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What programming language do people hate the most, and why?

Question added by Rana Alnajjar , Web developer , Lebcards
Date Posted: 2015/06/03
Mohammad Basheer abu ahmad
by Mohammad Basheer abu ahmad , مشرف كمبيوتر ، الإشراف على الموظفين , قطاع عام

Maybe any programming language that don't include interface - Forms view - for user such as : COBOL

Faisal Raza Faisal
by Faisal Raza Faisal , Web Design Project Manager , Kat systems

Assembly Language as well as Per language

Ahmed Maher allam
by Ahmed Maher allam , Senior IT Consultant & System Admin (Lecturer & Trainier) , KGL

I agree with mr Mohamed also I don't like python, lisp and prolog

Jemsheer Ahmed
by Jemsheer Ahmed , Professor in Computer Science & Engineering , MEA Engineering College

Programming languages having less community support. As today's learners usually get solutions from the community.

This may be the reason for the popularity of Python

by MUHAMMAD ASIF MUHAMMAD ASIF , executive store incharge , hindustan management institute engineering nani all.

which person knoledge of basic programming his person gain. those person have not knoledge of base own gys are hte but knowledge person does not hate. 

amjad alhomidi
by amjad alhomidi , عبدالله عبد الجبار , الشركه اليمنيه للصناعه والتجاره

I cannot know what everyone thinks because every programming language has its pros and cons

Luis Marcelo
by Luis Marcelo , Machine Learning / Computer Vision , National Health Service, NHS

The programming languages that people hate the most are Delphy, Perl and VBA.

Mohammed Azharuddin
by Mohammed Azharuddin , Senior Software Engineer , Ciber Inc.

It's subjective question. It depends on the programmer why he/she hate a programming language. I personally do not like C++ with it's not so friendly pointer and straucture concepts

Aman Alshurafa
by Aman Alshurafa , Senior Program Manager , National Center for Privatization

I would say Javascript for its unpredictibility and what can be viewed as illogical logic


There are MANY examples I would spend days to cover them all. Here are a dozen of them:> '3'-21> '3'+2"32"----------------------------------------------------> null>0false> null==0false> null>=0true----------------------------------------------------> 0=="0"true> 0==[]true> "0"==[]false----------------------------------------------------> 1+'1'-'1'10----------------------------------------------------> 078+179> 077+164----------------------------------------------------> {}+""0> ""+{}"[object object]"----------------------------------------------------> 2.toFixed(2)Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token> 2 .toFixed(2)"2.00"----------------------------------------------------> [1,2,3]+[4,5,6]"1,2,34,5,6"----------------------------------------------------> {}+[]0> ({}+[])"[object object]"----------------------------------------------------> true+true===2true> true-true===0true----------------------------------------------------> 0.1+0.2==0.3false----------------------------------------------------> Math.max()>Math.min()false> Math.max()<Math.min()true


Iftikhar Khan
by Iftikhar Khan , Assistant Professor , COMSATS Institute of IT

The background of hate in this context us ones' disability in comprehending the language itself. So, which ever computer language, a person hates is becuase that person cannot understand it properly and cannot use it properly. So, there is a quote that "Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that". So, we need to work harder and had to do more examples if want to fall in love with a programming language.

Mohamed Alrshah
by Mohamed Alrshah , Technical Reviewer), , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering, Springer

Many people hate javascript and c/c++, even though all of these languages are easy to learn if you understand the abstract logic of programming concepts.Based on my experience, many people (who don't like the above-mentioned languages) never try to even read or watch an introductory material related to the said languages.

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