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بماذا تختلف المجتمعات المتطورة إدارياً عن غيرها من المجتمعات؟ How developed societies differ administratively from other communities?

Question added by Deleted user
Date Posted: 2013/08/15
Hany Sewilam Abdel Hamid
by Hany Sewilam Abdel Hamid , Director of Sales and Marketing , Creative Sense

Dear Saad, One of the most common criteria for categorizing and comparing societies is the concept of development.
Scholars, policy makers, and ordinary people frequently rate countries according to their level of development, with societies often placed into categories such as developed and less developed.
This practice has been common for centuries in the Western world, and globalization has spread it internationally.
The most common differences: Thinking.
Education & Knowldge.
Following the integrated management systems.
The development of the manpower & Human Capital.
Thanks Hany Sewilam AbdelHamid Business Development Manager Thinking

Anas Yousuf
by Anas Yousuf , Senior Accountant , Siniora Gulf General Trading Company

التربية والتعليم هما السببان القويان لهذا الاختلاف

حازم عبد الحميد محمد دياب
by حازم عبد الحميد محمد دياب , technical office manager , Kased Khair

السياسة (policy)

Abdelmoneim Adam Abdelmoneimeim  Omer
by Abdelmoneim Adam Abdelmoneimeim Omer , تطوير الاعمال والتحسين المستمر , سادك للمقاولات

الدقة المهنية

والولاء للمؤسسة


Deleted user
by Deleted user

Hany summed up this question the best.
Any answer or debate of the differences would indicate a generalization of varying societies based on a number of constructed circumstances. 

Mohamed Serbah
by Mohamed Serbah , مدير تسويق ومبيعات , BARBARA PHARM LABORATORIES

المجتمعات المتطورة اداريا تتميز بالدقة والسرعة في اتخاذ القرار وتقديم الخدمات.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

for me the secret and  all solutions should be in the justice, without justice we can't do any thing.

سوسن بادع مسير الخزاعى
by سوسن بادع مسير الخزاعى , مديره قسم , زارة التربيه

التنظيم وحب اللوائح والقوانين والتمسك بالاهدافو احترام الوقت والسعى للتطور والنجاح

Deleted user
by Deleted user

تختلف المجتمعات المتطورة إدارياً عن غيرها من المجتمعات بأمور كثيرة تميزها, سأحاول ذكر بعضها: -          البعد عن الروتين.
-          البعد عن البيروقراطية.
-          احترام الوقت.
-          بناء المؤسسات.
-          احترام المؤسسات وزيادة الثقة بها.
-          تخفيض نسب البطالة.
-          تخفيض الإنفاق العام.
-          ترشيد الإنفاق.
-          التقدم العلمي.
-          تحسين السلوكيات العامة والمهنية.
-          تقدير الكفاءات والنهوض بها.
-          الاستقرار المادي والمعنوي.
-          الانضباط واحترام القوانين.
-          الوعي العام.

Muhammad Najam Janjua
by Muhammad Najam Janjua , Human Resource Consultant , Various Group of Companies

They differ in many aspects: - They follow rules.
- They care for society as well as individual.
- They are visionary and thinks ahead more than10 years.
- They carry on projects already started by previous administrators/ ministers/ regime.
- They spend less money on luxuries.
- They have equal rights for everyone and justice is provided equally either for poor or rich.
- They do research and try to reach a zero-error point.

by IRPHAN GHANI , Senior Management , A

Development of socities comes with literacy, learning and knowlege as their thought process is on a much wider spectrum.
This change in thought process enables one with much more creative and productive ideas, being realistic, understanding the importance of human potential and respect for human race.

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