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In your opinion,what are good human qualities? من وجهة نظرك ما هي أجمل الصفات الإنسانية؟

Question ajoutée par salah hamza , Catering Sales Manager , Al-Washim company for food services
Date de publication: 2013/08/02

كل الصفات الانسانيه جميلا طالما تحلت بالايمان بالله كلما كان الانسان فى قلبه ايمان تحلى بالصفات الحميده ومنها الطيبه والضمير وحسن النوايا وتقديم الخير بدون مقابل والمسامحه وكل هذا يترتب على قلب الانسان وبيئته وتربيته

سوسن بادع مسير الخزاعى
par سوسن بادع مسير الخزاعى , مديره قسم , زارة التربيه

التضحيه ونكران الذات والايثار اهم ما يميز الانسان الناضج من غيره

sharif brakat
par sharif brakat , cost control manager , simit sarayi


مها محى الدين محمد
par مها محى الدين محمد , مدرسة اولى أ لغة عربية , مدرسة نصر الثانوية التجارية

لين الجانب او سهولة المعاملة..قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم :"اقربكم منى مجالس يوم القيامة الموطئون اكنافا الذين يألفون ويؤلفون "..صدقت يا سيدى يارسول الله

hanan galal
par hanan galal , محاسب مالي , محميه الشيخ عبد الله

honest & loyalty

Utilisateur supprimé
par Utilisateur supprimé

أن لا تنسى أبداً وفي كل الظروف التي تمر بها أنك إنسان.

Fazlul Hoque
par Fazlul Hoque , Assistant Director , DoF,GoB

The following are the good human qualities:1.
Integrity The true definition of integrity comes from the Latin word integritas, which means “whole” or “intact.” It encumbers all the traits that make a truly “good” person, such as honesty, being incorruptible, straight and morally upright.2.
Courageousness---Courage usually means Principles, which will make you important when true work is required.3.
Sense of Humor--- Life has ups and downs.
There will be good times, bad times, hard times and easy times.
Everything is easier if one keeps a sense of humor, or at least surrounds oneself with those who have one.4.
Intelligence, Education and Common Sense--- It had reported that, plenty of people with high IQs but, no common sense.
The common sense, social intelligence and “street smarts” are pretty much for human .Social skills or relating to others are abilities required to use common sense, which dictates what or what not to do or say in every day settings.5.
Emotionally Open---- Being able to share one’s heart does not mean that one has to be a weakling or complainer.
Someone who can not feel is usually damaged goods, and lack of depth in emotional matters usually translates into lack of depth in other matters.6.
Kindness--- Kindness protects you from all kinds of heart-aches.
Kindness is like integrity.
A person who possesses kindness will usually keep your heart safe and your best interests in mind.
Their willingness to help others also translates into someone who knows how to put another’s needs ahead of their own when needed.
A kind person carries a light, and that light tends to attract other “good” people too.7.
Self-Confidence--- Everyone is low on confidence now and then.
But stay clear of those with literally no self-esteem.
A person without self-confidence or self-esteem spells disaster.8.
Discipline--- There are different levels of discipline, that’s for sure.
But avoid those who have absolutely no discipline at all.
It requires discipline to succeed in life.9.
Generosity--- One of the worst people to have in one’s life is a miser.
Those who constantly complain about the money they do not have, especially while spending it on things that don’t serve them, are not only annoying, but also no fun to have around.
The opposite of generous is selfish,10.
Self-Awareness--- Most people believe themselves to be all kinds of things which they are not.
This is due to the fact that they are not really all that self-aware.
Self-awareness is the fine middle ground of truly knowing your strengths and weaknesses without being either completely weak and self-loathing.

mahmoud salim
par mahmoud salim , maintenance manager

الصدق فى كل شىء الصدق مع ربك و مع نفسك و مع الأخرين.

محمد جسار
par محمد جسار , محاسب ومراجع , محاسب

مافي صفه معينه محصوره تحت الصفات الانسانيه ,,, ولكن علينا ان نجعل كل الصفات من ضمن الصفات الانسانيه سواء كان : / حليما / ذو اخلاق طيبه / امين / صادق بعيد عن الكذب / طيب / صاحب ضمير / عدم حب النفس ,,, والخ من الصفات

Utilisateur supprimé
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الاخلاق و التسامح والصدق والنظافة والامانة

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