How can you make a successful marketing plan to develop and raise the efficiency of the rest of the sections of the company at a low cost to pump more profits?
Question ajoutée par
Ahmed Saber
, Italian instructor sales Executive . travel agent consultant.Front Office Receptionist , tourism , United submarines
Date de publication: 2013/08/22
Ahmed Saber , Italian instructor sales Executive . travel agent consultant.Front Office Receptionist , tourism , United submarines
A study of the existing system the company both in the marketing department or in terms of the administration and not wasting time in a routine that would disrupt the production line and the company's sales.
Interest in raising the efficiency of marketing and sales staff and listen to their suggestions.
Dispensing with any marketing methods do not make considerable profits for the company and use the money to open roads and new markets for the marketing of the product to increase profits.
Thinking in unconventional tools for successful marketing of the product and constantly invent new ways to entice the customer to buy the product and trust it To reach the same confidence feeling by the customer when he hearing about a product known and supported global.
Does your company have a good online marketing strategy?
Appointment of a responsible person On the implementation of this plan with professionalism to ensure their implementation as required and to provide periodic reports on the extent of success achieved and the most important challenges.
Who add more answers ?
What is the product you are marketing? What is your market? I guess, it is needed while answering such a question as generic answers can't be applied in all the cases. Looking forward,