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What defines a great leader?

Question ajoutée par Dina Al Khatib , Product Manager ,
Date de publication: 2015/05/31
Mohammad Umair Naveed

The ability to listen, analyze and solve issues at all levels within an organization. Someone who doesnot mind rolling up the sleeves and who never hides behind the desk !!!!

Utilisateur supprimé
par Utilisateur supprimé

Doing what it takes to do the job.

أسامة حمدي أحمد فؤاد سطوحي
par أسامة حمدي أحمد فؤاد سطوحي , مدير اداري , شركة أستشارات الميكروتمويل - مشروعي إحدى شركات مجموعة غبور


First: Thank you for directing the question to attend

Great Leader is

Who can understand the variables and interact with them by type -

is able to make the right decision at the right time and activated -

 is able to take responsibility for his decisions -

 has a view Future -

listen to the opinions of others -

 Justice in applying the the principle of right and punishment -

 Non-Aligned -

 has daring -

 is able to planning and achieving the targets -

و الله ولي التوفيق 

sarmad saif
par sarmad saif , Junior Admin Officer , PakArab Fertilizers (Private) Ltd.

Great Leader set examples ,Motivate his/her Team,Give Confidence to his/her Team ,ask question in gather to get better solution or result of work,when You want a Better and Perfect Team and Team Player dont act like a Leader act like a Good Team Player thats will make you Good Leader

Remember , Team Work Makes Dream Work 

khaled elkholy
par khaled elkholy , HR MANAGER , misk for import & export

A great leader helps a group of people identify what they want and how to get it, and then influences that group, free of coercion, to take coordinated action to achieve the desired outcomes. A great leader achieves results at a level far beyond what others achieve. Consider some of the world's recent great leaders. Nelson Mandela. Steve Jobs. Mother Theresa. Bill Gates. They all used their leadership talents—diverse as they may be—to make lives better in some way: achieving freedom, making advanced technology available to all of us, improving living conditions in low-income communities, creating a global foundation that propels the idea that all lives have equal value. But what do great leaders do to achieve great results? Leadership has three building blocks. We call these three modes of behavior the3 As of Leadership. Analyzing: Figuring out what outcomes are desired and how to achieve them. Allocating: Establishing a plan to concentrate scarce resources, like money, time, and people, toward their highest and best uses, and away from areas of waste. Aligning: Influencing people to behave in a coordinated way, according to the plan, to achieve the desired outcomes. Analyzing Analyzing "feels" like studying something to understand it. It is a messy and exploratory process. It might seem like detective work. The leader generates insights through talking with people on the ground, through research, through reviewing numbers and information, through contemplating the nature of a problem or an opportunity. And then she tests hypotheses about what is real. At the end of the day, analyzing helps the leader find answers to the right questions. Questions like "Why isn't our product selling?" or "Why are so many of our children dropping out of school?" or "How do we balance the budget and keep citizens happy?" Leaders who don't spend enough time analyzing are said to leap before they look. And those who spend too much are said to suffer from analysis paralysis. Weak analyzing often leads to solving minor problems first (because it's easier to find a solution) rather than identifying the problems at the heart of the success or failure. Allocating Allocating "feels" like deciding. It requires making careful trade-offs, often difficult ones, that may affect vast numbers of people. The work of analyzing leads smoothly into the tough decisions of allocating. Data, evidence, and logic are the foundations of great decisions. Allocating incorporates all of that information—and adds judgment, instincts, and nerve. While it's logical, it's also creative. Getting the most out of the resources under your control often requires a good deal of imagination. The skill of allocating, if applied poorly, makes a leader seem erratic, or like a slash-and-burn cold-hearted tyrant. But the process of making decisions does not need to be accompanied by yelling or divisive rhetoric. The best leaders say something to the effect of, "Here are the fundamental areas on which we should focus our energy. Here is what we will achieve and by when." The best allocators are said to be "decisive" or "great prioritizers." They are willing to make tough decisions. They are willing to be innovative, to sometimes break with tradition, to overcome inertia. They are willing to put resources into high-priority new ideas that are likely to produce a large positive impact. They've already done the hard work of analyzing, and they've identified what stakeholders want and need. Now they're ready to make the best plan using the resources at hand and make the investment. Aligning Great leaders realize that little will get done if they act alone. Once a group's desired outcomes have been identified, once the way to achieve them has been defined and planned, it is time to align. To achieve the desired outcomes, great leaders influence other people to take coordinated action. They understand how a shared mission can galvanize teams and excite customers and stakeholders. Aligning "feels" like persuading. It is keeping people's sights focused on big-picture goals. Convincing people to do their jobs to the best of their ability. Motivating people to willingly and enthusiastically contribute their talents and energy to achieve results. Simply put, great leaders are persuasive and inclusive, not divisive. Great aligners clarify expectations, they make the case for why tasks are worth doing, and they follow up to make sure those tasks gets done. This aligning skill, if used to an excessive extent, makes a leader seem "too soft" or look like he "likes to be liked to a fault." Trying to make everybody happy will get you nowhere. This aligning mode, if not used at all, makes a leader seem distant, lacking empathy, or not interested in anybody's opinion but her own. You know the type. The boss who makes big changes without discussing them with anybody, ramming new plans down people's throats. People might go through the motions to execute, but nobody puts in their best effort for leaders who don't care about their teams' opinions. When leaders align well, they are said to be "inspirational" or "consensus-builders." People might commend them on being "firm but fair" in holding others accountable. Leaders with a skill for aligning also communicate well, but be careful! A great aligner is not somebody who just gives feel-good speeches. Today, I evaluate the effectiveness of any speech by the degree to which it motivated me to take action. Don't insult me with rhetoric and vagueness and reflections that assure me that you feel my pain. Instead, influence me to take action! A great aligner can motivate people to act, even when action is hard. Even when they aren't sure whether the leader's plan will succeed. Leadership skills take years of hard work to develop. The3 As of Leadership are the modes of behavior that great leaders use to achieve the best results. They are universally applicable. High performance is not achieved because of rules and laws and policies. High performance is achieved because great leaders bring people together to achieve a common goal.

Housseyn Bouchemel
par Housseyn Bouchemel , أستاذ تربية بدنية ورياضية , وزارة التربية والتعليم

 Morality - the speed to take orders-  - to consult with colleagues-political figure -

د Waleed
par د Waleed , Management - Leadership-Business Administration-HR&Training-Customer Service/Retention -Call Center , Multi Companies Categories: Auditing -Trade -Customer service -HR-IT&Internet -Training&Consultation

Many things may define a great leader, and  I would agree with these answers, and I would add that a great leader is the person who is able to make the team work towards the set goal and succeed !

Bassam AL - Mujamami
par Bassam AL - Mujamami , مدير الموارد البشرية والشئون الإدارية , Bin Mariee Group

Colin Wilson, author of "Human and his hidden forces" says : that what distinguishes the great leader is the ability to focus .. focus the will in moments of emergency and danger

Subhranshu Ganguly
par Subhranshu Ganguly , Quality Analyst. , WIPRO

Thank u for the invitation. A great leader is like a person who leads from the front. Listens to his subordinate before making policies. Does not copy paste (FYI) orders from above but also makes the subordinates voice heard to people higher up including things that do not always make them happy. 

He is not a yes man to his superiors but respected for his honest views in the long run. 

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