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As a manager, would you bend the rules in some special cases for the sake of employees?

Question added by Nisreen Ahmad , dfgdhj , twst
Date Posted: 2015/09/10
Deleted user
by Deleted user

yeah, when it is necessary,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Elke Woofter
by Elke Woofter , Project Assistant , American Technical Associates

As a manager you have rules to follow ..... if it is not in direct violation of the company or corporate rule that would be exceptionable...

Like coming in at8 am when the employee has work hours from  7 am -4 pm than the work hours can be changed to8 am -5 pm  as long a40 hour week is worked ...

So you got to work around issues like people going to the doctor, taking classes at school, however you have to make sure your employees  understand not to abuse a privilege ...

Mr. Lemos got it right if it comes to rules like fighting, computer abuse going to for-bitten sites.. stealing ... is not subject to special treatment or privilege.

Our company purchased coffee for the employees ... at times our department received samples and at times we purchased from our own wages  specialty coffee with flavor ...

One of the supervisors thought it was a special treatment our department received and asked to purchase flavored coffee ...

She was upset to hear that we were not able to do so. At the end it was her fault the free coffee got eliminated for every one ... the point is not take a privilege for granted. It can be taken away...


Mohamed Hamdy Kamal Riad
by Mohamed Hamdy Kamal Riad , Senior Solution Architect , IBM

Yes If I find that rules are not fair or are old rules that need to be changed.

As a manager, I would deploy same rules of all of my employees, without any kind of discrimination and favorability, based on the organization policies.

Yaqoub Alomar
by Yaqoub Alomar , Civil Engineer , Al-Zubeir municipality

Depends on the rules. 

Work rules are like traffic rules- Some are set in stone, some are realistically flexible. 


Michael Finner
by Michael Finner , BPM Technical Writer , Belcan

My first response is yes, I would.  I'm quite sure I have interpreted the rules and the ideas behind them.  Bending the rules is fine when required.

Francisco Lemos
by Francisco Lemos , Project Manager , Coimbra City Council

what are the special cases? corruption, seduction? This is an important question that started phylosophical reflexion in the early stages of civilization:

Aristotle's Doctrine of the Mean


You don't need to read the entire article just focus on the quote: "virtue is in the surrounding mean". So if everybody would in the same circumstances bend the rules that's probably OK to do it.



Sathish Prabhu.V
by Sathish Prabhu.V , Manager - Operations & Process Improvement , Revolution Valves

Yes. I would not hesitate to bend it for the sake of good, but not without consulting my superior.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

Sure, if achieves goals, and does not violate any laws.

Housseyn Bouchemel
by Housseyn Bouchemel , أستاذ تربية بدنية ورياضية , وزارة التربية والتعليم

yes of course becuase The law is not Qur'an cream 

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

yes if i can do                 .


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