إذا كان المدير، سيكون من الأفضل التعامل معه بحكمة " تعرف على الحقوق القانونية الخاصة بك مدير الشركة. تعرف على المزيد حول حدود مديرك. صدقني لا يوجد القانون مع حلقة - الثقوب. لا تظهر انتهاك حرمة في وجهك " أنها لن تكون ذكية في الشكوى. ألا نفكر الاعتداء الجسدي ضده. لأنه ليس خصمك ولا في حلقة. الغش إلى عض لن تساعد أيضا.
If its the manager, it will be better to handle him wisely.Learn about the legal rights of yourself and your manager, the company has provided. Learn more about the limitations of your manager. Believe me, there is no law with out loop- holes. Do not show your contempt in your face.It will not be clever to go on complaining him. Never think about a physical attack against him. Because he is not your opponent and you are not in a ring. Cheating and back biting will also not help. When you do so, your reputation as a professional will go down. All I want to say is that nobody has got the rights to make things hard for any one. There are rules for that everywhere. So make friends as much as you can and also try to get into the good list of somebody senior to you. All of these can help you in your career and will also help you at times of any issue with your manager. Hope that it helps. GOD BLESS