When you are a team a leader you are not only responisble for your daily tasks, the whole department is on your resposibility, you are resposible for every mistake that's made by a member of your team, and you have to keep them motivated in order to achieve the targets of the company.
ناصر الخضر , مدير فريق , شركة السهم - مجموعه بن لادن السعودية
sure it is ,as a team leader you have to choose the suitable one for the suitable task and creat a way for effective communication between you and your team and motivate them to achieve the team goal, each one in your team should believe that the team goal is his own goal
Being a team leader is a big responsability. Not only are you responsable for the day to day operations, either being in a shop or office environment, but also for the actions of our staff. Baing a team leader all expect you to act as one and do things right for the garater good of the company as well as those who work with you.
It was a big responsibility to be a leader in my previous company as you have to be able to multi- task, work well under pressure, get on well with people from over the word (different cultures and backgrounds). Plus have a good stamina, be often mentally resistance; have many different skills- customer service, communication skills, people management, admin (eg.staff files), working up to the targets, prioritize things, be well-organised and always on a POSITIVE ATTITUDE:-)
sure it is ,as a team leader you have to choose the suitable one for the suitable task and creat a way for effective communication between you and your team and motivate them to achieve the team goal, each one in your team should believe that the team goal is his own goal.
Shawky Farrag , Certified International trainer, workshop facilitator, executive coach & motivational speaker , Training Institutes, Audit and Consultancy Firms, and other organizations
As a team leader, you're responsible for everything that happens in your department, and you'll quite rightly be held accountable for everything that happens there, good or bad. You need to question the decisions and processes that hold your department together, and the consequences of not doing this can be very critical.
It's no excuse to say that you didn't know what is going on, or that you are not personally involved because the results stands with you. Team leaders may be too overwhelmed by the pressures of their role to know what to question. They may fail to see the "bigger picture" that a leader needs to analyze and understand.
Full responsibility is an enormous challenge to take on, and it can feel overwhelming. However, leaders who plan for their responsibility right from the start (that is, when they accept the job) have a far greater chance of success than those who take a more laissez faire approach. Finally, team leaders to succeed need to analyze and understand organization’s mission and vision, key stakeholders, risks, management structure, corporate values and culture, and internal systems and processes.