظف فى التعيين ينتج عنده و جود ما يسمى بالحلقات المفقوده بين إدارات و قطاعات المؤسسه
و ينتج عنه إرتباك فى الآداء و قصور فى إدارات الشركه.
Poor leadership to drive company objectives, in addition to:
Individuals in charge of the recruiting process motivated by the "numbers game" as opposed to quality.
Learning and development initiatives not playing a strong role in the orientation process.
Lack of a rewards program aligned specifically to job groups, especially in a timely manner.
- Bad environment.
- Bad culture.
- Failure in implementing policies and procedures.
- Never achive company Mission, Vision, Objectives.
- Never get to harmony.
- Never get to what was planned or expected results.
- Critical Consequences lead to great loses and may be disaster.
ان الأخطاء في تعيين الموظفين قد تكون شديدة الكلفة على الصعيدين المادي والمعنوي وبالتالي فمن الأحرى بذل جهد مضاعف عند اختيار المرشحين من أجل بناء فريق عمل متعاون.