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During push up which muscle get strength?

Question added by mahavishnusanthakumari pragadeesh [SCH-QATAR PROMETRIC and DATAFLOW PASSED] , Physiotherapist , sri Venkateshwara rehabilitation center
Date Posted: 2015/05/06
hasan joudallah
by hasan joudallah , معيد , جامعة النجاح الوطنية

Primary pectoralis major and minor , secondary muscles triceps,serratus, deltoid( infraspinetus, supraspinetus)

sana zemni
by sana zemni , chef d'entreprise , Centre SZ de Rééducation et de remise en forme

  • Pectoralis major and minor
  • Triceps Sserratus anterior & trasverse abdominals

megha Aggarwal
by megha Aggarwal , Consultant Physiotherapist , Alleanza healthcare

Pectorals, triceps, serrated anterior and abdominals

by ALHABIB MOHAMMED , طبيب عام , مجمع برج الشفاء الطبي

pectoralis major and minor muscles

محمد  سعيد حلمى السيد
by محمد سعيد حلمى السيد , أخصائى علاج طبيعى بتقدير جيد جدا مع مرتبة الشرف , بالاسكندرية

cruatch  muscle specially latissmius dorsi concentrec and pectoralis major eccentric contraction

Shady Jouini
by Shady Jouini , Advanced Physiotherpist , Eshifa’a” physical medicine and rehabilitation center

pectoral, abs, triceps and anterior deltoid

Iheb Chihi
by Iheb Chihi , Physiotherapist , RETAB

pectorals, triceps and large serrated

Hesham Mohamed Zakareia Hassan Ahmed Mohammad
by Hesham Mohamed Zakareia Hassan Ahmed Mohammad , Senior Physical Therapist , AlSeha Alfarida U Health Center

biceps and triceps

pectoralis muscles

lattissmus dorsi

deltoid muscles



serratus anterior

farqalit rabbani
by farqalit rabbani , physiotherapy Specialist , Sahab Centre for Physiotherapy & Rehab

 pectoral, deltoid,  tricep, abdominal, serratus anterior

ايمان اشرف اشرف
by ايمان اشرف اشرف , senior , alpha

shoulder stabilizers and elbwo flexors and extensors 

core muscles

خليل طالب
by خليل طالب , مدرب لياقة بدنية , نادى القمة

The front chest muscles, the quadriceps muscles, and the head muscles



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