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What is the best way to prove to my manager that I am in-fact a team-worker?

Question ajoutée par Dana Adel , Sales Representative , Karmalite
Date de publication: 2015/08/09
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par Utilisateur supprimé

Personally I belive we can get lot of tips by reading material on topics, like.Image building, How to talk to any one, etc. There are lot of small things in day today life, which naturally shows who are you in reall life to others. BUT bottom line it is the RESULTS which you deliver,that determine whether, people accept you as team player or not. So we should concentrate on deliverying Results, rather than thinking how to prove our self to others.

Sayed Rubab Sayed
par Sayed Rubab Sayed , Finance Officer , The Next

If you try to prove to be team-player, they can only feel sorry.. but your actions do....

Hany Sewilam Abdel Hamid
par Hany Sewilam Abdel Hamid , Director of Sales and Marketing , Creative Sense

Dear Dana,


In very short answer " Do your work, in the time, in professional way " :)


That's all.




Hany Sewilam AbdelHamid

Head of Business Development | Sales & Marketing

Entrepreneurship Coach & Consultant

Digital & Social Marketing Certified Expert

par NNAMDI IHEADINDU , Business Development Manager , Lington & Bernie Consulting Limited

Be open to your team members, share idears that will enhance youcollective output and be willing at all times to assist team members eho might not be as s smart as you are in performing their duties to the extent of your ability. Try to be a source of encouragement to team members especially at times when morale is low.

karokora emmanuel
par karokora emmanuel , Senior Sales Associate and couch buddy , Landmark group

coordinating with your fellow workers to ensure each one plays his/her assigned duty and get the whole job done as a team.

Mehboob Ali Laghari
par Mehboob Ali Laghari , Social Mobilization Team Incharge , TRDP-European Union

Miss Dana Adel.............i myself never insist on people to recognize my presence or my abilities.......but rather i try to prove by my performance and sincerity i have with the organization i am working with or with my we must concentrate on performance..........

Actions speak louder than day they will admit it.......thank you for your invitation.

Vinod Jetley
par Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

1. Be Proactive: Be Willing to Learn

When you first join an organization, chances are that your boss will only ‘teach’ you what you need to know in order to do your job properly. There are many things outside your job scope that you need to learn in order to familiarize yourself with the organization.

There are also things that can’t be taught, such as unofficial or unwritten shortcuts that your boss and/or colleagues might know of when it comes to dealing with certain things or people.

For one reason or another, your boss would probably prefer that you find out these shortcuts for yourself through the course of your work or interactions with colleagues and clients. That’s where your willingness to learn will help propel your career.

Learn the hard way or Just Listen

In some cases, there are lessons that you can only acquire through experience; there’s no way to go about it but to dive in headlong and learn things the hard way. Hence, you should be proactive and be open to new experiences, be willing to try out new things, and listen to the advice from people who have been there, done that.

Your initiative is essential to your personal career groowth. If you don’t have the initiative, you’ll never ‘get it’ no matter who teaches you.

2. Be Proactive: Find Solutions

After getting acquainted with your job, you’ll find that there are certain existing loopholes or prevailing problems that have been left unsolved by the current crew. This can well be your opportunity to shine.

Seek these problems and raise the issue with your boss, but don’t stop there. Come up with some potential solutions to solve them. Even if you have yet to appreciate the scenario as much as your boss does, the fact that you’ve showed the initiative to think through them will probably impress on him or her.

Suggest but Don’t Force

Do not however make the mistake of forcing your solution into effect. Some problems prevail because of unclear reasons that you should probably figure out before you make any rash changes to the norm.

This is especially true when you are in a decision-making role, because the changes you impose to a well-established structure, no matter how flawed, will undoubtedly face resistance from parts of the organization.

Also check out: 6 Tips Towards Not Having Pointless Meetings

3. Be Responsible: Admit Your Mistakes

We make mistakes from time to time, that’s how we learn. Any decent boss will recognize this as a way of life, and will value your honesty and integrity over your ability to fess up and admit that you screwed up. Everyone can make mistakes but not everyone dare admit that they did.

Your boss may actually be happier to know that he has an employee who takes responsibility for their actions even if you feel that you have let them down.

That being said, take note that not all bosses (or management) tolerate mistakes. Therefore, it is expected of you to come up with a solution especially when the problem you have created had dire consequences.

Draw up and present a concrete plan to rectify the issue or minimize the damage caused. Even if the idea dooes not sound feasible to them, at least you have shown your efforts in trying to remedy it.

4. Be Responsible: Act on What You Say

Establish a good rep for yourself in the organization by making your promises happen. This is important if you want people to take your words seriously. Being able to deliver is a mark of reliability for you as an employee or essentially someone people work with. Your boss will entrust you with greater responsibilities as you prove that you can walk the talk.

Watch what is on your Plate

There are times when you may find it hard to keep fulfilling your promises for various reasons. For instance, you may have promised your boss to get a certain project done by a certain deadline, but other work commitments got in the way. Under such circumstances, you should consider negotiating with your boss for a lesser workload, or a later deadline to get the project done.

It’s not that straightforward all the time, so you will definitely have to weigh your options and prioritize. The bottom-line is, don’t promise what you probably can’t deliver!

5. Be a team Player: Volunteer

Offer to help your colleagues when they get overwhelmed by their workload. This will not only earn you the respect from your boss, but also from your teammates. If you prefer this approach, there are a few things you should be wary of.

First, make sure that you can cope with your own workload first before offering to help. Secondly, suffice to say that you should assume a secondary role especially when decisions are to be made. You should not assume responsibility for another person’s job.

Also be advised that when you offer your help too often, your colleagues might take this for granted and pass their work to you. You should know when to draw the line to make sure that you only help them when they are drowning in their work, not when they still have time to chat with the receptionist. One thing you can look forward to with this approach is that when you need help yourself, you know who you can turn to.

6. Be a team Player: Stay Upbeat

When morale is low in the office, everyone’s dragging their feet to work every morning. Work productivity drops, and complaints get louder day by day. If there could only be a person who turns up for work on time every day, who gives his best in his job, doesn’t complain, keeps everyone motivated with his positivity, subconsciously inspiring and lifting the spirits of even those who’ve only heard about him, he would be the life of the office.

Now, imagine if you are that person. You will be that shining beacon of light in times of chaos for others to look up to. You’ll ‘lighten’ up your working environment. For this to work, you need to have a positive attitude at work. Not only does positivity give you the energy to perform your best at work, it also distinguishes you from the rest of the crowd. You’ll not only impress the boss, you can impress everyone in the office.

7. Be a leader: Fight for your Staff

If you’re managing a group of people under you, note that your boss will assess you with a different yardstick. As the leader and decision maker of the group, you represent your team when dealing with higher authority aka the boss.

You have a greater say than your subordinates when it comes to requesting for things important to the well-being of your staff. This is where you can impress your boss and make your team members look up to you.

Be a part of the Team

Whether it is about turning away unnecessary workload for your team, or about getting a larger chunk of the resources or more benefits for your people, showing that you care enough to act on their behalf would earn you valuable points as a leader. And in return, your staff would prefer to remain under your care and supervision and will deliver and perform better.

Fight for your staff and in return, they will fight for you. And that’s how you impress your boss and become invaluable to the organization.

8. Be a Leader: Practice what you Preach

You can’t be the person setting the rules, then breaking them. Life doesn’t work that way. Lead by example, they say – actually nowadays they demand it. If you yourself demand that your team be punctual to work every day, as the leader who is seen to be more capable and reliable, you can’t be the last person to enter the office. Break the rules one time too often and it’ll just be a matter of time before your authority and power gets undermined.

Ultimately, how you behave as a leader affects the entire team you’re leading. A team is only as disciplined as how their leader is.

Khaled Anwar
par Khaled Anwar , Senior Sales Engineer , "Automotive company''

I agree with the experts answers. Thank you.

Muhammad Adeel
par Muhammad Adeel , Sales And Marketing Executive , TANZEEM HEAVY EQUIPMENT RENTAL LLC

Your performance reflects your commitment towards work and it is the prove of your work as well.. 

Ibrahim Hussein Mayaleh
par Ibrahim Hussein Mayaleh , Sales & Business Consultant and Trainer , Self-employed

You don't have to... Just let your colleagues feel it then your manager will see it

Mohsin Patel
par Mohsin Patel , Accounting Analyst , Water G.

It's matter of perspective of your manager, so it's always fickle. You need to improve your relationship with other team members from your manager's perspective and improve your chemistry with others from his/her's expectations.

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