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How do you motivate your team to achieve their goals?

Question added by Rana Alnajjar , Web developer , Lebcards
Date Posted: 2015/07/22
Amir Khan
by Amir Khan , Regional Manager , Sanofi Healthcare India Pvt Ltd

1-Give them space

2-Go for an outing with your team at least once in a quarter.

3-Show them the direction About career in the organisation and where he can be after2 years.

4-Coach them .

5-Don't always talk about sales and achievements ,it always good to ask about what's happening in their personal life It gives the teammates confidence and happy feeling.

6-Never pressurised them .

7-Reward them for good work.

8-Explore the potential in them by playing on their strength rather than criticising their weakness

9-Always try and maintain a great ethics in your team..



Mehboob Ali Laghari
by Mehboob Ali Laghari , Social Mobilization Team Incharge , TRDP-European Union

Appreciation is a great tool to motivate your employees. Appreciation has many terms in it.

Hani Al Mowallad
by Hani Al Mowallad , Director of Talent & Culture , Mövenpick Hotel & Residences Riyadh

.  there24 way to make your team achieve their goals    

1.Find out what they need

2. Be respectful

3. Stop micromanaging

4. Lead by example

5. Be personable

6. Stress your company’s purpose

7. Do what you say

8. Be decisive

9. Show emotions

10. Push their limits

11. Admit when you don’t have the answer

12. Don’t impose fear.

13. Develop future leaders from within

14. Encourage personal growth

15. Help overcome weakness

16. Hold your team accountable

17. Ask a lot of questions

18. Demonstrate knowledge

19. Be flexible

20. Understand your purpose

21. Welcome involvement

22. Get to know your team

23. Be transparent

24. Hold brainstorming sessions

25. Be accessible

You motivate your team too achieved their goals by encouraging world e.g. you can do more you are the best

Deleted user
by Deleted user

Relieve them from their Ordinary Jobs as regular Job loads and hand them Extra Cash to Resolve their own problems by personally meeting Each one of them

Nancy Refai
by Nancy Refai , Health, safety and environmental management Trainer and consultant , Freelancer

by appreciating their efforts and realising their importance to the business

ahmed sayed ahmed Abd El-Menem
by ahmed sayed ahmed Abd El-Menem , مدير جودة + مشرف انتاج + محاسب + سكرتير + أخرى , عدة شركات

Linkage between (team goals) and (the organization's goals)

Training and continuous hydration



Gayasuddin Mohammed
by Gayasuddin Mohammed , Advocate , Practicing Law before High Court at Hyderabad

Recognizing their good work

Appraising and suitably Awarding them for their good work and ideas.

Allowing them to give their opinions and solutions for the task in hand to implement and selecting the best one and praising their timely idea thereby encouraging and motivating the team to achieve their goals.


Muhammad Yousaf Khokhar
by Muhammad Yousaf Khokhar , Director Marketing And Sales , Relaxsit Private Limited

. Human being is different and has different kind of attitudes and behaviors so it is not possible to suggest single formula for all of your team members.  But with the combination of Energy, Knowledge and Skills of a motivated team you can accomplish any set target you have fixed. For having a motivated team it is you who have to demonstrate the qualities of a leader.  In my view few important actions a leader has to take are following:

1-Set the Realistic Targets

Targets should be realistic according to the potential of the area not at lower side rather with slight cushion of improvement.

2-Always Leads at the Front

Your people should feel that Bordon of achieving the targets is not only their responsibility but it is being shared by our leader.  This will definitely motivate your team to get best out of them.

3-Demonstrate your integrity

 Nothing destroys team morale and cohesiveness more quickly than a boss no one trusts.  You must be prepared to demonstrate integrity and stand up for your staff at all times.

4-Clear goals and leadership

 Structure and clear direction can reassure staff that they’re on the right track. Provide objectives so that your team members have something to work towards, rather than aiming for a nonexistent goal.

.5-Praise in the Public

 We all like praise for a job well done and taking the time to give sincere and genuine thanks to a staff member in front of their peers will boost their self-esteem. Your team members will also appreciate the fact that you’ve noticed their hard work.

6-Training for self-development

 Training is a great means of stimulation because it shows that you are prepared to invest in your team development, making them feel valued. Encourage the recipient of any training to share their new insights with the rest of the team.

7-Give Additional responsibility

 If members of your team are asking for extra tasks, and if they deserve the recognition, find ways of giving them more responsibility and rewards.

8-Improved title

 Improving someone’s title when they’ve proved their worth costs you nothing. But it can provide a confidence boost and is certainly a motivator to them and the rest of the team.

.9-Always be flexible

 If a member of staff has to take time off work unexpectedly, try to be accommodating; you’ll find they’re appreciative and will work hard to make up for lost time. They’ll also be happy to know they’re working for a gracious leader.

10-Pay your people as their worth

Always pay your team members as their worth consistent to your industry and geographic location. Don’t lose great people for underpaying.

11-Don’t Micromanage the Individuals

No one likes the boss who is constantly looking on every activity of the member. Provide your people with clear goals and then let them figure out the best way to achieve them.

12-Avoid unnecessary Meetings

Create an agenda for your meeting and distribute it among the people who really need to attend in advance.  Start the meeting in time and end it as quickly as possible.

13- Don’t Punish Upon Failures

As human beings we all make mistakes. We learn from our mistakes. When a member of your team make honest mistake, don’t punish him instead encourage him to try again.

14-Follow Up

Periodical evaluation and follow up of the goals of the individuals and the overall team is a tool every team leader should do while leading the team.  Their progress should be informed to the members individually and collectively so that they can plan further for their lack ups.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

According to  Fayol the only thing that motivate people is remuneration, so the principal is contribution Vs retribution!



Alee Iftikhar
by Alee Iftikhar , Administration & Marketing Officer , Sunrise Marketing (Pvt) Ltd

We can motivate teams in achievement of goals through our proper support and cooperation. In modern times , RESPECT is above all factors. Whenever u gave respect to your employees they exercise every possible efforts for achievement of tasks. Similarly , we can also use this philosophy "Yes you can do it" for achievement of goals through teams.


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