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What is the advantage of STAAD V8i compare to ROBOT in terms of Design Analysis?

Question added by LITO BERNARDINO , Structural Civil Engineer , Ministry of health
Date Posted: 2015/06/30

Would you like to get a robotic representation there? I call on Iran. See our website


if robot analysis has that much advantages why every people using stad there any default in robot ? please give a clarity about analysis. tq

by SYED ABDUL HANNAN , Senior Civil Structural Engineer , Saudi Aramco Base Oil Company - Luberef

In- terms of Design STAAD ouput will be as same as our hand out manual calculations. STAAD uses Matrix Method for Analysis (Correct me if im wrong). Whereas Robot is more towards graphical user interface (GUI) side, In STAAD we know the exact error as we can check our inputs via STAAD EDITOR. That flexibility is missing in robot, but Robot has very strong tendency to generate detailed calculations +3D Render view + Detailed Reinforcement Arrangement. 

monir monir
by monir monir , Assistant Engineer , Headway Rajkomol

How easy is it to use and learn STAAD.Pro? STAAD has an intuitive graphical environment and in a recent survey,80 percent of our customers learned how to use it in under two hours. We revolutionized the concurrent use of spreadsheets, an AutoCAD-like graphical modeler, and a text-based input language editor. With over40 step-by-step movie tutorials and hundreds of examples and verification problems, even a novice computer user can become productive in a matter of days. Along with our movie tutorials, we also include an online help documentation that provides examples and explanations on hundreds of topics. In addition, we offer an unparalleled certified training program as well as on-site and in-house trainings.

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