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Question added by syed tanveer abbas
Date Posted: 2015/06/25
Emad Mohammed said abdalla
by Emad Mohammed said abdalla , ERP & IT Software, operation general manager . , AL DOHA Company

I fully agree with the answers been added BY EXPERTS..............................Thanks.

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

sometimes in personal boss cannot be like u in personal attitude then when u work hard he already hate u, my advise let him and search for new jobs


Khaled Anwar
by Khaled Anwar , Senior Sales Engineer , "Automotive company''

I agree with the experts answers. Thank you.

khaled elkholy
by khaled elkholy , HR MANAGER , misk for import & export

5 Difficult People and How to Work With Them I believe that people are the most stressful part of any job. That sounds harsh. After all, most people are the best part of any job, providing social interaction and supporting skills. But others… well, some are so difficult to deal with that they present an obstacle to you being at your best. Wouldn’t it be so easy just to ignore them? But the truth is that to be successful in your career, you have to be able to work with difficult people effectively. Fortunately, learning how to work well with difficult people is a skill that can be learned. Here are five common colleagues people complain about. Keep in mind that you will not be able to change them and most likely you won’t even be able to exert a significant influence on their behavior. Approach these situations from the mindset of not ‘how can I change them?’ but with the mindset of ‘how can I change myself in order to work better with them?’ The Blatant Slacker The slacker simply doesn’t like to work. They push their responsibilities on to everyone else around them. They show little initiative and deadlines are merely suggestions to them. Why does this bother you? When they do produce work, to put it mildly, it embarrasses you. It requires so much effort to eek out any productivity from the slacker that often people around them give up trying and pull the extra weight themselves. The problem is, you don’t have the authority to fire them and your boss either can’t or is unwilling to do so. What can be done? Focus on your work and your work only. As a colleague, ask yourself if you are enabling their behavior by picking up some of the slack. If you are feeling pressured to “help out,” and you know this is a person who doesn’t reciprocate when the tables are turned, voice your concerns to your boss before taking on the extra responsibility. If you are their manager, this is one situation where micromanaging can be effective. Give small tasks with tight deadlines and follow-up persistently. The Well-Meaning Incompetent This person is hard working, but they are clearly underqualified for their job. They are incapable of making difficult decisions about their work and require hand-holding from the people around them. Why does this person bother you? This one is tough because it’s not so easy to blame them. Unfortunately, sometimes our best is not good enough. Motivation and effort do not make up for lack of results over the long-term. What can be done? Focus on what they can do rather than what they can’t. If you have time to help out, make sure you are teaching them how to do something rather than simply doing it for them. For managers, make sure you are not enabling. Give them honest performance feedback and don’t sugar-coat it. Let them know what skills they need to develop to be effective, and if they are unable to do so, they may need to be moved to a different position. The Fraud This one brags and over-exaggerates their accomplishments. They are more concerned with appearing to be competent, hard-working, and capable rather than actually doing so. They like to talk about work more than they like to work. Why does this person bother you? If you are annoyed by the fraud, you are probably the opposite. You like to work hard and claiming credit for that work takes a backseat. What can be done? Proactively defend yourself in a way so this person can’t claim credit for your work. If it is after-the-fact, speak up and mention your role in the project too. You need to be managing your image at work and marketing your skills and accomplishments anyway. So take some tips from the fraud—the difference being, you deserve the credit and accolades! The Hypercompetitive Peer They back-stab and stir the pot in an attempt to get themselves that promotion or raise. They are looking out for themselves and themselves only and how unfortunate if someone should get in their way. Why does this bother you? This person is difficult to work with because they have only their own interests in mind—at the expense of others and the company. What can be done? If you are the teamwork-type, you are on opposite ends of the spectrum and you must start to realize they are just wired differently than you. They are motivated and inspired by different things. Enlist their participation only when it is also in their best interests to do so and accept that they will never want to do anything for the sake of the team. If you are their boss, use their competitiveness where it can be a strength—perhaps they can compete with others or with themselves month-to-month to surpass sales goals. The Aggravating Boss Because of the dynamics at play, most people dislike their boss. Even those people who get along with their boss very well may dislike some aspects of their boss’s personality or perhaps some of their specific workplace behaviors. Fortunately, it’s not mandatory to like your boss or even be friends with them, but you do have to be able to work effectively with your boss.

Heavenly J John
by Heavenly J John , Head of the Dealership Operation , Automobile Company

It is matter of wave-length between the Boss and his / her team members. One rate the employee as A++ and the successor rate him A--- irrespective of the performance. It is the Boss who is in question and not the employee.

However, in this competitive world, Boss is right. If not, again Boss is always right. This is the reason every employee has to learn and practise KNACK or flexibility in approach. Current world appreciate who is left and not who is right.


Competent bosses are a rare variety. If you are working with a difficult boss, then you have to learn to cope with your situation.




Mohammed Asim Nehal
by Mohammed Asim Nehal , M Asim Nehal & Co , Chartered Accountants

Sooner or later the winner is not the bluffer it is the upright person.............bear with it considering - testing time.....keep patience matter how quick or short the success route appears with dishonest people the ultimate winner is one who is honest sincere and upright.

Amir Khan
by Amir Khan , Regional Manager , Sanofi Healthcare India Pvt Ltd

The answer is very simple.

1-Its not fraud doing but the people who work less but project themselves more are more likely to gain boss attention.They are always in good books of the boss.

2-Hard worker are people who Slough day in day out still they are not able to project themselves in front of their boss and they are most likely paint a negative picture in front of others Because they are so much involved in their work that they have no time to showcase or project themselves in front of the boss.

3-Many times in sales people who do lot of activities and get less sales are appreciated more than people who do not do activities inspite of their sales being more.

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by Deleted user


Hadef Masalkhi
by Hadef Masalkhi , Super Visoe , Abu Dahbi- GO TO KING, GO Sport.

Its not the same,it depends on the way the person is

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