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Is there a problem with Microsoft excel, or people found google sheets better?

Question added by Ghada Sameer , Project Manager and media executive , CQA
Date Posted: 2015/05/26
Mostafa Hassaan
by Mostafa Hassaan , Human Resources Director (HR Director) , G4S

its just new thing people try to use , as halo effect , but shortly i believe that we will back to office again

Ahmed Maher allam
by Ahmed Maher allam , Senior IT Consultant & System Admin (Lecturer & Trainier) , KGL

there is nothing called google sheet comparing it to excel, also that doesn't means excel is superior or better

Saad Kapadia FCA - CIA - CFE - CISA - CRMA-FMVA
by Saad Kapadia FCA - CIA - CFE - CISA - CRMA-FMVA , Head Of Internal Audit , Cenomi Centers

There is no alternative in terms of productivity than Microsoft Excel.

by FITAH MOHAMED , Financial Manager , FUEL AND ENERGY CO for transportion petroleum materials

I think you're doing publicity for Google Sheet

Mohammad Basheer abu ahmad
by Mohammad Basheer abu ahmad , مشرف كمبيوتر ، الإشراف على الموظفين , قطاع عام

I think depending on the skills and knowledge of each person

Musharif Hussain
by Musharif Hussain , Sr. Engineer (Instrumentation &Control) , Matiari Group

Depend on your use, online or offline? Cloud computing or non-cloud? Legal or illegal (I mean buying the software).

But Excel is best.

Abdul Wahab
by Abdul Wahab , Credit Controller , Takween Advanced Industries

Excel is vast... Depends on need.

Jayson Aglubat
by Jayson Aglubat , Graphic Designer/Information Technology , Local Government

I think not because you don't need anymore a Ms office installed on desktop and you can edit directly that saves on your online or cloud storage.

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